Seeing that Lin Yun seemed to be a little drunk, Chen Meijia said hastily.

"Lin Yun, would you like another drink?"

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"You treat me like a wine barrel, I'll be full if I drink more."

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Seeing this, Chen Meijia hurriedly gave Xinling a look, and Xinling said hastily.

"Brother Lin, didn't you agree to help me review the cocktails prepared by the two of us!"

"You finished Meijia's cocktail, but you haven't had mine yet!"

After finishing speaking, a glass full of wine was pushed to Lin Yun again.

Lin Yun said with a sigh.

"Just this one cup, I won't drink any more!"

"If you drink any more, you'll be drinking a donkey!"

Afterwards, Lin Yun drank tons of wine into his stomach, and his complexion became rosy.

Chen Meijia stepped forward to support Lin Yun's arm, and said softly.

"Lin Yun, are you drunk? How about I take you back to the suite to rest?"

Although Lin Yun felt the swell of alcohol, he continued to speak.

. . . . . . .

"It's okay, it's just a little wine, it's nothing to me!"

At this moment, everyone in the party began to move closer in one direction.

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"What's going on here, let's go and see!"

Xinling turned her head and whispered.

"This is not drunk!"

Chen Meijia said viciously.

"I have to find another chance to drink him again!"

Soon the three of them got close and saw a girl dancing hot dance in the middle of the crowd.

At this moment, Hu Yifei's voice came from the side.

"I am the master here, how dare she smash my place!"

Lin Yun turned his head and asked with his tongue out.

"Yifei, what's wrong with you?!"

Hu Yifei said angrily.

"Someone dares to steal my limelight, I plan to let her know what a party queen is!"

With that said, Hu Yifei dragged Lin Yun directly into the arena.

At this moment, Lin Yun had only one thought in his mind.

"Fuck, I've become a chair..."

After the two came to the arena, they threw away their coats and danced around Lin Yun.

Lin Yun was also the little prince of the party back then, especially in this state of drunkenness, he immediately pulled Hu Yifei into his arms.

Afterwards, Lin Yun and Hu Yifei performed a hot duet Latin dance in front of everyone.

Lin Wanyu said in surprise.

"Feifei is so amazing!!"

Soon, a dance ended, Lin Yun held a rose in his mouth, and passed it to Hu Yifei mouth to mouth.

Hu Yifei took the rose with her mouth like a queen, and then the two circled around the field amidst the cheers of the crowd, celebrating their victory.

Chapter 130 I finally succeeded (please customize!)

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Lin Yun wrapped his arms around Hu Yifei and ended up contented.

Hu Yifei turned her head and asked.

"I really didn't expect that you can still dance?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"There are still many things you don't know..."

At this moment, Chen Meijia suddenly came over and said.

"I'm thirsty after dancing, come and drink some wine to quench my thirst."

Lin Yun took the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Vigorous exercise caused Lin Yun's blood circulation to speed up. If Lin Yun was only slightly drunk just now, after drinking this glass of wine, Lin Yun was really drunk.

Just when Chen Meijia thought of stepping forward to make the next move, a figure suddenly appeared behind her.

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted excitedly.

"Lin Yun! You guys are going too far!"

"Trick me into watching a show that kills me, and you're having a party at home!"

Lin Yun said with his tongue out.

"Zeng Lao's "[-]" teacher, we are also forced."

"The mastermind is Zi Qiao, go find him."

Hu Yifei nodded and said.

"Yeah, we thought you knew?"

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted in despair.

"I know a magic horse!"

"No one informed me at all..."

Xinling asked curiously.

"Teacher Zeng, how was the performance of those old people?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said excitedly.

"How about it?"

"Do you know? You missed the most meaningful three hours in the history of Chinese drama!"

"These three hours, great, great, simply incomparable great!"

Guan Gu asked curiously.

"real or fake?"

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted angrily.

"Of course it's fake!"

"It killed me in the first 10 minutes!"

"Now my whole soul has been sublimated..."

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Lin Yun said with his tongue out.

"Teacher Zeng, this is really an accident!"

"I really don't think of you, or I will definitely notify you."

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted excitedly.

"I'll tell you what a real accident is!"

"Or that pirate captain accidentally chopped off his insulin infusion tube, and I've been kept in the dark by you!"

Lin Yun put his arms around Zeng Xiaoxian and said with a smile.

"Teacher Zeng, don't get excited!"

"Look how excited our party is now!"

"Meijia, get Teacher Zeng a glass of wine!"

Lin Yun raised his wine glass and said.

"Come to Teacher Zeng, let's have a drink together."

"Just treat it as an apology for you. After you drink this cup, go find Lu Ziqiao with a knife!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lin Yun clinked glasses, and then drank the wine in the glasses.

Zeng Xiaoxian turned his head and said.

"This wine is a bit over the top."

After finishing speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian, who had just had a drink, staggered towards the balcony.

Lin Yun hiccupped, turned around and said,

"You play first, I have to find a place to rest for a while."

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