Everyone looked at each other.

In the entire imperial capital, who is a fifth-grade pharmacist?

Looks like there is only one.

That old man Fa Ma! ! !

He actually... actually......

Thinking of the old man's appearance, Mittel Tengshan felt a surge of anger in his heart!

Although Fa Ma should be the Douhuang powerhouse, how could a fighter know the difference between Douhuang and Douwang? What if Yafei made a mistake.

"His name is Mu Li, he should not be from the imperial capital."

Seeing that something was wrong, Yafei immediately explained.

She was out of her mind to commit herself to a kind-hearted old man, and even someone as respected as Fa Ma couldn't have taken a liking to her.

Thinking of Muli's charming body, Yafei felt that he couldn't let Grandpa Fa Ma defile his man.

The elders' meeting was dissolved ahead of schedule, Mittel Tengshan brought Yafei to the office, and said earnestly, "So, how many times have you met?"


Yafei has already told the elder about Mu Li, with the identity of Dou Wang and fifth-rank pharmacist, the mere Mu family can't compare.

What's more, what's done is done, the Mittel family is not stupid enough to ask the price on both sides, and they will give Yafei to whoever is high.

Whether it's Dou Wang, a fifth-rank pharmacist, or the Mu family, who controls the border military power, they are not easy to fool.

"Forget it, since that's the case, you should serve that Dou Wang well. I'll put aside the matter with the Mu family for you first, and then find a way to refuse it."

Mitteltenshan quickly made a decision.

Although there are many advantages to the marriage of the two major families, there are also disadvantages. The union of the two major families of the three major families will become a threat in the eyes of the royal family.

Just like the friendship between the Nalan family and the Yunlanzong, the royal family has secretly targeted them.

"You can check the information about Misty Cloud Sect, but I will go with you when the time comes to meet the Dou Wang you mentioned."

Mittel Tengshan gave Yafei a formal elder order.

Yafei walked out of the room, holding the token tightly in her hand. At this moment, the fire of ambition in her heart was ignited again.


Mu Li practiced in his room until evening, and then went out to visit the night market in the imperial capital.

The imperial capital is very lively at night, the exclusive commercial area is brightly lit, while the rest of the neighborhood is very quiet, as if there is a clear boundary.

But there is no need to worry about not being able to go shopping, the commercial area is ridiculously large, the Miter auction house, the trading Taobao area, the medicinal material store, the weapon store, the performance club, etc., all open their doors to welcome everyone.

Mu Li remembered that in the original book, Xiao Yan found a treasure in the imperial capital - the Three Mysterious Changes of Heaven and Fire.

Hidden in a black jade tablet.

When he came to the trading Taobao area, Mu Li immediately let go of his consciousness and searched for things in the nearby stalls.

Walking down in a circle, I found a lot of black jade pieces, but it was impossible to tell whether there was a secret method hidden in them just by relying on spiritual sense, and Mu Li was not easy to use the strange fire in the public, so these black jade pieces were all Bought by Muli.

In addition, he also found some very rare medicinal materials, some of which are enough to refine a sixth-grade elixir, and a fifth-level beast fire peach blossom fire, which corresponds to the original book.

There are still a lot of good things in this trading Taobao area, but the price is up to the beholder to see the wisdom of the beholder. Some people who have been taken advantage of here can spend a lot more than buying in regular stores.

Mu Li didn't stay. After returning to the hotel, he arranged multiple isolation talisman arrays.

Afterwards, Qinglian's heart fire ignited, burning a table full of black jade pieces.

Mu Li stared at these molten jade pieces intently. Under the action of the strange fire, they melted at an outrageously fast speed.

One minute later, Mu Li looked at the ball of black jade liquid in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"how come......"

None of these pieces of jade contained any secret method.

That is to say, he took a big advantage today and bought a lot of useless black jade!

Mu Li sighed, then forged the black jade into the shape of a long ruler, and painted a few symbols at will, barely turning this thing into a low-level spiritual treasure.

In the future, it can be used to cut some pure things condensed by the energy of heaven and earth. Jade is the least likely to pollute energy.

And black jade can be regarded as a precious jade seed, so... not a loss.

Putting away the black ruler, Mu Li decided to go to the Taobao area tomorrow night.

After all, the flow of people here is uncertain, maybe the person who sells black jade flakes hasn't come yet.

Chapter 135 Misty Cloud School Gate of Life and Death

Northeast province, Mohist.

