Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo obviously underestimated their opponents. Although Huang Chutian and Wang Dong were at a disadvantage in the confrontation, they were not defeated. They forgot that they were not alone!When Wang Dong smashed his hairnet and rushed towards them, it was too late for them to use their second soul ability, because this second soul ability needs a certain distance to exert its maximum power.

The two sisters looked at each other with a look of determination in their eyes. The soul rings on the two girls disappeared at the same time, and the hands that were held together were released at the same time. They actually opened their arms in the middle of the battle and embraced each other. other side.

Wang Dong was also taken aback for a moment, what are they going to do?

The next moment, the Lan sisters gave him the answer, and a huge wave of soul power far surpassed the one before bloomed in an instant. The moment Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo hugged each other, a dark blue halo emanated from them at the same time, covering their bodies. The body is covered and cannot be seen clearly.At the same time, the long hairs on the back of their heads rose at the same time, and all of them turned into a crystal clear blue. The hairs were still so slender, but when they enveloped Wang Dong again, they gave Wang Dong a different feeling. It is completely different.

The guillotine slashed the hairnet head-on, but it didn't break open instantly like before. Wang Dong only felt that he had crashed into a big net full of elasticity and tenacity. No matter how he struggled, the big net was getting tighter and tighter. .

Almost in the blink of an eye, Wang Dong was bound in it like a rice dumpling.The body is surrounded by crystal blue hair.And these overwhelming blue hairs did not just rest there, but quickly covered them in the direction of Xiao Xiao and Wang Wei.

"Martial soul fusion technique?" Xiao Xiao exclaimed, the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron quickly attacked with all its strength, the cauldron split into three in the air, and smashed towards the big net at the same time.

The so-called Martial Soul Fusion Skill is a skill launched jointly by two soul masters whose Martial Souls are extremely compatible with each other.The power of martial soul fusion skills is far greater than any soul skills of the same level, it can be said that they are no longer at the same level.And the martial soul fusion skill is something that very few soul masters can do, it can be said to be one in a million.

Among Huang Chutian's team, Huang Chutian's individual strength is naturally the strongest, but the real trump card is the Lan sisters' martial soul fusion skills!

In the previous assessments, they have been holding back, even if they lost a game, they did not use their martial soul fusion skills.However, today is the first of the last five rounds, and they dare not lose anymore.Just like Wang Wei's team is the seed team of Class [-], Huang Chutian and Lan's sisters are also the seed team of Class [-] of freshmen, and they are tasked with hitting the top three.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo embraced each other, and activated the heaven and earth net of the martial soul fusion technique.

Not to mention a great soul master at the second-ring level, even a soul master at the third-ring level, if it is just one person, it is impossible to break free from the net of heaven and earth.

The three black cauldrons were instantly engulfed by the heaven and earth net, Xiao Xiaojiao shouted, only to hear three roars resounding in the sky and earth net at the same time.

Immediately, the heaven and earth nets were slightly scattered by the shock. It was the same skill that blocked Huang Chutian's skill before, and it was also the first soul skill of Xiao Xiao Sansheng's Soul Suppressing Cauldron: Cauldron's Shock.

Different from the previous single launch, this time the three tripods were launched together, and the power was released to the maximum extent.

The secret of Xiao Xiao's Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron is that the defense is the strongest when the three tripods are combined, and the attack and soul skills are the strongest when the three tripods are separated.

However, the heaven and earth net is a martial soul fusion skill!Although the cauldron earthquake launched by Xiao Xiao with all his strength is powerful, it is still insignificant compared to the heaven and earth nets, but after being a little scattered, the heaven and earth nets have already rushed forward again, and they are about to reach Xiao Xiao.

At this moment, Wang Wei suddenly shouted, "Wang Dong."

The Tianluodiwang that had come close to Xiao Xiao seemed to be shocked by Wang Wei's voice, and suddenly stopped, and in the depths of the Tianluodiwang, a strong blue-golden light suddenly brightened.

At the same time as Wang Wei was drinking, Xiao Xiao suddenly found out in horror that the original range-based sharing of mental detection suddenly wanted to be concentrated in the center, and instantly turned into a narrow detection, piercing the core of the sky and earth net.

Not only that, Wang Wei's soul power fluctuations seemed to be rising rapidly, and there was a kind of power that she couldn't understand mixed in the soul power.In the next moment, Xiao Xiao felt as if something was passing by the side of her head, and she felt dizzy for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming net broke apart like a sea tide.


