Lin Yun was playing Legend of Sword and Fairy on his mobile phone. As for the cost of phone calls, he didn't care at all as he had a big family and a big business.

At this moment, Lu Ziqiao came over depressed and spoke up.

"Lin Yun, didn't you go to eat island cuisine?"

"Why did you come back so soon?"

.. ......  

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"Don't mention it, that restaurant is really not ordinary."

"I took a bite of sushi, as if I had a salmon tail slap my mouth!"

"And you, in my pants, just off a date?"

Lu Ziqiao said depressedly.

"Don't mention it, I was released as a pigeon, the phone was turned off, and I lost contact."

As soon as the words fell, a beautiful woman with a wow figure and stunning looks walked into the bar.

Lin Yun turned around and said with a smile.

"Hey, aren't you your Qiqi?"

"Go on a date."

Lu Ziqiao waved his hand and said.

"No, my date today is not her."

"And we're not the same kind of people."

As soon as the words fell, Qiqi came over with two bottles of Bingrui.

Seeing this, Lu Ziqiao just stood up, ready to talk to her.

Unexpectedly, Qiqi directly handed the wine in her hand to Lin Yun, and then took out a business card from the gap in her chest.

"Handsome guy, remember to call me when you have time."

Lin Yun looked at Lu Ziqiao who was at the side in a daze.

Lu Ziqiao quickly caught up and asked.

"Qiqi, didn't you tell me that you like women?"

Qiqi said with a smile.

"That's right, I always thought I liked women."

"But after I saw that handsome guy just now, I realized..."

"I don't like women, I just like good-looking ones!"

Lu Ziqiao said with his eyes wide open.

"You mean I'm not good-looking enough?!"

Qiqi took out a small mirror from her bag and put it in Lu Ziqiao's hand.

"Give it to you, take it out and take a picture if it's okay."

"In this way, you can also have some self-knowledge," Qian.

Chapter 140 The Female Audience Being Pushed Down (Please Customize!)

Next to the artificial lake in the community.

Lu Ziqiao complained as he walked.

"Lin Yun, tell me this is too unfair!"

Lin Yun asked suspiciously.

"What's unfair?!"

Lu Ziqiao said unhappily.

"Look how many ideas I have memorized today!"

"First, I was sent a pigeon, and then my self-esteem was hurt by someone in person."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Oh, your looks are all given by your parents, so you don't need to worry about your looks."

"Look at Mr. Zeng's short legs, isn't he happy every day!"

Lu Ziqiao frowned and said.

"Lin Yun, stop!"

"Let me take a good look at you!"

"I don't believe it, can you really straighten your face?!"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"Are you sick?!"

"That Qi "[-]" Qi is clearly bisexual!"

"You can't do it because of this..."

In the next second, an unknown object suddenly flew towards the two of them.

Before Lu Ziqiao could react, Lin Yun made a quick move, splitting him open with a hand knife.

After the object fell, Lu Ziqiao took a closer look and found that it was a brick that flew over just now.

It's just that now this brick has been split in half by Lin Yun in the air.

Lu Ziqiao said angrily.

"Who is it!"

"Which family's hairy kid! It's fine to throw bricks on the Internet, how can you throw bricks in the community!!"

Lin Yun glanced around, then turned his head and said.

"Come on, let's go back to the apartment."

3603 suite.

When Lin Yun and Lu Ziqiao pushed the door and entered the room, Lin Wanyu hurriedly asked with concern.

"Did you encounter any strange things along the way?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

"It's broad daylight, what strange things can happen!"

"Just walking, a brick flew out of nowhere."

"If it wasn't for Lin Yun's attack, my head would have been blown open."

Lin Wanyu widened her eyes and said.

"This is Anne's curse..."

Lu Ziqiao said suspiciously.


Lin Yun said with a smile.

"What, don't get in the way, I'm going to change clothes and go to work."

Lin Wanyu said suspiciously.

"Didn't you say that the radio program group is going on vacation?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, it will start tomorrow and continue until the third day of the Lunar New Year."

"By the way, I won't be coming back tonight, so I don't need to bring my portion for dinner."

Chen Meijia watched Lin Yun walk into the suite, then turned her head and gloated.

"It deserves it, you must be on another dating site to post a picture of yourself, right?!"

Lu Ziqiao said calmly.

"Are you kidding me, which dating site doesn't have my photo, so I need to post it again!"

After replying to Chen Meijia, Lu Ziqiao frowned and said.

"But the strange thing is that I haven't seen Anne all day today."

"There is no one in the family, the bar is gone, and the phone is still turned off. Where did she go?"

Chen Meijia suggested from the side.

"I have a good idea!"

"You're standing under a dim streetlight at night with no one around."

"Annie will appear in less than 3 minutes, but it may be floating over..."

Just as Lin Yun came downstairs, he happened to meet Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian said excitedly.

"Lin Yun! Good news!"

"Extremely good news!!"

Lin Yun pushed Zeng Xiaoxian away in disgust.

"Close your mouth, I can see your cecum."

Zeng Xiaoxian said happily.

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