It seems that most of them are far away from 20 years old.Their youth can be fully seen without evaluating bone age.Only the front seven looked old enough.But they all wore cloaks, covering their faces.

For most of the academies, they are now secretly praying in their hearts, don't run into such strong people as Shrek Academy or Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy in the first round, otherwise it is almost equivalent to announcing that they have been defeated. Knocked out.

The participating team members of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy stood behind the Shrek Academy.This also makes it easier for them to observe the Shrek Academy students in front.

The youngest in Shrek Academy are Ning Tian, ​​Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao and others.Huo Yuhao was better, but Wang Dong and Ning Tian still had a bit of childishness on their faces.There is also Xiao Xiao, who is short in stature and looks like a little girl.Even that haughty Xiao Hongchen was full of doubts in his heart at this moment, what exactly was Shrek Academy sending out such a lineup for?

It took nearly half an hour for the audience to enter the arena, and the number of people was too many.

The originally empty Star Luo Plaza was already full of people.Fortunately, there are some iron fences to block and divide them into areas, coupled with the maintenance of order by soldiers, it doesn't seem so chaotic.

At this time, it was already three poles in the sun.

"Quiet." A loud voice suddenly spread throughout the audience.Hearing this voice, all the soldiers stood at attention and held up their spears at the same time.

Immediately, a murderous atmosphere spread throughout the audience.The noisy Star Luo Plaza suddenly became quiet.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here."

"Wow!" The crowd suddenly fell to their knees in large groups, and tens of thousands of people made the same neat movements at the same time. The scene was indeed extremely spectacular.

The soldiers knelt on one knee, and all participating academies had been notified accurately before that they were allowed not to kneel, but they had to bow ninety degrees to show their respect for the emperor.

"Everyone, let's go to peace." The voice of the emperor of the Star Luo Empire was amplified and transmitted by the amplified soul guide.Only then did the people stand up one after another, and the students of the participating academies also straightened their backs.All eyes were on the head of the imperial city directly ahead.

Emperor Xingluo had brought his empress and all the civil and military officials to the front of the city, looking at his people softly but still dignifiedly.

"The Soul Fighting Competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy is the most important event in the world of soul masters in the Douluo Continent. I am very happy that it is our turn to hold this session in the Star Luo Empire. Here, on behalf of the Star Luo Empire, I welcome you from afar. Representatives from various academies headed by Shrek Academy came here. I hope you will show your due demeanor in the next month's competition."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." 130 The leaders and students of the three colleges bowed again.

Emperor Xing Luo also smiled and nodded in their direction.

"Okay, I announce that the Soul Fighting Competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy has officially begun." With the loud announcement of Emperor Xingluo, the curtain of this grand event was unveiled.

"Long live, long live, long live!" The crowd shouted in unison.Emotions were mobilized almost instantly.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..." The roar of the salute sounded from the top of the city, and it lasted for [-] rounds before it stopped.Star Luo Plaza has become a sea of ​​excitement and cheers.

Emperor Xingluo led all the officials back slightly, the seats had been set up, he sat down with the empress, and waved to the prime minister next to him.The prime minister immediately understood and gave his subordinates the order to start the competition.

Emperor Xingluo led all the officials back slightly, the seats had been set up, he sat down with the empress, and waved to the prime minister next to him.The prime minister immediately understood and gave his subordinates the order to start the competition.

The previous loud voice suddenly sounded again, "According to the competition rules of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, the first round will be an elimination round. For this competition, there are a total of 130 advanced soul masters and soul engineer academies registered. .After drawing lots, one of them has a bye in the first round. A total of 66 games will be played. The first round is a knockout game. The loser will directly end the journey of this competition. Next, the first game will start immediately. The two sides of the game, They are the representative team of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy from the Dou Ling Empire, and the Shrek Academy representative team of the No. [-] Academy in the mainland, which has won countless honors and almost won all the championships in the past thousand years."

With the announcement made by the host of the competition, the atmosphere in the entire Star Luo Plaza suddenly boiled to its peak.

"Shrek, Shrek, Shrek..."

The voice calling Shrek Academy resounded almost every corner of the square.

Faced with such a situation, the seven members of the reserve team who were about to play were a little dumbfounded. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation and situation.For a moment, everyone looked a little pale.This is hundreds of thousands of viewers!If, if they lost this match and Shrek Academy was eliminated, they couldn't imagine that kind of situation at all.

