"Didn't think of anything?"

"Didn't expect it to be exposed?"

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world, don't you know this saying?"

Lin Yun sighed.

"I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, but your best friend is also so beautiful."

"This is really in line with the sentence, people and groups are divided."

Hu Yifei rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, I've helped everything I can."

"You just talk about flowers now, and I have nothing to help."

Lin Yun said seriously.

"I'm telling the truth, just with your plain makeup, you can kill a lot of female stars in seconds!"

Although Hu Yifei still had a disdainful expression on his face, he was still a little happy in his heart.

After all, who wouldn't want to listen to good things?


3602 suite.

Lin Yun walked into the suite with breakfast in hand.

Zhang Wei, who was making noodles, said doubtfully.

"Lin Yun, why did you come over for breakfast?"

Lin Yun said depressedly.

"I don't want to, but now there is a hanging on the door of the 3603 suite, Lin Yun and the dog are not allowed to enter..."

Following the scent, Zeng Xiaoxian walked in from the balcony and said with a smile.

"Lin Yun, I heard from Zhan Bo that you also got Yi Fei's good sister in order?"

"You want to kill all beauties!"

Lu Ziqiao joked as he handed the fried dough sticks to the two of them.

"What are you killing? Didn't you see that he already has a home and can't go back?"

Lu Zhanbo took the fritters with chopsticks and said.

"Brother-in-law, is it because my elder sister hasn't forgiven you yet?"

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"You really guessed wrong, thanks to your old sister this time."

"Otherwise...I can't even eat breakfast now."

Zhang Wei said while eating fried dough sticks filled with Laotan sauerkraut noodle soup.

"Lin Yun, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Yun said with a sigh.

"What else can I do, let her hang out for two days to calm her down."

"Then prepare a surprise for her."

"It's not the first time I've used this process."

As he spoke, Lin Yun suddenly persuaded.

"Zhang Wei, it's okay to eat some instant noodles."

"If you have to eat it, you can change it."

"Old altar eats too much sauerkraut, it's not good."

Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"I like to eat this, it tastes more sour and refreshing, and the taste is very authentic."

Lin Yun said with a sigh.

"You eat first, and I will explain it to you in detail when I arrive at the law firm later."

Lu Ziqiao patted Lin Yun on the shoulder and said.

"Lin Yun, you should also suffer some setbacks."

"Otherwise, your life is too enviable."

Zeng Xiaoxian said from the side.


"Love Apartments!"

"You got a lot of love and we just lived in the apartment."

Guan Gu miraculously raised his hand and said.

"I have also gained love. I will go to the comic forum with Junko in the afternoon."

Zhang Wei also continued.

"I also have an appointment with Moran tonight, to go to the romantic...press the road!"

Everyone then turned their attention to Lu Ziqiao.

Lu Ziqiao sneered.

"Hey, when I, Lu Xiaobu, was short of a girlfriend?"

Zeng Xiaoxian put his arms around Lu Zhanbo and said.

"Brother Bo, you really are the best!"

"No matter what time, you are with me!"

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Lu Zhanbo said depressedly.

"Don't mention it, our company insists on holding a dance competition today, and the ranking is linked to the prize money."

"I have to go to dance practice with my dance partner in the afternoon."

Zeng Xiaoxian asked tentatively.


Lu Zhanbo nodded and said.

"That's right, height 170, weight 118, looks good."

"But she can't dance as well as me..."

"When I was dancing yesterday, I fell into my arms several times."

"If this continues, my bonus will definitely go to waste."

Zeng Xiaoxian said depressedly.

"No! This apartment is really unbearable!"

"Aren't you targeting me!"

Guan Gu raised his head miraculously and said.

"Who made you like being passive..."


Zeng Xiaoxian said solemnly.

"I'm a good man. What I need to do is to be reserved. Do you understand being reserved?"

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"Good man, we all understand!"

"Laura sleeps on the bed, you sleep on the floor!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily.

"That's what I call not taking advantage of others!"

"What's wrong with this world? Is a good man like me doomed to die alone?"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"Teacher Zeng, I know what you're thinking."

"First of all, I am not a professional matchmaker, and I am very busy every day, so I really don't have time to help you."

"You can find Zi Qiao, he is relatively free."

Lu Ziqiao raised his hand to interrupt.

"I'm also very busy. I just met a car model yesterday."

"That figure, that beauty, I have to win her no matter what I say today!"

Zeng Xiaoxian put away his smile and said.

"Have any of you heard of the fff regiment?"

"Believe it or not, I'll burn you heretics to death!"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"Mr. Zeng, you said that you are not as poor as Zhang Wei, and you are not as poor as Zhan Bo, and you are not like Guan Gu, who can't even speak well."

"You are a decent person, but you can't find a girlfriend, who do you blame?"

"Let's not talk about striking up a conversation in a bar, you can find a girlfriend by surfing the Internet!"

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