Wang Dong fell to the ground, panting heavily, obviously experiencing intense exhaustion.But the Lan sisters were even more unbearable, they both fell to the ground and passed out.

What Wang Wei just launched was his first martial spirit, the spiritual impact of one of the first soul ring skills.

On the sidelines, Wang Yan's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

When the Lan sisters launched the martial soul fusion technique, his eyes were already full of shock.He originally thought that Wang Wei and the others were doomed, but he never expected that there would be a dramatic change. Seeing that the net of heaven and earth was about to defeat the enemy, Wang Wei's team turned things around in an instant.

Wang Dong was charged, Xiao Xiao was not capable enough, and there was only one person who could change the situation of the battle.

Wang Wei!

But how did he do it?And how to break through the martial soul fusion technique?But Wang Yan couldn't imagine it at all.

The battle wasn't over yet. Although Huang Chutian was shocked when he saw the Lan sisters fell to the ground, and the heavenly network hadn't defeated the enemy, he soon came to his senses.

Wang Dong was already close to exhaustion at this time, seeing Huang Chutian rushing towards him, he barely flapped his wings and retreated quickly.At the same time, he shouted: "Xiao Xiao, the next step is up to you."

"Leave it to me." Xiao Xiao snorted, and the Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron reunited after the heaven and earth nets dispersed, and the big cauldron stood in front of Wang Dong and blocked Huang Chutian's way.

Huang Chutian threw out both fists, ruthlessly bombarding the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron, and it was the first soul skill, Vigorous Vajra Fist.

"Boom—" The black halo collided with the metal iron fist, and the Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron was instantly shaken away by three meters, but Huang Chutian also stood still, his body trembling violently.

Chapter 34 close up

The dizziness was only for a short time, and Huang Chutian soon came to his senses. This time, he didn't make a move immediately, but paused for a while to observe the situation in front of him.

Give it a go.

Huang Chutian thought to himself.

With a loud roar, Huang Chutian stomped his feet on the ground, his body jumped up quickly, and at the same time his fists were clenched above his head, the second soul ring shone brightly, and the cannon hammer of power was activated again.

Xiao Xiao put his hands together inward, and the three big cauldrons transformed by the Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron rose up at the same time and struck inward.The power of the cannon hammer of force is extraordinary, she must not let the opponent unleash the attack.

However, Huang Chutian smiled slyly. His rising body suddenly turned over in the air. Just before the three tripods coincided, he changed into a head-up and foot-down posture. The light shot out and went straight to Xiao Xiao.

Those who attack the enemy must be saved.Huang Chutian didn't believe that Xiao Xiao was willing to hurt both sides.As long as she controls the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron to return to aid, she will have the possibility to get close, and the opportunity to win will come.

Indeed, Huang Chutian's calculation was very good. If Xiao Xiao wants to resist his cannon hammer of power, he must unite the three tripods to do so.And in that case, Huang Chutian would have enough time to bully him.

However, just a moment before Huang Chutian made a move, suddenly, he felt as if his eyes were dazzled. The cannon hammer of power was released, but it turned crooked...

The yellow ball of light flew out obliquely, and with a loud bang, it shattered the partitions used to divide the assessment area, and the students who were undergoing assessment in another adjacent area could not help but look at them in shock. here.

At this time, the outcome between Wang Wei's team and Huang Chutian's team had already been decided.

Xiao Xiao was ready to return to the defense with the three tripods in one, but after the fused tripod flew back a few meters, it swung back again and hit Huang Chutian fiercely. The second soul ring on Xiao Xiao's body flickered, Huang Chutian was directly knocked out of the field under a layer of black halo, and it was Wang Yan who reached out to catch him, which prevented him from flying further away.

The black light continued to linger for more than three seconds, and Huang Chucai regained his ability to move.

This is the second soul skill of Xiao Xiao Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron Martial Soul, Cauldron Swing.

The cauldron's swing is aimed at a single target, not only can produce collision lethality, but also can make the opponent fly and stun at the same time.It can also be regarded as a control skill.Based on her current two skills, she is well-deserved to call herself a control-type battle soul master.

At the same moment just now, Wang Wei's mental interference was also activated at the same time.

Compared with Soul Shock, the power of Mental Disturbance seems to be much weaker, but don't forget that it is an area skill, and when it works, Mental Disturbance is very gentle, and it can often be attacked by the opponent without anyone noticing. Influence.Otherwise, how could Huang Chutian's cannon hammer of force, which was clearly locking the skill, miss it?

