"Believe in your position as a leader in Taiwan."

"Maybe I skipped the interview and made an appointment directly."

Lisa Rong sneered.

"You even wrote a cover letter?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"I just wrote it by the way when I went to the bathroom."

Lisa Rong said with a smile.

"Then why don't you just drop this job application at the end of the bathroom?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said aggrievedly.

"Lisa, can you just help me?"

"I beg you!"

"I can tell you about Lu Xiaobu's recent situation. How about you make a special trip for me?"

Lisa rolled her eyes and said.

"In your dreams!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said hastily.

"I can give you Lu Xiaobu's photo album, or Lu Xiaobu's original taste..."

Lisa immediately put on a smiling face and said sincerely.

"Let's discuss it!"

"Today is Friday, and I'm off on Saturday and Sunday."

"How about I deliver it for me on Monday?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said hastily.

"on Monday?"

"It's all over on Monday."

"Can you see if it's possible to change to a closer time?"

"Like today?"

Lisa Rong smiled.

"More recently?"

"I happened to be free yesterday."

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a bitter face.

"Stop teasing me Lisa!"

Lisa rolled her eyes and said.

"Who played you!"

"I really don't have time!"

Zeng Xiaoxian took a deep breath and said.

"Lu Ziqiao just took off..."

Lisa Rong took the cover letter (starting from the kindergarten) in her hand, and then said with a smile on her face.

"Leave this to me!"

"I'm going to help you deliver the letter now!"

"But you promised me?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll steal it when I get back!"

"Definitely provide you with the freshest!"

"I'm sure you'll be satisfied!"


Sunday, in the bar downstairs.

Lin Yun is discussing with Ah Bing the impact of population aging on society.

Ah Bing put the cherry in Lin Yun's glass into his mouth, then said with a smile.

"Lin Yun, recently I have another suitor who followed me in a vain manner."

"It's like a bullshit plaster, it really annoys me."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Really? Is it Gao Fushuai or the second generation of officials this time?"

"If the conditions are good, then agree."

"In this way, you don't have to be a waiter, you can go directly to enjoy the blessing."

Ah Bing rolled his eyes and said.

"You are heartless."

"Didn't I tell you that you only need to live in the love apartment for one day."

"I just work as a waiter in this bar for a day."

After speaking, Ah Bing took out the cherry in his mouth and put it back into Lin Yun's cup.

The stalk of this cherry has been tied into a knot by Ah Bing.

Just as Lin Yun was about to speak, Zeng Xiaoxian walked over quickly.

Zeng Xiaoxian came to the two of them and said excitedly.

"Lin Yun!"

"Lisa Rong told me just now that I passed the first round of assessment!!"

Lin Yun pushed away Zeng Xiaoxian's approaching face, and continued.

"A Bing, I heard that the moon is very round tonight, why don't we..."

Zeng Xiaoxian interrupted.

"Isn't it cloudy today?"

"Can you see the moon at night?"

Ah Bing gave Zeng Xiaoxian a blank look, then said with a smile.

"After get off work, I'll wait for you at the bar."

"I won't lose to you this time."

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"At that time, we will see each other."

After Ah Bing left, Lin Yun turned his head and said.

"Teacher Zeng, how many times have I told you that?"

"I want to interrupt suddenly when I'm chatting with the opposite sex."

"The last time Zi Qiao struck up a conversation, you didn't call him his trumpet, or could this woman find her in our apartment to ask her?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Not next time, not anymore!"

"Mainly because I'm so excited today!"

"I'm one step closer to the deputy director!!"

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"Congratulations, you performed well in the interview!"

"Goodbye, no delivery."

Zeng Xiaoxian said hastily.

"Lin Yun, I heard from Lisa Rong that you are actually the default candidate this time."

"You must have given me this opportunity for the sake of brotherhood!"

"Brother Xian, I can't repay this friendship..."

The next second, Zeng Xiaoxian leaned over to Lin Yun's ear and whispered something.

Lin Yun frowned and said.

"real or fake?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said seriously.

"Do not worry!"

"Brother Xian, I will definitely keep my word!"

"You treat me well, and I will definitely treat you with my heart!!".

Chapter 330 Four Characters Killed by Urine (Please Customize!)

next morning.

Lin Yun is having a simple breakfast with his girlfriends.

Qin Yumo frowned and said with a bitter face.

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