"Everyone, don't panic. This is the mouth of glory that belongs to our Shrek Academy, and it will soon belong to you. Back then, in the last competition, we also faced such a situation. What I can tell you is that our The opponent will definitely be ten times more nervous and panicked than us, because we are Shrek Academy." Ma Xiaotao's voice reached the ears of every reserve team member.

Dai Yueheng immediately interjected: "Xiaotao is right. These cheers are for us, they are the glory of our Shrek Academy. What is needed now is your explosion. Once you take the stage, use your strength to prove our strength to everyone. The strength of Shrek Academy. Go ahead. Straighten your chests and use your best mental outlook to reward these supporters."

With the encouragement of the two seniors, the excited mood of the crowd calmed down a bit, but everyone's palms were still sweating.Of course they don't know that in the history of Shrek Academy, there has never been a reserve player who appeared in the first round.Because this first match represented the face of Shrek Academy, and it was the first time for the reserve team members to face such an enthusiastic audience, so it would definitely affect their minds.Therefore, in the first game, all the main players must play.

Chapter 98 debut

At this moment, the voice of the host of the competition sounded, "Let's first invite the players from Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy to play."

At a relatively rear position in the player area, a group of pale-faced young players came out.When they walked out of the player area, it seemed that even their footsteps were a little wobbly.

Ma Xiaotao smiled "puchi", and said to Huo Yuhao and the others: "Look, this is your opponent. Have you noticed? Some people's calves are sifting through chaff. The reputation of Shrek Academy does place a heavy responsibility on you, a burden." Heavy. However, the glory of our Shrek Academy is also one of your most beneficial weapons. Use your courage and strength, Shrek, you will surely win."

While speaking, Ma Xiaotao had strode up to Beibei and stretched out her right hand.Others stepped forward one after another.Fourteen right hands together.

Wang Yan said in a low voice: "Huo Yuhao, you will be in charge of commanding the battle after taking the stage. Others must share and mobilize according to his spiritual detection. Yuhao, if possible, make good use of your second soul ability."

Huo Yuhao nodded, and said, "Teacher Wang, I understand. Seniors, don't worry. We won't embarrass Shrek. Shrek will win."

Looking at Huo Yuhao's firm eyes, and hearing the word "Shrek", every member of the reserve team could feel the blood rushing up in their bodies.Yes, they are members of Shrek Academy, and they represent the glory of Shrek Academy for thousands of years.Opponents only fear them.What they have to do is to defeat all those who stand in their way.

"Okay, the members of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy have already appeared. At this moment of great attention, next, let us invite the first academy in the mainland, the real king of the academy, the Shrek Academy team to appear." Host The high-pitched voice pierced into the clouds, and the Star Luo Square suddenly became a sea of ​​cheering Shrek.

Even Emperor Xingluo, who was sitting on the top of the wall watching the battle, couldn't help but stand up, with a look of excitement on his face.And who knew that when he was the prince, he had studied in Shrek Academy under a pseudonym?Until now, he still loves someone deeply in his heart, the one who still stays in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy...

Fifteen hands shook vigorously, and when Beibei raised her head again, the lazy smile on her face had disappeared, replaced by a resolute fortitude.He strode towards the competition platform with great strides.

Xu Sanshi followed behind Beibei, followed by Jiang Nannan, Ning Tian, ​​Xiao Xiao, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong.

Yes, at this moment, the seven of them represent Shrek Academy, and at this moment, they are the Seven Shrek Monsters of this generation.

Amid the cheers, everyone's breathing was a little short, and their faces were even flushed. Amidst the excitement, the soul power in their bodies was running at high speed, and everyone felt as if they had inexhaustible strength.

Finally, the high platform is in front of you.Beibei didn't go directly to the high stage, but turned to his partners, and said in a deep voice: "This time, we not only want to win, but also win beautifully. We must play the brilliance that belongs to our Shrek Academy. Yuhao, please .”

Huo Yuhao nodded vigorously, of course he understood what the elder brother said.

Only then did Beibei turn around again, and stepped onto the high platform in front of her with vigorous steps.

