"Nolan, what do you think?"

Nolan said with a smile.

"I think what Lin Yun said makes sense."

"Let's play ping pong."

"After all, I don't want to cause trouble to my boyfriend because of my willfulness."

Hu Yifei showed a characteristic smile.

"Then what are you talking about, this way please!"


Table tennis court.

Hu Yifei and Nuo Lan stood at each other's sides. The momentum of the two of them was like water and fire, and neither of them could suppress the other.

At this moment, Lu Ziqiao suddenly appeared from the side, startling three 08 people.

Hu Yifei said angrily.

"Lu Ziqiao, where did you come from!"

Lu Ziqiao said excitedly.

"Watched a game?!"

Nolan said suspiciously.

"How did you know?"

Lu Ziqiao said proudly.

"I can smell such a strong smell of gunpowder from 800 meters away!"

"So I rushed here to see if the fire brigade is needed here!"

Hu Yifei gave Lu Ziqiao a rolling look, and then said with a smile.

"Nuolan, let's start directly!"

Nolan said confidently.

"Yifei, I have to tell you in advance that I have won the runner-up in youth table tennis before."

"I am fighting you now because I am suspected of bullying you."

Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"you are bullying me?"

"Nuolan, do you know who Deng Yaping is?"

Nolan said suspiciously.

"Is she your coach?"

Lin Yun said from the side.

"It's her idol!"

"Say it before the game, safety first, friendship second, and competition third!"

"I don't want it to happen. One inadvertently drops the racket, and then the other accidentally hits the opponent in the face!"

Hu Yifei interrupted directly.

"I, Hu Yifei, don't bother to use such indecent methods!"

"I can win, but I can also lose!"

Soon, after the two women agreed on the rules, they began to compete against each other and played table tennis.

Lu Ziqiao looked at the two girls who were playing, his face was full of excitement.

Lin Yun said angrily.

"Lu Ziqiao, don't worry!"

"As long as I'm here, I won't let the two of them fight."

Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

"Lin Yun, if a woman gets angry, let alone you, even the gods will not be able to stop them!"

On the court, the two women were still playing ping-pong fiercely. The ball was back and forth for half a day, and the score was still 0-0.

Lu Ziqiao looked at the two women who were evenly matched, and couldn't help complaining.

"Wow, why didn't the two of them enter the national team?"

Lin Yun said with a sigh.

"The two of them don't agree with each other, and when they meet, they want to make a complete distinction."

"Their current state must be due to excessive secretion of adrenal hormones, which has caused the two of them to enter a state of selfless struggle."

"For short, the two are opening Wushuang!"

Lu Ziqiao said with a sigh.

"Then if they only care about playing ball and don't fight..."

"That's too boring."

Lin Yun frowned and said.

"Everything is boring."

"Do you know what's the scariest thing right now?"

Lu Ziqiao asked curiously.


Lin Yun said seriously.

"Xinling told me just now that we should make pork belly for dinner."

"But judging from the progress of this competition, you and I won't be able to eat this soy elbow, and it will definitely fall into the mouths of Zhang Wei and Teacher Zeng!"

Lu Ziqiao widened his eyes and said excitedly.

"Sauce elbow!"

"Lin Yun, think of a way quickly, so you can't let them compete like this!"

Seeing that Lu Ziqiao had taken the bait, Lin Yun said with a smile.

"I have an idea, but I need your cooperation."

"Zi Qiao, can you play table tennis?"

Lu Ziqiao hesitated for a moment and said.

"Before, in order to pick up a girl, I studied it for a few days."

"At least it's okay to serve and catch the ball."

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"That's enough!"

Lu Ziqiao said alertly.

"Lin Yun, you won't try to trick me again!"

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"How come, we are brothers!"

After speaking, Lin Yun strode to the table and grabbed the ping pong ball in the air.

Nuo Lan, who was about to swing her racket, turned her head to look at Lin Yun in doubt.

Hu Yifei said even more angrily.

"Lin Yun, we haven't finished the match yet, what are you making trouble for?"

Lin Yun pointed to Lu Ziqiao and said.

"Zi Qiao said that it's too boring just watching you play, and he wants to try it when his hands itch."

"Zi Qiao, isn't it?!"

Lu Ziqiao said bravely.

"Yes, I am a national table tennis player of several levels!"

Hu Yifei said angrily.

"Go ahead, how many catties you have, I don't know yet."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Oh, idleness is idleness. How about me and Ziqiao, or the two of you."

"Let's have a doubles game!"

"Anyway, both of you have unique skills. It should be easy to beat us two and a half."

Lu Ziqiao said hastily.

287 "If you don't agree, I will make trouble."

Nolan said with a smile.

"Yifei, anyway, we are still [-]-[-], why don't we hurry up and continue our game."

Hu Yifei nodded and said.

"Okay! Quick and easy!"

Soon, the game begins.

Lin Yun hadn't touched table tennis a few times, so the two of them were really being teased at the beginning.

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