Wang Yan said: "Wang Wei's team wins." While talking, he put down Huang Chutian who was confused, and walked with him to the Lan sisters, using his soul power to help them wake up.

After the Lan sisters woke up, they only felt a splitting headache, as if thousands of steel needles were piercing their heads.

Wang Wei helped the Lan sisters up in a very gentlemanly manner, and used his boundless spiritual power to help them recover their just-wounded spiritual sea.

After all, there are still four games left for both groups.

The usury soul skill also came into effect at the same time that the Lan sisters were grateful to Wang Wei.Not to mention that Wang Wei will ask the Lan sisters to do something in return, but at least Wang Wei will be in trouble in the future, and all parties will support him.

Those who can join Shrek Academy will almost have inextricable relationships with Wang Wei in the future.

A total of six teams participated in the assessment. After Wang Wei and his team finished the game, the second game started immediately.

After the re-division of the freshman assessment, it has entered the second half, and it is also the most important moment to grab points. Every more victory, there is one more possibility to stay.Therefore, no matter which team it is, it has now started to go all out.

The previous collision between Wang Wei's team and Huang Chutian's team shocked the other four teams. They all asked themselves that they didn't have the strength, so naturally they had to score as much points as possible on other teams.And the first match was almost a lose-lose competition, which also made the assessment of this group more complicated.

Soon, all three games in the first round were over.Just as Wang Wei hoped, the consumption of the other four teams is also quite large.After all, they were not only consuming today, but also consumed a lot in the four consecutive competitions yesterday!It hadn't recovered to its best condition yet.

As a seeded team, when the second round started, Wang Wei and the others were the first to play again.This time, their opponents were replaced by three students from the fourth freshman class.

With Wang Yan's voice, the assessment began, and both sides released their martial souls at the same time.Through watching the battle before, Wang Wei and the others knew that the opponent's group consisted of three agility attack system soul masters.Take the speed route.

As soon as Wang Yan's voice sounded, the opponent's three soul masters of the agility attack department rushed out at the same time as they released their martial souls. They divided into three groups and rushed towards Xiao Xiao at the same time.

Wang Dong sat on the ground and meditated. They all saw it. As the strongest assault system soul master, he seemed to have lost his fighting power. How could they let go of such an opportunity?Although I had consumed a lot before, I went all out as soon as I came up.

Wang Yan stood on the sidelines, staring closely at Wang Wei, not letting go.He believed that without Wang Dong's help, it would be impossible for just one Xiao Xiao to defeat three opponents.Those are three agility attack system soul masters!He must find a way to see how Wang Wei did it.How to release soul skills.

Wang Wei's eyes lit up. Although the pale golden light was not obvious, Wang Yan could clearly see it.However, for a soul master, it is quite normal for the eyes to change color when releasing the martial soul.Wang Yan also saw the seemingly thin yellow soul ring around Wang Wei's feet reappear, but he still couldn't see what Wang Wei's martial soul was.

At this time, the three soul masters of the agility attack department had already moved.Three different directions, and the speed of the three people is also different, there is a slight gap. Two of them rushed to Xiao Xiao in front, and one bypassed from the side, trying to attack Wang Wei directly from behind.The cooperation is quite tacit.

Xiao Xiao kept staring straight ahead, as if ignoring them at all, raised his hands above his head, and made a gesture of supporting the sky.The Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron flew out instantly, divided into three parts in the air, and faced three opponents in three directions at the same time.

A shocking scene appeared, without Xiao Xiao watching with her eyes, her Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron divided into three blocked the only way for the three agility attack system soul masters to advance.The three soul masters of the agility attack system are all at the peak of the first ring, and their soul powers are all around the nineteenth level.Because it was launched at full strength, the speed was extremely fast, and it was too late to change its moves.He could only bump into the three big tripods abruptly.

Chapter 35

They didn't have the same level of power as Huang Chutian who had the great ape spirit before.When it hit the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron, it immediately became a mess.Even more shocking is yet to come.

Because the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron came not only quickly, but also quite suddenly, none of the three agility attack system soul masters had time to activate their soul skills.In the eyes of all the people watching the battle, Xiao Xiao's ability to split his mind into three uses is already very remarkable.It is impossible to have the spare power to control the soul skills divided into three parts to release their soul skills at the right time. After all, the three opponents come at different speeds, and there is a sequence.