The seven people from both sides gathered at a corner of the competition stage, looking at each other from afar.When the students of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy saw such a young lineup sent by Shrek Academy, they couldn't help being stunned.Is this the Shrek academy reserve team coming up?But, this is a knockout round!Are they not afraid?

Also in doubt were everyone watching the match, even all participating academies.Even the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Xiao Hongchen even doubted his own judgment.This Shrek Academy is too bold, no matter how strong they are, they send out this team of students whose average age is less than 15 years old, and there are even students who look like eleven or twelve years old.Can you win the academy where everyone is close to 20 years old?There is no chance of losing in the knockout round!

Emperor Xing Luo also had a look of astonishment on his face, and asked in confusion: "What is Shrek Academy doing here? Why didn't they send out the main force?"

A game is a game, no matter how many doubts arise.The game is still going on.

The referee sent by Star Luo Empire is already in place.Make a two-way forward gesture.

The seven students on both sides quickly gathered in the center of the venue.The closer they got, the Shrek Seven Devils could see the opponent's ugly face even more.Countless history in the past has proved what the result of encountering Shrek Academy in the first round was.

And the students of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy also discovered that the age of Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, and Ning Tian attracted their attention because they were so close.What's more, Beibei and the others are obviously smaller!Undoubtedly this is a reserve team.And it is a reserve team whose average age is much lower than 15 years old.Shrek Academy really deserves the title of Monster Academy, what exactly are they going to do?

The referee said in a deep voice: "The first round, knockout round, team battle. Both sides can use most of the soul tools to compete. But in the process of combat, if one side admits defeat, the other side must not continue to attack. Soul engineers cannot use fixed equipment Soul guides and other high-destructive equipment to fight. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Beibei took the lead in answering with a sullen face.

The captain of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy is a slender young man who looks about 20 years old, among the seven opponents.In other words, his expression is relatively normal.Also followed Beibei agreed soon.

Even though they were only facing the reserve team of Shrek Academy, as Ma Xiaotao said, Shrek Academy's reputation itself was a powerful weapon.Looking at the aggressive eyes of Huo Yuhao and the others.The students of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy felt even more guilty.

The referee nodded and said: "Okay, both sides retreat to the sides of the field. Listen to my order to start the game. Before I announce the start, no one is allowed to release the martial spirit in advance. Otherwise, they will be sentenced to lose."

The two sides slowly opened up the distance. During the process of retreating, Huo Yuhao turned around and said in a low voice: "Everyone listen to my arrangement of positions later. Then fight according to my mental detection."

On the other side, the Heavenly Spirit Empire was also making final deployments during its retreat.Soon, the two sides reached the edge of the field.

The referee standing in the center of the field slowly raised his right hand.At this moment, Xingluo Plaza, which had tens of thousands of people, fell silent instantly.Everyone stared wide-eyed at the wide competition stage.

This is the first match, the first knockout match, and it's even a match with the number one academy in the mainland participating!Although the participating players of Shrek Academy are so young, they still represent the glory of Shrek.Everyone wants to see what they will show.

Chapter 99 Overwhelming Victory

One hundred and eight metal pillars radiated light at the same time, and suddenly, white lights shot up into the sky, drawing arcs and converging towards the air.Finally gathered in the air 20 meters from the top of the competition platform.

When all the one hundred and eight rays of light gathered together.A layer of white light curtain suddenly swayed down, covering the entire competition platform.The shield is complete.This also means that the first competition of this year's Soul Fighting Competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy is about to begin.

Here at Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy.Seven people lined up quickly, typical traditional standing.The three soul masters are in front, and it looks like they are of the attack type or the defense type.The two soul masters are slightly behind on both sides, and they should be of the agility attack department.At the end is also the two soul masters in the center, one in front and one behind.According to the traditional layout, they should be control system soul masters and auxiliary system soul masters respectively.

This is the best seven-man arrangement that has been tested in countless battles.If the focus is on offense, the first three should all be attack-type; if the focus is on defense and stability, then there will be one or two defense-type soul masters.

This traditional formation is also known as the three, two, one, one formation.

However, at the moment, not many people really set their sights on the Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy.Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on Shrek's side.And their gaze also caused bursts of exclamation from their mouths unconsciously.And the ones who made the most exclamations were the more than 100 senior college teams participating in this competition.Because Shrek Academy put up a formation that they couldn't understand at all.

