Mu Li withdrew his fighting spirit wings, and said in a generous tone: "Forget it, is there anything else good?"

Ya Fei showed embarrassment when she heard the words. Among the things on her body, 200 million gold coins were the most valuable, and the animal skin scroll was the most mysterious. Neither of these two things could attract the other party, let alone the rest.

"Since there isn't one, I'll just say it."

Mu Li crossed his arms and said slowly: "I will stay in the imperial capital for a while, and I need you to use the power of the Mittel family to do something for me."

"Mr. Mu Li, don't worry, the Mittel family will not refuse the friendship of a fighting king."

Yafei replied in a measured manner.

Mu Li narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, the deal is concluded, this fifth-grade elixir is yours."

Yafei once again saw the crystal clear elixir engraved with the pattern of lotus flower.

The ripples of energy spread out, and the Linglong Bone Shaping Pill was placed in front of Yafei.

"Take it now, I will help you protect the law."


Yafei was taken aback, holding the box and the elixir in his hand, and looked at Mu Li.

"Of course, you just want to swallow the fifth-grade elixir directly. Without my guardian, you might explode and die."

Mu Li walked to the bed and motioned for Yafei to sit down.

Yafei hesitated for a moment, and felt that what Mu Li said made sense, so she walked to the bed and sat down slowly.

"Just swallow it."

Mu Li stood in front of her and said.

Yafei looked at the fifth-grade elixir in his hand, took a deep breath, and with a ruthless heart, picked up the elixir and swallowed it.

In the next moment, the elixir turned into energy and flowed into the body, and a looming lotus seed took root in the Douzhi cyclone at the dantian.


Of course, the elixirs that improve aptitude cannot be created at will.

Even Elder Huo from Canaan Academy didn't have such ability, let alone Mu Li, a junior of the newly promoted fifth-rank pharmacist.

The real reason why Linglong Bone Shaping Pill can improve aptitude is that Mu Li combined the lotus seed and the elixir, and refined the lotus seed in a method that does not contain special energy.

The elixir that Yafei swallowed did not come with Xuanming Youshui, Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire, Zhenyu Houtu and other wonders of heaven and earth, but it focused on strengthening the shaping of the body.

In terms of polishing the body, the Linglong Bone Shaping Pill is more effective than the special lotus seeds planted by Mu Li to Ruolin and Mo Heng.

To a certain extent, this is a special low-profile version of the lotus seed. It doesn't take too much effort to refine it. As long as the monk swallows the elixir, it can become Mu Li's lotus seed accessory.

Yafei in front of her was the first person to take this elixir. Like Ruolin, she was Mu Li's experiment.

Mu Li looked at Yafei who was sitting cross-legged, his uneven body was perfectly displayed, adding a sense of temptation.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is really a stunner.

Mu Li recalled the inheritance he had just obtained from the animal skin scroll.

The Yin-Yang Combined Heaven Pill, ranked at the peak of the Seventh Grade, is a kind of dual-cultivation pill.

The requirement for refining is that a man and a woman need to refine together, and the two parties must be Taoist couples and communicate with each other.

In other words, two seventh-rank pharmacists who are married are required to refine it.

This condition is not harsh, at least in the Northwest Continent, Mu Li does not know anyone who meets the condition.

You must know that this is the pinnacle pill of the seventh rank, and a pharmacist like Han Feng who can barely refine a few pills of the seventh rank cannot refine it at all.

So this volume of pill formula is useless for the moment, because even Mu Li himself is only at the fifth rank now.

But in addition to the alchemy formula, there is another secret method of dual cultivation - Yin-Yang Acacia Dafa, which Mu Li can use now.

The main function of this secret method is actually related to the Yin-Yang Hetian Pill. Those who swallow the pill must master this secret method in order to truly refine the Yin-Yang Hetian Pill, otherwise most of the medicinal power will be wasted.

But in normal times, this secret method can speed up the cultivation speed of the husband and wife and increase the degree of mutual understanding, which can be regarded as an orthodox method of dual cultivation.

This is not something that can be compared with tonic exercises.

What Mu Li and Xiao Yixian did before was actually Mu Li's nourishing each other and absorbing each other's toxin essence. Although it suppressed the Enandu body, it also affected the speed of Xiao Yixian's cultivation.

Now that there is this secret method, there is no need to plunder in the future. Mu Li can also feed back some essence to the other party, and he can also benefit from it.

However, this technique advocates polygamy, so it is naturally unsightly for the innocent and decent protagonist, and only a villain like him can control it.

On the bed, Yafei had already started refining the medicinal power of the elixir, and waves of violent energy hit her meridians, causing her unspeakable misery.

At this moment, she finally realized the meaning of what Mu Li said before.

With her Dou Zhe cultivation level accumulated by using elixirs, she couldn't absorb the powerful medicinal power of the fifth-grade elixirs, let alone the role of this elixir to shape bones!

Mu Li watched silently from the side, listening to Yafei's painful wailing.

Up to now, the other party has not said a word of intercession, which slightly exceeded Mu Li's expectations.

Mu Li did not act until the medicine was about to really damage Yafei's body. Xuanming Youshui covered Yafei's body, helping her repair the damaged meridians, muscles, and bones in her body.

At the same time, the erysipelas accumulated in Yafei's body was being continuously diluted, and the originally fragile foundation was gradually returning to normal at this moment.

