"Wait a minute, I'm not finished yet!"

"Eliminating an accent, there's a price, and I'm just letting it go for a while."

"It doesn't make it go away completely."

Just when Guan Gu Miraculously wanted to continue to say something, Lin Yun interrupted again.

"But now in front of you, there is another choice!"

"A choice that can cure the root cause!"

Guan Gu asked curiously.

"What way? Do you need an operation?"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"It's very simple, just change your date."

"The main reason why you are upset now is that that woman doesn't like your accent!"

"She doesn't like you, just replace her directly!"

Guan Gu said in a mysterious and depressed way.

"Lin Yun, what you said is not a choice at all!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Why isn't it a choice?"

"There are two choices in front of you now!"

"Either for others, even if it causes damage, you must change yourself."

"Either find someone who can accept your shortcomings and still love you!"

Guan Gu frowned miraculously and said.

"If I could choose, I would definitely choose the second one!"

"But, where can I find someone who can accept my shortcomings..."

Lin Yun put his arm around Guan Gu's miraculous shoulder and said.

"Guan Gu, do you know why I didn't go back to the apartment immediately and tell you the story?"

"That's because I went to find Sadako downstairs!"

Guan Gu said in surprise.


"There's Sadako in the apartment!!"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"It's just a code name! Just like Xiao Hei is not really black."

"Sadako has a younger sister who likes manga very much, and she's not bad looking."

"How is it, do you have any ideas?"

"As long as you nod, I'll ask her out for you!"

Guan Gu nodded mysteriously and said.

"Girls who like comics, then I must meet them!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Then I'll help you ask her out."

"But let's say it first, after I've done this favor for you, we won't owe each other any more."

Guan Gu wondered for a moment and said.

"Lin Yun, what are you talking about?"

"You have always been my most respected benefactor!".

Chapter 150 IX Guan Gu and Junko's Date (Please Customize!)

The next day, in suite 3602.

Lin Yunyu said earnestly.

"Guan Gu, Sadako's younger sister will come later, you just have to chat with her."

"Remember, if you want to refuse, you still welcome, if you want to get caught, you want to..."

"Anyway, the more reserved you are, the better!"

Guan Gu frowned miraculously and said.

"But Lin Yun, shouldn't you dress more formally on a date?"

"Why do you want me to wear a tracksuit?"

"It makes me feel like I'm playing the Prince of Tennis."

Lin Yun said with a smile.


"All I want is the Prince of Tennis!"

"Guan Gu, you are not Guan Gu Miraculous, you are Qian Zhenzhi, do you understand?"

After seeing Guan Gu's miraculously uncomfortable face...

Lin Yun comforted with a smile.

"Guangu, don't be nervous, you must relax!"

Guan Gu frowned miraculously and said.

"Lin Yun, it's not that I'm nervous."

"It's that I now have a feeling of being watched, and it doesn't seem to be a pair of eyes!"

"There are many pairs of eyes watching me!"

08 Lin Yun gestured to the balcony without leaving a trace, and the peeping people in the dark hurriedly hid themselves.

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"You're just too nervous. How about it? Do you feel better now?"

Guan Gu nodded mysteriously and said.

"It's definitely better!"

Lin Yun patted Guan Gu's miraculous shoulder and said.

"Be good, and I'll go first!"

"Remember, you must be more reserved!"

Guan Gu nodded mysteriously and said.


Lin Yun came to the balcony with big strides, then flashed to the side and whispered.

"What are you all doing here?!"

Lu Ziqiao said excitedly.

"There's no reason not to watch this kind of excitement!"

Hu Yifei said impatiently.

"When will that girl go upstairs, I can't wait!"

Zhang Wei asked.

"Lin Yun, does that Sadako downstairs have a boyfriend?"

"Is she willing to pay the mortgage with her future spouse?"

Lin Yun directly pushed Zhang Wei aside, and then whispered.

"You guys are so blatantly peeping, not only is it obscene, but it's also easy to be discovered!"

"You guys come with me!!"

Everyone followed Lin Yun to 3603's study, and Lin Yun took out his laptop.

After some operations, the picture of the 3602 living room appeared directly in front of everyone.

"Well, now you know what it means to be a professional!"

Hu Yifei said with a look of disgust.

"Lin Yun! Did you also install a camera in our suite to spy on our girls!"

Lu Zhanbo raised his head and said.

"Sister, what are you crazy about?"

"The four girls in our apartment are all my brother-in-law's girlfriends. What is he peeping at?"

Hu Yifei froze for a moment, then said unconvinced.

"I'm talking about the past, what if he installed a camera in 3601 before!"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"This camera was specially installed by me just now, just so that everyone can see it clearly."

"If you think I'm doing something wrong, I'll go to Guan Gu now to admit my mistake!"

As soon as Lin Yun got up, he was pushed back to the seat by many hands.

"It's not too late to apologize after reading it!"

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