"College students these days simply have no desires or desires!"

"No matter what I say, it will not inspire their fighting spirit."

"They're like, like..."

Weiwei said tentatively.

"Like Teacher Zeng?"

Hu Yifei waved his hand and said.

"It's not that bad!"

"They're like salty 2.5 fish!"

Zeng Xiaoxian lowered his head and said sadly.

"Am I really that bad?"

At this moment, Tang Youyou came over and patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Teacher Zeng, you have to have confidence in yourself!"

"You are really that bad!"

Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes and said.

"Get up and go!"

Nolan persuaded.

"Yifei, you're also a substitute teacher anyway."

"Since those students don't want to work hard, then you can leave them alone."

"Just let them fend for themselves!"

Lin Yun shook his head and said.

"You still don't understand?"

"What is Yifei's occupation, have you forgotten?"

Hu Yifei said firmly.

"Lin Yun is right!"

"I am a teacher, I want to be worthy of my profession!".

Chapter 370 The Seventh Publishing House Closed (Please Customize!)

Hu Yifei said with a serious face.

"They can give themselves up!"

"But as their teacher, as their coach, I must not give up on them!"

"After all, they are the proud sons of heaven and the future pillars of the motherland. How can they be willing to degenerate to the point where they have no fighting spirit at all!"

Hu Yifei pointed to the taekwondo uniform in front of him and said.

"So I am going to use Taekwondo to awaken their sleeping fighting spirit!"

"Let them dare to be the first and dare to win!"

"These taekwondo uniforms are my first step to change their outlook on life!"

Tang Youyou nodded and said.

"What Yifei said makes sense. After all, punching can't be done naked..."

Hu Yifei explained helplessly.

"I mean..."

"Only by letting them put on the holy clothes can they realize that they are saints."

"Only in this way can their small universe be stimulated!!"

Zeng Xiaoxian joked while carrying his taekwondo uniform.

"Your Saint Cloth is still Core i5?"

"Do you want to cooperate with the heat dissipation, so that the small universe will explode more smoothly!"

Hu Yifei said angrily.

"This is called advertising placement, have you seen the Spring Festival Gala?"

"After all, there are so many students, I can't just let me be responsible for this 08 Taekwondo uniform!"

Vivi recalled with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I remember that when I was in high school, there was an advertisement for the Modu Men's Hospital on the back of our school's sportswear."

"I remember something that treats the prostate..."

"In contrast, Yifei's ad placement looks quite pleasing to the eye."

At this moment, Chen Meijia, who was wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen with a shovel.

"Everyone, stop talking on an empty stomach."

"We have already prepared the meals, everyone, come and eat!"

Zeng Xiaoxian just wanted to stand up excitedly, but Chen Meijia immediately answered.

"Teacher Zeng, you are not included."


On the weekend of the next day, in suite 3601.

Zhang Wei is reading a book, Weiwei is feeding Lin Yun, and Zeng Xiaoxian is saving his love like a dog.

At this moment, Guan Gu miraculously held a big box, pushed the door and walked in.

"I am back!"

Lin Yun raised his head, and after seeing the box in Guan Gu's magical hand...

Lin Yun frowned and said.

"Guan Gu, you didn't get paid for the manuscript?"

Guan Gu nodded mysteriously and said.

"No, my trip was in vain."

"I only got a whole box of letters from readers."

Zhang Wei raised his head and said.

"Guan Gu, is it because your boss is behind on wages for migrant workers?"

"You can entrust me to help you sue them!"

"After all, I have been studying the case of migrant workers asking for wages recently!!"

Guan Gu magically shook his head and said.

"There is no need to sue."

"Because the publishing house I worked with has closed down."

"When I went, there was only an uncle sweeping the floor, waiting for me to pack my things."

Zeng Xiaoxian raised his head and said.


"How could a good one go bankrupt?"

"Hasn't your manga circulation been good?"

Guan Gu said in a serious manner.

"The uncle sweeping the floor told me it was..."

"Because the managerial crisis led to the depreciation of the currency of the beautiful country, which affected the decline in the status of the international currency reserve, countries reduced their holdings of the national debt of the beautiful country, so capital flowed into emerging markets."

"Traditional industries have been impacted, and the annual budget has been lowered many times. The publishing house cannot make ends meet, so it went bankrupt."

Vivi frowned and said.

"Guan Gu, are you sure he is really a moron?"

"Why do I think he is very likely to be the boss of your publishing house..."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Guan Gu said in a depressing way.

"Well, in fact, the root cause of our publishing house's bankruptcy is that we sell a comic for 28 yuan."

"And the pirate base next door only sells for [-]!"

"What's even more outrageous is that they sold a copy of Peking Opera Three-legged Cat and gave away two copies of Gillian's portrait!"

"Can our publishing house not go bankrupt!"

Lin Yun frowned and said.

"This is the so-called bad money driving out good money..."

"But Guan Gu, don't be discouraged."

"After all, surprises are like chocolates in a box. You never know how sticky the next one will be."

Zhang Wei also persuaded.

"Guan Gu, you are a cartoonist after all, unemployment is equivalent to a vacation for you!"

Guan Gu nodded mysteriously and said.

"You're right."

"It's like I'm finally free to write letters to my fans."

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