"By the way, do you have a spare earphone? My earphone has no sound."

The female network manager said with ease.

"Look at which computer no one is playing, just change its earphones."

Ouyang Mofei nodded, and then calmly walked back with the headset.

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Come on, let me see what reason you have this time!"

Another game over.

Sure enough, as Lin Yun said, Ren Cai has nothing to do with hardware.

Ouyang could not fight back against Lin Yun at all.

Even though she has been secretly peeping at the screen, she is still not Lin Yun's opponent.

Lin Yun turned his head and asked.

"Are you still coming?"

"There's almost enough time for one game."

"Although no matter how many times, the ending is the same."

"But one can never give up easily!"

Ouyang Mofei nodded to continue.

Then when the game was loading, she suddenly turned her head and asked.

"Lin Yun, if I lose this bet."

"Is this the last time we see each other?"

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"That's not the case. It's okay to have a meal together if you have time, and make an appointment for a game."

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"But the premise is that I'm free, not you!"

After the game started, Ouyang Mofei changed his style of play and began to timidly become the sixth child.

And this style of play really killed Lin Yun a few times.

But with such a disparity in the head ratio, it is obvious that victory cannot be won by being wretched.

Soon, Lin Yun's computer finally went black with voice prompts of "Your balance is insufficient, please recharge in time".

Lin Yun turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Mofei who was still operating, and said with a smile.

"Okay, stop struggling!"

"The time has come, let's bet and admit defeat!"

At this moment, Ouyang Mofei suddenly turned his head and showed a smirk.

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, then said dumbfounded.

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, you win!"

Ouyang Mofei said in surprise.

...... 0

"I haven't said anything yet, you guessed it?"

"It seems that you are quite smart!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"If I were smart, I should have thought of this loophole long ago!"

"Okay, don't block the family and kill me, I have already surrendered."

Ouyang Mofei opened his hands happily and said.

"Lin Yun, you are not wronged at all for losing!"

"After all, ma'am, I'm serious..."

Lin Yun raised his hand and said.


"You still just say, what do you want me to do?"

Ouyang was stunned for a moment, and then began to think seriously in his mind.

Lin Yun curiously used the mind reading technique to probe Ouyang Mofei's thoughts.

It was found that the girl's thinking was a little jumpy, anyway, she had thoughts of all colors, and even Lin Yun saw the word platypus in her heart, and the meaning was unclear.

After a while, Ouyang Mofei raised his head and said.

"Is it true that any wish can be granted?"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"It's not a wish! It's a request."

"I'm not Santa Claus, and I'm not Dragon Ball!"

"Besides, your request can't be too outrageous. If it makes me feel bad, I still won't agree."

Ouyang Mofei said dissatisfied.

"Hey, you said just now that you would accept the bet!"

Lin Yun shrugged and said.

"Then if you ask me to pick the stars in the sky, I can't really pick them?!"

Ouyang Mofei nodded and said.

"What you said is also..."

Then Ouyang Mofei stood up suddenly and said loudly triumphantly.

"Then my request is that you will come out to play with me as long as you are free in the future!!" Dry.

Chapter 360 The Seventh Dating Ending (Please Customize!)

After the game ended, Lin Yun and Ouyang Mofei walked out of the Internet cafe together.

The slanting sunlight shone on Lin Yun's profile, making him look like a god at this moment.

Ouyang Mofei turned his head to look sideways, and then asked tentatively.

"Lin Yun, has anyone ever told you that you are weird?"

Lin Yun lowered his head and asked.

"Do you want to say that you are so beautiful?"

Ouyang Mofei said in surprise.

"how do you know?"

"Can you read minds?!"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"I have long been proficient in this kind of earthy love talk."

"Just like those bitter dramas, if you tell me the beginning, I can already guess the end!"

Could it be that Ouyang lowered his head depressedly, but he was only depressed for a while, then raised his head and asked.

"Lin Yun, your game level is indeed very high!"

"But tell me the truth, is there any game type you are not good at!"

Lin Yun recalled and said.

"This is actually really..."

"I have never played that game, and there are very few online tutorials."

"It would be great if someone could clear the level and then come and guide me..."

Ouyang Mofei hastily asked 08.

"what game?"

"I don't want to guide you, I just want to ask."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"That game is called Escape, and it's a stand-alone game recently launched by Wanshou Group."

"I played it several times, and I got stuck in different places..."

Ouyang said doubtfully.


"The name of this game sounds like a room escape game, right?"

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"That's right, the overall environment of the game is dark and a little scary."

"But the theme of the game is still very warm."

Ouyang Mofei rolled his eyes, and then said deliberately.

"This game is the most boring!"

"I don't know how to play this kind of game anyway!"

Lin Yun pretended to be depressed and sighed.

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