In order to restore his second brother Xiao Li's dantian, Xiao Yan asked Yao Lao to refine a fifth-grade elixir, repaired the damaged Dou Zhiqi, and restored Xiao Li's cultivation.

It was also because of this that Hai Bodong discovered the aura of the strange fire, and learned of Xiao Yan's identity as a pharmacist.

Afterwards, Hai Bodong asked Xiao Yan to help him refine the elixir.

If it was just a transaction, Xiao Yan would hesitate in his heart whether to help, after all, the other party is a Dou Huang powerhouse, if he restores his cultivation level and kills people to steal treasures, he can't stop him, he can only cause trouble for his master Yao Lao.

But who told the other party to save his elder brother's life, and Yao Lao said that he could help, so Xiao Yan agreed.

Then, Hai Bodong resumed his cultivation and agreed to the news that Xiao Yan would destroy the Mo family.

Due to the lack of information, Mu Li didn't know anything about the Northeast Province of the Jia Ma Empire. Although he is powerful now, he has no one around him.

On the one hand, it was because they were not strong enough before, so they didn't think about establishing power. On the other hand, they followed the guidance of the treasure chest, so it was difficult to have a chance to stop.

Although a person's strength is the most basic guarantee, individuals and forces are different.

The role of power is not only reflected in force, but also in wealth, intelligence, contacts, etc., all of which are based on power.

If there is no power, it is difficult for a person to feel attached, just like duckweed without roots, it is difficult to be stable.

As a time traveler, Mu Li doesn't have a strong sense of attachment to this world, but as time goes by, he interacts more and more with the people here, and he gradually adapts to his identity in this world.

The idea of ​​establishing a power has been around since before he came to Canaan Academy, but it is still in the initial stage and has not yet been fully established.

The preliminary plan is to start from the development of Lianzhong's subordinates, to find potential students who are worthy of training, and to develop.

Mo Heng is one of them, but he has gone to Zhongzhou first, so he won't be needed for a while.

As for the rest of the candidates, in addition to finding 25 in the outer court, Mu Li also planned to search for them in the inner court.

But these are seeded players, some are too young and need to be cultivated.

Cultivation takes time, so it is better to grab ready-made ones and use them directly.

For example, in the imperial capital of the Jia Ma Empire, the forces are intertwined. Muli decided to start with the Mittel family, and Mittel Yafei is a very good chick.

As a direct descendant of the family, he already has an extraordinary status. If it weren't for his talent in cultivation, he would definitely be given a heavy responsibility.

Of course, the identity of the woman on the other side may reduce some points, which is not as deterrent as a man's.

But it's not that there is no solution, just get married, or not marry for life.

In addition to the Mittel family, the overweight royal family is also a force that can be used. The opponent's most outstanding combat power is only a peak Douhuang, and the younger generation relies on two women to show the face of the royal family.

As long as the alchemist guild has strong alchemy skills, they can pull Fama down, and the lord of the Yunlan sect has his own child in his stomach.

There are loopholes for several major forces to take advantage of, now take it step by step and play slowly.

Mu Li stood in front of the window, overlooking the people coming and going on the streets of the imperial capital, as if he was watching chess pieces lined up.

Chapter 131 Yafei Yin-Yang

"Is everything ready?"

Yafei looked at the steward at the side.

"Well, everything on the list is exactly the same, including those few extremely rare medicinal materials and spiritual gold."

The steward replied.

The things Mu Li listed on the list are naturally not peerless things that don't exist in the Dou Qi Continent, but are relatively rare.

After Yafei ordered people to search in various classics, they found the corresponding items. Afterwards, using the relationship of the Mittel family, they were successfully collected within three days.

The terrorist intelligence capabilities of the Mittel family are fully demonstrated at this time. If Mu Li is asked to find them by himself, he may not be able to find them all in a few months.

This is the gap between individuals and forces, and their functions are different.

However, as long as he has strength and wealth, Mu Li can also entrust other forces to help, but it will not be easier than his own forces.

Moreover, some confidential matters cannot be known to other forces.

It is unavoidable that personal power develops to the later stage, and it must develop into family power.

Because humans are social animals, no matter how cold-blooded they are, they still have a constant temperature.

The most powerful people in this world all have their own groups, and the eight ancient groups are a perfect portrayal.

What they do is for the family, of course there are also personal reasons.

Everyone in the family can benefit from it, and the strongest benefit the most, that is, the patriarch, the emperor, and the leader.

Big has big power, small has small power.

As big as Hun Tiandi, Gu Yuan, a nine-star peak fighting saint, as small as Mu Li, head of the Langtou mercenary regiment in Qingshan Town, and Xiao Zhan, head of the Xiao family in Wutan City, are all leaders of their respective forces.

Muli can also form a force now, but what he wants to build is not a small force like the wolf head mercenary group, but a big force that is stronger than the Mittel family, and even stronger than the Jia Ma Empire.

From then on, it continued to expand and annexed the entire Northwest Continent.

But to achieve this, the level of Dou Huang is far from enough, and even the level of Dou Zong is even lower. Only Dou Zun is barely qualified to stand as the king of the Northwest.

