"Zi Qiao, what are you doing?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a bitter face.

"Can the female hero repay the money for two days, I really have a lot of money now-yu."

Lin Wanyu waved his hand and said.

"That was not what I meant……",

Lu Ziqiao said hastily.

"If you are really in a hurry to use it, I can take care of Lin Yun, or borrow Yifei."

"As long as they can lend it to me, I'll give it back to you first, how about it?!"

Lin Wanyu rolled her eyes and said.

"Even if you want to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, can't you change the house?"

Lu Ziqiao said hastily.

"Then I'll ask Qiqi later to see if she is willing to lend me money."

Lin Wanyu asked doubtfully.

"and many more!"

"Who is this Kiki?"

Lu Ziqiao explained.

"It's a new girl I met."

Lin Wanyu suddenly said.


"Where is she better than Annie? Is she more beautiful than Annie, or is she better than Annie?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

"The two of them are about the same, at most, they are only 55, and there is no difference between them."

Lin Wanyu asked.

"Then why did you break up with Anne?!"

Lu Ziqiao asked back.

"Could it be that I, Lu Ziqiao, are such a superficial man in your heart?",

Lin Wanyu nodded and said.


Lu Ziqiao stood up unconvinced.

"Hey, let me emphasize!"

"I'm not just sexy, but emotional."

"When the feeling comes, it comes with a swish, but when the feeling is gone, it stabs and it goes away."

Lin Wanyu asked with a sigh.

"Then your affection for Annie slipped away?"

Lu Ziqiao nodded and said.

"Annie is different! My feelings for her are more sincere."

"That's why it takes a long time to stab before slipping away."

Lin Wanyu asked.

"What's the reason?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a face of embarrassment.

"Wan Yu, don't force me!"

Lin Wanyu asked persistently.

"Annie is my good sister, unless you give me a decent explanation, otherwise..."

"You told me to borrow 800 yuan three times in total, plus interest, late fees, income tax..."

Lu Ziqiao begged for mercy directly.

"Isn't it okay for me to report the truth!"

"I'll only tell you one thing, but you must never tell others, especially Lin Yun, and you must never let him know!"

Lin Wanyu nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep it a secret for you!"

Lu Ziqiao said with a bitter face.

"You know how long I've been dating Annie."

"It's a lot of money, but I didn't even hit second base!"

Lin Wanyu said suspiciously.

"What does second base mean?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a sigh.

"It's just...hugs and kisses."

Lin Wanyu said in surprise.

"No way..."


Lin Yun pushed a cut steak in front of Tang Youyou.

Tang Youyou ate the steak in small bites, did he sneak a few glances at Lin Yun.

Relatively speaking, Lin Yun looked much more magnanimous. While eating steak, he admired Tang Youyou's makeup today.

In fact, Tang Youyou is definitely considered a beauty in the play, but it may be because she has been focusing on exercises for many years, which makes her not very skilled in makeup.

Seeing that Lin Yun was a little cold, he directly opened the topic.

"Yuyou, are you still used to being on the set?"

Tang Youyou said happily.

"It's very adaptable. The leading actors are very good, especially Mr. Yu who plays Zhao Li. He also pointed out some shortcomings in me."

"And the crew's lunch box actually has two chicken legs, as well as free drinks and juices."

Seeing Tang Youyou's happy face, Lin Yun asked with a smile.

"A meal of two chicken legs makes you happy like this?"

Tang Youyou said hurriedly.

"Two chicken legs are quite a lot. The crew lunch I stayed in before was full of vegetarian dishes."

"When improving food, that is, stewed chicken racks with potatoes, or stewed chicken heads and chicken necks."

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Lin Yun nodded and said.

"That's quite bitter, Yoyo, do you have an agent now?"

Tang Youyou waved his hand and said.

"Of course not. A young actor like me, before I become famous, that performing arts company will sign me."

Lin Yun pointed to himself and asked.

"Yuyou, what do you think of me?"

Tang Youyou froze for a moment and said.

"He is very nice, very talented, very gentleman, and most importantly, very handsome!"

Lin Yun said with a dry cough.

"I mean, how would you like me to be your agent?"

Tang Youyou said in surprise.

"Ah?! You want to be my manager? Why?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"It's very simple, because I have taken a fancy to your potential!"

"I want to make you popular."


Tang Youyou waved his hand and said.

"Bian Lin, stop teasing me..."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"Yuyou, I forgot to tell you before, my other identity is actually..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yun asked from the bottom of his heart.

"Yingying, why did my company change its name?"

After getting the reply, Lin Yun said with a smile.

"I am the chairman of Wanshou Company."

"Now I sincerely invite you to join our film and television department of Wanshou Group."

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