At this moment, Hu Yifei raised his hand to interrupt.

"Wait! Yu Mo, you came just in time."

"I have a plan that I have planned for a long time, and I have been short of a suitable candidate."

"Now that you're here, I can finally implement this plan!"

Qin Yumo asked curiously.

"What plan? Yifei's technical difficulty is too high, and I'm not good at it."

Hu Yifei waved his hand and said.

"It's okay, I only need a peerless beauty for this plan!"

Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"Then it seems that your plan is tailor-made for my good health."


Outside the villa.

Yingying said solemnly.

"Master, I can confirm that there is no one in this villa."

"And judging from the smell, it should have left last night."

Lin Yun frowned and said.

"Run away from home and play missing."

"It seems that this Yu Mo is really easy to change, and the nature is hard to change."

Yingying persuaded.

"Master, actually you spend too little time with Mistress Yumo."

"It's normal for her to have a little temper."

Lin Yun said seriously.

"Mainly I'm really busy."

"I put Yoyo and Weiwei aside and came here to find her."

"Do you think it's easy for me?"

Yingying said without conscience.

"Master, it's hard work!".

Chapter 160 IX Please Talk to My Boyfriend (Please Customize!)

3601 study room.

Qin Yumo frowned and said.

"You want me to teach your boyfriend a lesson?"

Hu Yifei nodded and said.

"That's right! He, because he is rich, handsome, humorous, and in good shape..."

Qin Yumo interrupted.

"The advantages don't need to be so specific."

Hu Yifei said awkwardly.

"Anyway, he is not satisfied."

"Always attract bees and butterflies in the flowers!"

"So I'm going to ask you to teach him a lesson, let him know that there are not only butterflies around him, but also wasps!"

Hu Yifei glanced at Qin Yumo and said hastily.

"Yu Mo, this is a metaphor."

"It's as if perfume is poisonous."

Qin Yumo said suspiciously.

"Yifei, since your boyfriend is like that."

"Why don't you change your boyfriend?"

"There are so many men in the world, why do you have to hang yourself from a tree?"

Hu Yifei waved his hand and said.

"Yu Mo, I told you about this feeling, but you wouldn't understand."

"It's like he has a magical power about him."

"One glance and a smile from him can make my heart beat."

"To be honest, we've been together for almost half a year, and I sometimes blush when I see him."

Qin Yumo said in surprise.

"Yifei, I understand the feeling you're talking about!"

"My boyfriend, that's it!"

"Not only is he handsome and wealthy, but he also treats me very well and creates some small surprises for me from time to time."

"When I'm with him now, I feel like I'm in love."

Hu Yifei said in surprise.

"Yu Mo, you finally have a boyfriend!"

"Where is he, why didn't you bring him here?"

Qin Yumo said with a sigh.

"Forget it, I moved here because of him!"

Hu Yifei said suspiciously.

"What? Why didn't I understand?"

Qin Yumo said depressedly.

"My boyfriend is good everywhere, but he is too busy, so busy that we don't have time to meet"

"So I specially taught him a lesson this time!"

"I'm going to disappear on purpose for a while, so he can be in a hurry!"

Hu Yifei laughed dryly.

"Yu Mo, you are not afraid that he will quarrel with you because of this?"

Qin Yumo waved his hand and said.

"It's okay, I understand him, as long as I don't make a problem of principle."

"He can accept my petty temper."

Hu Yifei sighed and said.

"My boyfriend is about the same as your boyfriend."

"It's just this sentimental attribute, it's really too difficult."

Qin Yumo patted Hu Yifei's shoulder and said.

"Yifei, don't worry!"

"Now that I know about it, as your good sister, I will definitely help you."

"Tell me about your boyfriend's personal information, preferences, and so on."

Hu Yifei waved his hand and said.

"No! One of the characteristics of my boyfriend is that he is very, very smart."

"He can read your thoughts from the look in your eyes."

"So if you want to deceive him, you can only have a chance encounter in a bar without knowing what!"

Qin Yumo frowned and said.

"There are so many people in the bar, why did we meet by chance?"

"And, how do I know who is your boyfriend?"

Hu Yifei said seriously.

"The one shining in the crowd is my boyfriend!"

"Besides, he is handsome, and you are beautiful."

"According to the principles of physics, the two of you will be attracted to each other."

Qin Yumo said with a sigh.

"Since you said so, I can only try it."

"Then tonight?"

Hu Yifei shook his head and said.

"Forget it tonight, I'm going to help a dick next door on a blind date."

"You stay quietly in 3601 first, and we will act again tomorrow night."

Qin Yumo nodded and said.

"Well, which room do I live in?"

Hu Yifei said with a smile.

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