Among other things, Fang Jinyan, the fourth prince of Canaan College who had a crush on Xianer before, has a double-digit Douhuang powerhouse in the Tianyan Empire to which he belongs, and there is even a Douzong powerhouse behind him; The government has a profound background and a long history, and there may be a high-level fighting sect; the Izumo Empire and the Mulan Empire, which are close to the Jia Ma Empire, are also powerful.

Mu Li wanted to clear these obstacles, but without absolute strength, he couldn't do it.

Not to mention, there is also the chaotic hell with extremely deep water in the Black Horn Region.

The Nine Star Fighting Saint powerhouses were all sealed in that place, and if Tuoshe Gudiyu became one in the future, it would definitely be a sweet potato.

Therefore, if he wanted to win the Northwest Continent, there was not enough time left for Mu Li. He could only accomplish this goal by becoming stronger as soon as possible.

Yafei carried the Naring that contained the items on the Muli list, all of which were low-level Naring, and the storage space was not large enough, so there were three of them.

The value of these three receiving rings alone is 30 gold coins. This kind of storage thing, which is extremely rare in a small place, is now blooming everywhere in the imperial capital.

Arriving at the hotel where Muli lived, Yafei walked into the gate with two guards.

The waiter at the front desk saw the people from the Mittel family coming, and hurried out to greet them.

"I'm looking for someone who lives in this room."

"Miss Yafei, I'll take you there right now."

Many people in the imperial capital knew about Mittel Yafei, a superb stunner, and had participated in the auction she presided over.

The waiter took the three of them upstairs with a very attentive attitude.

When they came to Muli's room, the waiter was the first to knock on the door.

"Guest, are you there?"

"come in."

After getting the response, the waiter smiled at Yafei and stepped aside.

Yafei gave some tips casually, and then opened the door.

"Mr. Muli, I brought what you asked for."

When Yafei walked in, he saw the white-haired young man sitting on the training cushion at first sight.

She walked towards the other party swayingly, and handed the three rings into Mu Li's hands.

Because Mu Li was sitting cross-legged, when Yafei bent down to hand the ring, the snow-white gully was unintentionally exposed, and it also exuded a faint fragrance.

Mu Li glanced at him, then looked back calmly.

Yafei still kept a charming smile on her face, and she didn't know whether the action just now was intentional or unintentional.

Mu Li's spiritual sense scanned the three rings, and he easily read the contents inside, and it only took a few seconds.

"Well, everything is ready, and the efficiency of the Mittel family really did not disappoint me."

Mu Li took out a card storing gold coins and handed it to Yafei.

"The gold coins above should be enough to pay, and save any more."

The Mittel Auction has a special VIP service, and getting a card is just a trivial matter, and the Mittel family’s cards are used throughout the entire Gama Empire, and they can enjoy a lot of discounts, which are much more affordable than ordinary memory cards. It is also a manifestation of the strength of the family.

Yafei took the card, and then quietly waited for Muli's next words.

"What, is there anything else?"

Mu Li looked at Ya Fei who was standing aside, and asked.

Yafei's smiling face froze slightly, and then she wanted to say something.

"If it's for that private matter, I think it's better for Elder Yafei to come alone at night."

After speaking, Mu Li closed his eyes.

Yafei pursed her lips, said nothing more, turned around and left with the two guards.

The door was closed, and Muli took out several pieces of spiritual gold from the ring. Together with the rare piece of cold iron that he took out from Nalan's house, he could just refine a weapon suitable for ice-type grudges.

(Vital energy has been changed to grudge, it’s almost the same anyway, it’s all lower than aura)

The realm of high-level talisman masters is more proficient in making runes, and they can already make some low-level earth-level spirit treasures. Compared with high-level spirit treasures, their power is much stronger.

After the inscription on the Qingdi sword was engraved by Mu Li, it was not weaker than some low-level earth-level spiritual treasures, which was also the reason why it could break through the defense of the Douhuang.

Now if it is further strengthened by Mu Li, the power will probably be on a higher level, reaching the category of middle-level earth-level spirit treasures. At that time, even some high-level Douhuang powerhouses can only avoid their edge.

The level of earth-level spirit treasures spans a lot, from low-level to high-level, enough to cross the boundary between Douhuang and Douzong.

The top-level earth-level spirit treasure can hurt Dou Zong.

But this requires extremely precious materials and superb rune skills.

Mu Li is now a high-level talisman master, and there is still a long way to go before refining high-level spirit treasures.

The rune array in the room was opened again, and all kinds of flames shot out in front of Mu Li, speeding up the tempering of the spirit gold in his hand, and one rune after another circled in the air, forming a mysterious pattern.

At night, Yafei came to the hotel accompanied by the guards, and then Yafei asked the guards to return by himself, while he went up the stairs and knocked on Muli's door.

The rune technique turned, and the gatehouse opened automatically. Before Yafei could react, he was swallowed by a cloud of blue light and automatically included in the rune array.


Looking at the gorgeous and complicated scene in front of him, Yafei's eyes were dull for a moment.

The entire room was filled with blue runes, and a large group of ice-blue flames suspended in the air, condensing and melting like ice, and during the transformation of the form, it was like a group of flames burning.

Mu Li didn't care about Yafei, and let her admire her forging.

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