"Linglong Bone Shaping Pill, as expected, the less talented the person, the better the effect."

Mu Li observed the changes in Yafei's body and came to this expected conclusion.

Now Yafei can barely be called a monk.

Before that, it was completely the product of accumulation of medicinal power. If the erysipelas in the body was not diluted and eliminated, it would be difficult for Yafei to absorb no matter how precious the elixir was.

This is why her cultivation is getting more and more difficult.

Xuanming Youshui said that all the impurities in Yafei's body were swallowed up, and then slowly withdrew from the body.

And this process was very similar to when Mu Li dealt with Nalan Jie before, and the pain caused was naturally almost the same.

After Xuanming Youshui withdrew from her body, Yafei collapsed on the bed, her body trembling non-stop.

Mu Li was not surprised by this.

He didn't expect that there were so many erysipelas in Yafei's body, so he took a strong dose of medicine, the effect was obvious, but the pain also increased countless times.

Even an old marshal like Nalanjie who has experienced many battles couldn't help but stop, let alone a delicate family lady like Yafei.

The ordeal she suffered before, no matter how hard or tiring she was, would not hurt her body, but more psychologically.

It was only after walking through the gate of hell today that Yafei really realized what extreme pain is.

At this moment, Yafei was still trembling. Mu Li checked the opponent's body, and then took out a calming elixir for her to drink.

After doing this, Mu Li yawned shallowly.

He was also very tired today. He spent too much energy refining the Cold Glass Spear, and spent some time on Yafei, so he was very sleepy now.

Walking to the other side of the bed, Mu Li lay down flat.

The beauty was by her side, but Mu Li fell asleep directly. When she woke up the next day, Yafei was still awake.

"This woman, isn't it painful and stupid?"

Mu Li touched Yafei's forehead and frowned.

Although he said before that he didn't value Yafei's cleverness, in fact, the other party's business acumen is still of some value, just like Ruolin, as the tutor of Canaan College, is a potential pyramid salesman, who can find many potential students for him, In the future, becoming an elder of the academy will help Mu Li control the form of the Canaan Academy, not seeking to dominate, but seeking to keep things in order.

With the Xuanming Youshui lotus seed, the Douwang Douhuang is not difficult for Ruolin at all, and it is possible to become a Douzong in the future.

And this sentence is also the same for Yafei today. Although she was a waste before, but with the bone-plastic lotus seed, it is still possible to become a strong fighting spirit in the future. species grade.

When his strength improves and the "Emperor Lotus Art" advances to the next stage, the lotus seeds born will definitely be stronger. At that time, it will not be difficult to refine the sixth-grade bone-molding lotus seeds with the help of alchemy.

Mu Li helped Yafei up, sat behind her, slapped her palm, and conveyed her fighting spirit.

Jinglian Douqi patrolled Yafei's body for a few times, and retreated into Mu Li's body after not finding any enemies.

It seems that the spirit is just too tired.

Noticing any serious problems, Mu Li stuffed the naked Yafei back under the bed.

Clothes were directly shattered by Mu Li with fighting energy yesterday, because some of the erysipelas excreted from the body was disgusting, and after being stained on the clothes, they were directly swallowed by Mu Li with the mysterious water, crushed into particles, and dissipated into invisible.

After a night of sleep, Mu Li recovered a lot. He suddenly remembered that today he seemed to be going to detoxify the old man of Nalan's family. It had been three days since the last detoxification.

Mu Li had no doubt that with the power of the Nalan family in the imperial capital, they would not be able to find their own residence.

Before going out, Mu Li opened the multiple talisman arrays arranged in the room. The outermost layer is the illusion talisman. Those who walk in the door will see a room before moving in, and after that is the defensive talisman. If someone sees it through, This layer of talisman will be activated, and only the Douhuang strong can break it.

After all, Yafei is now in a coma, and she doesn't know when she will wake up. It would be bad if someone picks up her body.

Mu Li has never tasted it himself, so how can it be cheaper for others.

Walking out of the hotel, Mu Li's consciousness spread out, and he found several people who were secretly watching.

The opponent's cultivation base is probably between Doushi and Da Doushi. It is not high-end combat power, but it is relatively arrogant to use in reconnaissance.

These people have followed him since a few days ago. Since he entered Nalan Mansion and was sent out by Nalan Yanran himself, Mu Li has already entered the sight of some high-level officials in the imperial capital.

The other party probably knew about Yafei's entry into her room before.

But Mu Li didn't care, he was doing serious business, and he was upright and upright, not afraid of what outsiders would say.

When he came to Nalan's house again, Mu Li was personally welcomed into the house by the housekeeper.

The second time I came here, the Nalan's family no longer had the lively scene of seeking medical treatment and asking for medicine, but it seemed rather deserted.

Mu Li was walking in the courtyard. Before he was quiet for a few seconds, a strong old man strode over with the support of a pure young girl.

"Master Muli, you've come!"

Nalan Jie's voice was resonant, and he looked like two people in the same state as before.

It can be seen that Dou Wang's vitality is still quite tenacious.

"Senior Nalan seems to be recovering well."

"It's also thanks to Master Mu Li's treatment."

Nalanjie was well aware of the horror of burning poison, and after being reborn, he also had great respect for Mu Li.

Don't underestimate him just because he looks young.

These days Nalan Jie has not been idle. After recovering, he began to investigate Mu Li's clues, but so far the other party still hides a mysterious mask.

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