However, Xiao Xiao made them see a shocking scene.Three roars sounded one after another, and the three cauldron earthquakes were launched at different positions.

All of them were launched at the moment of collision with the agility attack system soul master.So much so that the three soul masters of the agility attack system were stunned one after another when their bodies were ejected.They didn't have the physique of an assault-type battle soul master, so the dizzy time was naturally longer than Huang Chutian's before.The three Sansheng soul-suppressing cauldrons caught up with their bodies again and hit them.

"Bang, bang, bang." Facing the enemy on three sides, winning on three sides.The three figures were hit and flew out of the field at the same time.

Three black lights rose again, merged into one above Xiao Xiao's head, and quietly disappeared with the retraction of her martial soul.

The audience was silent, and the victory led by Xiao Xiao was even more shocking than the previous one. The whole battle took less than half a minute.Relying on her own strength, she forcibly overwhelmed the three opponents of the Agile Attack Department, not even allowing them to cross the half court, fighting in three directions, and winning in all three directions.

Wang Yan had personally witnessed all the previous assessments by Wang Wei's team. In his heart, the strongest of the three-person team was naturally Wang Dong, and the most mysterious and calmest was Wang Wei.Xiao Xiao's weapon spirit seems to be good, but relatively speaking, it is more inclined to half assist and half control.In his mind, he fell behind instead.

And at this moment just now, Xiao Xiao used her strength to prove to Wang Yan that she also has a pivotal position in the three-person team.Wang Yan couldn't imagine that a girl who was only about 11 years old could be so calm and accurate on the battlefield to judge all the enemy's attack lines and hit them hard.Even a control system soul master at the level of the four-ring soul sect may not be able to block, control, and retreat the enemy so smoothly.How did a little girl like her do it?

The other groups originally looked at Wang Wei and the others who were exhausted in the first match and thought they could take advantage of it, but now they have no idea in their minds.Among the three of them, two are capable of single-handedly fighting against a group of people!Too tough.

The group of the Lan sisters also won because Wang Wei healed their mentally traumatized injuries.Although Huang Chutian was injured by Wang Dong's wing knife and consumed a lot of soul power, but the Lan sisters joined forces, it was enough to defeat their three eighteenth-level soul master opponents.

And the Lan sisters felt much more grateful to Wang Wei, and their love for Wang Wei also arose, no longer at the beginning when they liked Wang Dong because of their looks, but because of Wang Wei's gentlemanly demeanor. A little favor.

For the rest of the game, Wang Wei and the three entered a virtuous circle. No one was willing to confront them head-on, and they all tried their best to save their strength to deal with others when confronting them.In the next three games, they won very easily.Especially in the fourth match, Wang Dong's soul power had fully recovered, and he and Xiao Xiao stood in front of Wang Wei.The opponent just surrendered after a symbolic confrontation.

In the end, Wang Wei's team, representing the first class of freshmen, won all ten games in the round robin stage and won the best result in the region.

The second place is naturally Huang Chutian's team, which has won nine out of ten games. With such a result, it is not a big problem to be ranked in the top 32.

The round-robin rounds were all over, and Wang Yan finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Wang Wei, the three of you stay here for a while." The other teams went back to rest, but Wang Wei and the three were stopped by him.

"Teacher Wang." Wang Wei came to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan nodded to him, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to you for achieving a perfect score in the freshman assessment round-robin competition. There are probably no more than ten teams that can achieve such a result in the freshman assessment. You are indeed very strong. But , I have always been curious, Wang Wei, as the team leader, what exactly is a martial spirit? Although I can't see what you have done in battle, I believe that you are the core of this team .Am I right?"

Wang Wei was stunned for a moment, and said: "Mr. Wang is over the award. We can get such a good result because of Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao's strength. I'm just a foil."

Wang Yan smiled slightly, and said, "You don't have to be humble. If you don't have enough strength, I don't really believe that talents like Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao will let you be the team leader."

"My Martial Soul is Spirit Eye, I have indeed hidden a lot of strength, I have a showdown." Wang Wei waved his hand and said.

"Spiritual eyes? Your martial spirit is the eyes?" Wang Yan's reaction was much bigger than Wang Wei imagined.After listening to Wang Wei's explanation, he was so excited that he almost jumped up.Looking at Wang Wei excitedly.

Wang Yan took a deep breath, and asked nervously, "Your martial soul is your eyes, so are you from the ontology sect?"

"No." Wang Wei said calmly.

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