The Northeast Overlord, who was originally preparing a grand ceremony to welcome guests from all sides, was completely silent at this moment.

A few days ago, two uninvited guests approached Qiu and killed the Patriarch of the Mo family and several elders, and the rest of the monks abolished their cultivation.

Today's Mohist school is already a mess, anyone can step forward and step on it.

The former overlord seems to have become a thing of the past, and the Mohist school is no longer worthy of its name, and they are scattered.

Xiao Yan and Hai Bodong had already embarked on the journey to the imperial capital.

For the Mo family, the two have no mercy.

In the Continent of Fighting Qi, the weak prey on the strong, and it is common for each other to become enemies and be retaliated against.

Haibodong once froze the entire city, causing countless casualties, but who dares to say anything wrong?

Only the strong can talk about humanity and justice, and the dead cannot speak.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan's deliberate words this time, saving the lives of a group of women and children of the Mo family, Hai Bodong would have even wiped out his family alone.

However, after the exchange of favors, Hai Bodong also chose to leave. In the end, just like in the original book, Xiao Yan offered Hai Bodong by his side in order to find a Douhuang bodyguard as a reward.

Four days later, the two arrived outside the imperial capital. Hai Bodong, who had already been waiting impatiently, proposed directly:

"Xiao Yan, I'm planning to go to the Miter family to collect the medicinal materials of the Fuling Purple Pill, how about you?"

"I'll come with you."

Xiao Yan didn't have any opinion on this, the auction house in the imperial capital might have some precious treasures, which would help him break through his cultivation.


At the same time, Mittel Tengshan and Mittel Yafei were walking towards the hotel where Mu Li lived with some gifts.


Yafei brought the patriarch of his own family into this ordinary hotel, and let the patriarchs of the three major families visit this place in person. I am afraid that there are not many hotels in the imperial capital that have such honors.

Mittel Tengshan squinted his eyes, with an old man's unique calm smile on his face. In normal times, he always had this expression, which looked close but majestic.

"Mr. Murray, here we come."

Yafei knocked on the door of Muli's room, and at the same time reminded him that he was not alone.

"come in."

Mu Li, who has a strong spiritual sense, has long sensed the arrival of a Dou Wang powerhouse. He untied the talisman array in advance, making this room look so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary.

Yafei opened the door and let Mittel Tengshan go in first.

"Come here uninvited, Mr. Mu Li, don't take offense."

"Patriarch Tengshan is polite. Since it is a deal with the Mittel family, I must let you know."

Listening to the other party's rather casual answer, Mittel Tengshan smiled slightly and sat down on the chair.

"The Misty Cloud Sect is not a small sect, sir, have you thought about what you want to do?"

"It's natural, but what I want to do, that's what has to be done."

Mittel Tengshan froze for a moment, feeling very helpless at Mu Li's domineering words.

It is really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers.

"We have brought the information about Misty Cloud Sect, but what is Mr. Mu Li going to exchange for it?"

"This transaction was completed yesterday."

Mu Li looked at Yafei who was next to Mittelten Mountain.

Yafei smiled lightly, walked to Mu Li, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Mu Li, don't worry, just don't make deals with the patriarch. I've written down the information."

Mu Li smiled and shook his head.

"You, don't whisper whispers before you learn the skill of fighting spirit transmission."

With a slight embarrassment on Yafei's face, she turned her head to look at Mittel Tengshan, who was still there.

"Sit down, I probably know what Patriarch Tengshan wants to be rewarded."

Mittel Tengshan squinted and smiled, but did not speak.

Mu Li held Yafei's waist with one hand, and at the same time, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and the mental pressure surged towards Tengshan at an extremely fast speed.


Mittel Tengshan opened his eyes suddenly, but the next second he found himself in a world intertwined with runes.


How could it be possible, in an instant...the person in front of him is definitely not just as simple as Dou Wang!

Mittel Tengshan looked around vigilantly at this time, and suddenly a voice came overwhelmingly.

"Patriarch Tengshan, Yafei is my woman. I will talk to her alone for the next thing. Please go back the same way, Patriarch."

In the next second, Mittel Tengshan hadn't recovered, and his vision returned to the room.

He breathed heavily, like the madness of a drowning man when he suddenly comes ashore.


Mittel Yafei was startled, not understanding what happened to Mittel Tengshan, and suddenly took a big breath.

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