Huo Yuhao stood at the front of the formation, his childish face was full of arrogance.The other six people were all behind him, maintaining a fan shape, protruding him out like stars around the moon.

What formation is this called?

The high-level soul master academies that can come to participate in the competition all have a certain reputation in the mainland, and each has research on the tactics of soul masters.But no academy has ever studied this formation.

The appearance of this formation gave people only one feeling, that is, the other six people were supporting Huo Yuhao, as if they were only letting him fight alone.What an incomprehensible scene this is!After Shrek Academy sent out the reserve team, it gave everyone a new shock.

Even the referee was a little dumbfounded.Those who can serve as referees for this competition are naturally high-ranking soul masters selected by the Star Luo Empire.

The host of each competition is a big empire, and this is also the time for the country to show its national strength to these outstanding talents from various academies.Nature will do her best.But this referee has never seen a team battle with this formation!So much so that his raised right hand forgot to come down.

"Referee, let's start." Huo Yuhao said to the referee very calmly.

He was not very old, and even his voice was a little hoarse because he had just reached the age of voice change, but at this moment, he was standing at the forefront, but he had already become the focus of everyone's attention.

Only then did the referee come to his senses, his raised right hand came down, and he shouted, "The game begins." No matter what formation, for him, it was enough to ensure the smooth progress of the game.

Accompanied by the referee's shout, the students from both sides released their martial spirits almost at the same time.

The seven people on the side of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy really can't be considered weak.The halo, dominated by yellow and purple, exudes dazzling brilliance.Among the seven people, five are of the fourth ring level, and only two are of the third ring level.The four soul rings of the leading young man looked dazzling, obviously his cultivation base had reached the realm of the late Soul Sect.To reach this level at the age of 20 is quite impressive.

However, at this time, no one will pay attention to the situation of Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy.The sights of all the spectators were almost focused on the Shrek Academy side, more precisely, they were all focused on Huo Yuhao who had strode forward.

At this time, an indescribable terrifying aura appeared on the competition stage so brazenly.

The blood-red light illuminated the entire competition stage in an instant.The breath full of coldness, cruelty, killing, madness and other terrifying flavors suddenly erupted.

One gold, four blacks, two reds, the coercion suddenly appeared, and the seven rings came!

What does red mean?It means the pinnacle of the soul ring, it means the power of the terrifying level, it means, 10 years!

Two 10-year spirit rings appearing on one person at the same time, this is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.Shouts of exclamation resounded from tens of thousands of people at the same time like a stormy sea.The deafening feeling was too strong.Even His Majesty the Emperor, Empress, and civil and military officials of the Star Luo Empire on the top of the city stood up in shock.

The first thought that came to everyone's mind was that it was impossible, it was impossible to have this kind of soul sage realm, double 10-year soul rings, let alone such a young child.However, the breath of 10 years is so terrifying and so real.What's more, in the hearts of many people, Shrek Academy has long been a mythical existence!

One of the two blood-colored soul rings suddenly burst into light at this moment.The students of the seven Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy on the opposite side snorted almost at the same time.

For the audience in the audience, the sudden appearance of two 10-year soul rings was so shocking, let alone the students of Tianling Academy who were already extremely nervous on the stage.

When they felt the terrifying aura, almost everyone backed away quickly.concentrated together.And that weird mental disturbance appeared at this moment.

The emotions were already extremely tense, coupled with the visual stimulation, these students of Tianling College were only a short distance away from mental collapse.After being slightly stimulated, they were like frightened birds. Everyone's eyes showed fear, and their bodies froze directly under the influence of mental interference.

The coercion of the soul sage realm descended.

All the contestants of the Tianling students were crushed to the ground.The colorful lights burst out on his body.It seems that the soul guides that protect the body have exploded.

Huo Yuhao stood with his hands behind his back.His eyes were full of arrogance, and he said lightly to the dumbfounded referee: "The game is over."

"Ah?" The referee only reacted.The one hundred and eight soul masters responsible for protecting the competition platform also withdrew their soul power one after another.Obviously, the game is indeed over.

The Xingluo Square, which fully accommodated hundreds of thousands of spectators, including the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, civil and military officials, and more than 100 other high-level soul masters and soul engineering colleges, was completely silent at this moment.

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