As soon as Lin Yun entered the bar, he saw Lu Ziqiao with a bandage on his head, complaining to Lin Wanyu.

Lin Yun stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"Zi Qiao, I heard that you were sent flying by a brick again?!"

Lu Ziqiao turned her head pitifully.

Seeing Lu Ziqiao's ruddy side face, Lin Yun asked knowingly.

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a day, and my complexion has become much more rosy!"

Lu Ziqiao said angrily.

"Why is my complexion so rosy? I was splashed with boiling water by Annie!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, hand over your face, and I'll help you relieve the pain."

After speaking, Lin Yun dipped his hand in the wine and wrote the word "stop" on Lu Ziqiao's scalded face.

"How is it, does it not hurt anymore?"

Lu Ziqiao nodded and said.

"That's right! It really doesn't hurt anymore!"

"But not only did I feel numb on the left half of my face, I couldn't open my mouth either."

"Will it be okay?"

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"It's okay, it's just facial paralysis."

"It's not permanent, it will be fine in two days."

Lu Ziqiao said depressedly.

"You husband and wife are my nemesis!"

"You have to play me to death!"

Lin Wanyu said aggrievedly.

"Zi Qiao, I didn't mean to..."

"I really thought you wanted Annie to break up, but I accidentally slipped it."

Lu Ziqiao said excitedly.

"How could you do this to me!"

"We are roommates and neighbors, how can you turn your elbows out!"

Lin Wanyu lowered her head and said.

"I'm afraid that if I don't tell Annie, she will blame me."

Lu Ziqiao suddenly said.

"So between me and Annie, you chose Annie and then used me as cannon fodder?!"

Lin Wanyu hurriedly waved his hands.

"No, no."

Lu Ziqiao said sadly.

"My friendship with you, her friendship with you..."

"You chose the latter, and then betrayed me without hesitation!"

Lin Wanyu said hastily.

"Zi Qiao, I'm really sorry!"

Lu Ziqiao said aggrievedly.

"I'm sorry? Can I save my fragile heart?"

"I've lost my girlfriends now, two of them!"

"Terrorist attacks, twice!"

"I'm really miserable!!"

Lin Yun stepped forward and patted Lu Ziqiao on the shoulder.

"277 Zi Qiao, although your current situation is not very optimistic, don't be too pessimistic."

Lu Ziqiao froze for a moment and said.

"My situation, what's wrong with my current situation?"

Lin Yun said seriously.

"There are two choices before you now, continue to escape, or face Anne directly."

"However, these two choices are different for you."

Seeing that Lu Ziqiao didn't understand, Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Now in front of you are two chairs."

"One chair has a piece of cake on it, and the other chair has a bull's hemorrhoid."

"You have to sit in one of the chairs to eat from the other."

"Okay, make your choice!"

Lu Ziqiao said hastily.

"Of course I sit on the cake and eat..."

"I eat cake, sit..."

"Damn, you mean I'm going to die anyway!"

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"It's so smart, you can see through it!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Wanyu said hastily.

"Zi Qiao, don't be afraid!"

"Since I provoked this matter, I will help you explain it to Annie!"

Lu Ziqiao turned his head and asked.

"Can I trust you again?!"

Lin Yun asked.

"Do you have any other options?"

Lu Ziqiao said with a sigh.

"Okay, what you say means what you say!".

Chapter 140 Six Yifei Cooking (Please Customize!)

Suite 3603 night.

Xinling came up curiously and asked.

"Brother Lin, what are you looking at?"

"Huh? What anime is this?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"The Adventures of Jackie Chan, haven't you watched it?"

Xin Ling shook his head and said.

"I haven't seen this one yet."

Lin Yun sat up and said.

"Then you are here!"

"Come on, I just bought the squid on the coffee table from the night market, let's eat and watch."

Xinling nodded obediently, and then watched with relish.

At this moment, Hu Yifei came down from upstairs and spoke up.

"Lin Yun, the island cuisine I ate last time..."

Lin Yun hastily interrupted.

"Don't, don't mention that dish again, it will definitely be the shadow of my life!"

"It's so unpalatable that it killed me!!"

Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"You also find it unpalatable, don't you!"

"So in order to compensate you, I decided to cook myself tomorrow and cook you an authentic island meal!"

Lin Yun raised his head and glanced at Hu Yifei, then lowered his head and said.

"Forget it, Yifei, you should make egg fried rice for me."

"If you can't cook island cuisine well, you really won't be able to fit your pants."

Hu Yifei pinched her waist and stared wide-eyed.

"Are you not confident in my cooking skills!"

"Let me tell you, the island cuisine I cook is much better than that brainless chef!"

"No need to say much, it's a deal, no matter what happens tomorrow night, I will push it down!"

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