Lin Yun nodded and said.

"If you want to find a girlfriend within three days, the difficulty and skinning are not too much."

Lu Zhanbo said unconvinced.

"You wait, I'll go there now!"

Looking at Lu Zhanbo's back, Lin Yun said with a smile.

"I guess Zhanbo will definitely fail this time!"

Lu Ziqiao asked suspiciously.

"Why are you so sure? What if that woman likes to be stupid?"

Lin Yun turned his head and smiled.

"Because the zipper of Zhanbo's pants is not pulled..."

After a while, Lu Zhanbo walked over with his head down and a depressed face.

"Lin Yun, Zi Qiao, I didn't zip up, why don't you remind me!"

Lin Yun joked.

"I thought what kind of tactics you were doing, so I didn't dare to intervene."

"How about it, do you want to get the contact information?"

Lu Ziqiao waved his hand and said.

"Then there's no need to think about it, it's not bad every time someone treats you as a pervert!"

"I still want contact information, dream!"

The next moment, Lu Zhanbo said suddenly.

"I haven't. She said I look like her cousin who died many years ago."

"It's also for this reason that the two of us exchanged contact information with each other."

Lu Ziqiao shouted in disbelief.

"` "This shit is fine too, the author is on drugs! "

Lin Yun asked.

"Zhanbo, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Zhanbo said proudly.

"She said she would leave later."

"When she comes first, she will call me!"

"You guys talk first, I'll go back to my room first!!"

Lin Yun asked suspiciously.

"Where can't you wait for the phone call? Why do you have to go back to your room and wait?"

Lu Zhanbo said awkwardly.

"When she asked me for contact information just now, my mind went blank."

"So I had to leave the landline number of suite 3601 to her."

"Stop talking, if I miss her call, it will appear that I am rude!"

After speaking, Lu Zhanbo ran towards the suite in a panic.

Lu Ziqiao and Lin Yun looked at each other and said in unison.

"Outrageous, it's outrageous!"

After chatting with Lu Ziqiao for a while, Lin Yun got up to go to the radio station.

Lin Yun's current habit is that the office drives the car provided by the office to and from work, and only when Lin Yun usually goes out by himself will he drive a sports car.

After Lin Yun sat in the driver's seat, Yingying also took human form and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Yingying asked.

"Master, why is Lu Zhanbo's matter so troublesome?"

"You can send Yingying there and pretend to be his girlfriend for a few days."

Lin Yun turned his head and said.

"If you say, money, car and other belongings, you can lend him a few days."

"Have you ever seen someone who lent his girlfriend to others to pretend to be his girlfriend!"

"Anyway, I can't do this kind of thing, I'm narrow-minded."

Yingying covered her mouth and smiled.

"No wonder the master stopped Mistress Yifei, it seems that's the reason too!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"This is really not the case. I stopped Yifei because I was afraid that Zhao Wuliang would accidentally offend them."

"She got angry and dismantled Zhanbo Company."

"Don't doubt, she can do this kind of thing.".

Chapter 120 The third is being teased (please customize!)

Saturday morning, suite 3601.

Zeng Xiaoxian walked out of his room, just in time to see Lu Zhanbo rubbing his hands against the phone flies.

Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously.

"Zhanbo, you don't want to move this phone with your mind, do you?"

Lu Zhanbo shook his head and said.

"No, I'm preparing to call her, I'm brewing now!"

Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously.

"Who is this it?"

"Male he or female she?"

Lu Zhanbo said hastily.

"Of course it's a girl!"

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted in surprise.

"What, you are planning to call a woman?!"

The next moment, Hu Yifei turned directly into the house from the balcony.

"What! Zhanbo, you have a girlfriend?!"

Lu Zhanbo rolled his eyes and said.

"Sister, your ears are really good."

"I'm talking here, can you hear me in 3603?"

Hu Yifei said proudly.

"Of course, the two of us are siblings, and we have telepathy!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said suspiciously.

"Aren't you brothers and sisters?"

Hu Yifei said with reason.

"The family affection is in place, can't you unlock the new talent?!"

"Zhanbo, tell me quickly how you tricked 247 into that girl."

Lu Zhanbo said angrily.

"What is cheating? I went to strike up a conversation with her seriously, and exchanged contact information with her, okay?"

Hu Yifei said in surprise.

"Wow, Zhanbo, you have been cured of the hidden danger of lack of heart?"

"Did Lin Yun give you something to eat?"

Lu Zhanbo waved his hand and said.

"No! This time without the help of Zi Qiao and Lin Yun!"

"It's entirely my own success."

"The girl said she would call me, but I think I'm a boy, so I should take the initiative."

"Sister, are you right?"

Hu Yifei raised her hand and interrupted.

"Hold on!"

The next moment, Hu Yifei directly took out three sticks of incense from the drawer and muttered to the corner.

"Thanks to the ancestors of our family, Zhanbo finally realized that he is a man!"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed.

"Yi Fei, what do you ask Jay Chou for?!"

Hu Yifei replied angrily.

"Leave me alone!"

"Zhanbo, call quickly, I want to witness this historic moment!"

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