"And you are very anxious, don't deny this, I am the most accurate!"

Lin Wanyu said with a sigh.

"Guess why I rushed into the toilet the first time I entered the house?"

Chen Meijia smiled awkwardly, then turned to Liu You and said.

"Liu You, you are too impulsive!"

Liu You waved his hand.

"It's okay, one person does things and one person is responsible!"

"Since I did it, I will be responsible!"

"Let me offer my first kiss to wake him up!"

After finishing speaking, Liu You pouted his big thick lips and kissed Artai.

At this moment, Hu Yifei suddenly shouted upstairs.

"Shut up!"

"I have already called Lin Yun, and he said he will come up immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yun pushed the door open and walked in.

"Come on, let me see how Liu You beat people up?"


"Why did you beat people up so poorly!"

Liu You opened his mouth and told Lin Yun the whole story.

After hearing the reason of the matter, Lin Yun nodded and said.

"No matter what else, Liu You, it's good that you have this kind of heart."

Liu You said depressedly.

"Boss, I'm actually very depressed about this matter."

"You said that he is a boxing champion, but he is not as good as the old lady who twists Yangko in our village!"

"Then the old lady can at least do two tricks with me!"

Lin Yun said with a sigh.

"Okay, Liu You, it's none of your business here, you can go back to your room."

"Leave this to me."

Liu You asked.

"Boss, do you want to give him artificial respiration for me?"

Facing Liu You's miraculous brain circuit, Lin Yun directly chose not to answer.

Afterwards, Lin Yun stepped forward to take a closer look at Artest's injury.

Lin Wanyu asked worriedly.

"Lin Yun, are you sure you'll be cured?"

Lin Yun reached out and picked up Artest's hand, shaking it.

"Both arms were dislocated, multiple soft tissue contusions and the rest were skin trauma."

Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"That's all right?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"It's really all right, but I don't need to take action with this kind of injury."

"I know a more professional one. He treats this disease, and that's called pinching!"

After speaking, Lin Yun took out his mobile phone and called the mysterious man. After explaining the situation and promising a good reward, the mysterious man said he would be there soon.

Two 10 minutes later...

There was a knock on the door.

Chen Meijia went to open the door, then said with wide eyes.

"You are Master Huang!!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Master Huang, you came here very quickly!"

"Come and see, this patient's condition!"

After a few polite words with Lin Yun, Master Huang walked quickly to the sofa.

Chen Meijia said worriedly.

"Lin Yun, are you sure you want him to be treated?"

"Isn't he a fortune teller?!"

Master Huang turned his head and said.

"Miss Chen, you don't know that!"

"Fortune-telling is just one of my hobbies, and what I'm best at is bone-setting massage!"

Chen Meijia said in surprise.

"You can also massage bone setting?!"

Master Huang laughed three times, and then said seriously.

"To be honest, the old man has opened medical clinics for three generations!"

"However, my family was in decline. In order to make a living, I expanded other businesses to make a living."

"But bone setting massage is my specialty!"

Seeing that the three women still looked skeptical.

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Trust Master Huang!"

“He is really professional!!”

Hu Yifei asked tentatively.

"May I ask what the master's name is?"

Master Huang said with a smile.

"My surname is Huang, and the small character is Huifeng!"

The three girls exclaimed in unison.

"Huang Feihong?!"

Lin Yun interrupted.

"Master has an accent (first in kindergarten)."

"His name is Huifeng, not Feihong."

"He is Master Huang from Fujian Baozilin, and has nothing to do with Master Huang from Baozhilin."

Lin Wanyu hurriedly urged.

"Master, then hurry up and help Artest heal!"

Master Huang nodded and said.

"It's easy to say, let me help him straighten his bones first!"

Five minutes later, Master Huang let out a long breath.

"The patient's dislocated arms have been reattached to me and the ligaments have been repositioned."

"Next, just smear my secret Dieda wine, and you will be cured within three days!"

"It's just that his face..."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Leave the wound on his face to me."

As he spoke, Lin Yun covered Artest's face with his hands, and muttered.

"The sky is round and the earth is round, there are nine chapters of laws..."

Master Huang said in shock.

"Mr. Lin, you actually know Zhu Youshu?!"

Lin Yun was even more surprised.

"You can actually recognize that this is Zhu Youshu?!"

Master Huang said with a smile.

"I have taught myself some superficial tricks, such as some small tricks such as Jiulong Bone Water, and I will do it."

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"Master Huang, let's talk later, I'll wake Artest up first."

"Artest, Artest?!"

Lin Yun raised his hand and slapped Artest awake.

Artest was about to speak, but suddenly a red fox appeared in front of his eyes, and the fox's eyes seemed to suck his mind into it.

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"A Tai, you are too careless!"

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