The two sides began to compete with marksmanship.

"Ice attribute grudge, how can you, a pharmacist, be ice attribute?"

The icy air from the tip of Muli's spear blew out, and Hai Bodong could feel the icy coldness.

This kind of cold fighting spirit is actually stronger than him, the Ice Emperor!

"It can't be used here, so how about going outside?"

Mu Li said while firing his gun.

"Exactly what I want!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them spread their fighting spirit behind their backs, and their figures appeared outside the house in a second, flying towards the outside of the imperial capital.

"Douhuang strong!"

In the imperial capital, countless people looked at the sky, and the guards of the imperial city immediately notified their superiors, requesting the strong to stop it.

Douhuang powerhouses are fighting in the imperial capital, and ordinary people can't stop them at all.

In the alchemist guild, Fa Ma, who was refining medicine, changed his expression, his soul force pressed the pill furnace, and looked out the window with a serious expression.

In the inner hall of the imperial palace, Jia Xingtian suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

This familiar that old man!


"The Ice Emperor, once famous as Jia Ma, is nothing more than that."

Mu Li shattered Hai Bodong's ice shield with one shot, and taunted him.

Sure enough, Hai Bodong got angry again.

Fortunately, the Xuanbing gun was put away directly, and several patterns appeared on the wrist,

"Xuanbing Longxiang!"

Mu Li felt the temperature around him drop instantly, and his body retreated violently.

Um?Can't afford it, can't you just use the big move directly.

The temperature in the sky plummeted, and patches of frost condensed, which was then condensed by Hai Bodong's battle energy, turning into a huge ice dragon.

Borrowing the power of heaven and earth to a large extent, this is a method that can only be used at the Douhuang level.

"Listen quietly to the mournful cry of fate."

Hai Bodong stood on the head of the ice faucet and looked down. He felt a domineering disdain, and couldn't help saying these words.

Boy, this is the true strength of the Ice Emperor!

However, Mu Li's soul perception at this time has already noticed that someone is coming from a distance, so he put away the spear directly, changed his body shape, and disappeared in place.

Hai Bodong's expression changed, and he shouted directly: "Don't run!"

"Hai Bo Dong, I haven't seen you for so long, but my temper hasn't changed at all."

A ray of yellow battle energy flashed across the sky, and appeared in front of Hai Bodong.

"Additional punishment day!"

Hai Bodong stopped his pursuit.

"You move pretty fast."

"Who was fighting with you just now?"

Jia Xingtian looked around, but found no trace of the other person.

"It's just a shameless thief, you don't need to know."


Seeing that Hai Bodong concealed the identity of the Dou Huang, Jia Xingtian was not annoyed, he stepped on it, and a brown-yellow phoenix appeared.

"Come on, since your opponent is gone, let's fight and we haven't seen each other for decades. I don't know if you have improved."

Facing the provocation from his old friend, Hai Bodong certainly wouldn't be afraid, so he manipulated the ice dragon to charge towards the opponent.

It was almost dusk at this time, and the sky was dark, but two blue-yellow grudges collided with each other, making the sky of the imperial capital flicker, as if turbulent energy gathered on the clouds.

Mu Li, who returned to the Mittel family, stood on the balcony and looked up at the sky.

There is a bloody battle of old age going on.

"Old people should fight with old people. Doesn't hitting me force me to bully old comrades?"


In the evening, Hai Bodong came back with a lottery, his body was bruised and purple, but his aura was still stern and calm, as if he wasn't the one who lost.

"Old Hai, you are..."

Xiao Yan was surprised when he saw Hai Bodong's appearance during dinner.

"Small wound."

Hai Bodong said perfunctorily, "I came to you to ask, how did you and Mu Li meet?"

"Brother Li?"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, "He is my elder brother's friend, so we got to know him naturally."

Hearing Xiao Yan's explanation, Hai Bodong remembered that when he was investigating the Motie Mercenary Group, the other party's sudden extra wealth, presumably came from Mu Li, a pharmacist.

"Okay, I see."

Hai Bodong nodded and was about to leave.

"Elder Hai, has your strength... recovered?"

Today, Mu Li has already refined a sixth-grade elixir, and with his alchemy skills, it is no problem to refine the Fuling Purple Pill.


Hai Bodong replied casually, but thought of something, he turned to Xiao Yan and said, "Don't worry, I won't break my promise to be your bodyguard, call me anytime if necessary."

Xiao Yan rubbed his head and smiled embarrassedly.


After that day, Hai Bodong suddenly calmed down, neither came to trouble Mu Li, nor went out to show off, but closed himself.

And the long-awaited pharmacist competition also opened amid the celebration.

The pharmacists who came from all over started a test of refining medicine with excitement and nervousness.

After Mu Li easily completed these preliminary tests, he sat down with the two presidents and vice presidents of the Black Rock City Alchemists Guild.

"I really didn't expect that, in less than a year, Mu Li, you can actually refine a fourth-grade pill!"

"Where is it, it's just a fluke."

Mu Li responded with a smile.

"This little brother is..."

Ao Tuo looked at Xiao Yan who was on the side. He also came to participate in the alchemist competition, and came out after the test with Mu Li.

"It's my friend's younger brother. He is also a third-rank pharmacist now, and he is only under 20 years old."

"It's really a hero out of a boy!"

The two presidents praised Xiao Yan when they caught Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan responded shyly, slandering this fat man for being too enthusiastic.

"It's not comparable to Brother Mu Li. I don't need to think about the first prize in this alchemist competition."

Xiao Yan looked at Mu Li and sighed secretly. He knew Mu Li's true strength, he could refine sixth-grade elixir, and the mere competition of alchemists of the younger generation was called a dimensionality reduction blow.

"You are still young, you can wait for the next session, don't be discouraged."

The Alchemist Competition is held every eight years, and with Xiao Yan's age of less than 20 years old, it is more than enough to participate in the next one.

And an old man like Mu Li is over 23 years old, and this time will be the last time to participate.

Mu Li chatted with the two presidents again, saying that he would represent the Alchemist Guild of Black Rock City this time, which moved Otto and Frank instantly.

You know, now Mu Li doesn't need them to be weak, and with his age advantage, his potential is much greater than the two.

In this way, he can still keep his promise and not ask for compensation, which is precious.

"Little friend Mu Li, if you have time, you might as well come and sit with us. The girls Xue Mei and Lin Fei definitely want to see you."

At this mention, Mu Li thought of the two young girls who had been used by him back then.

"I'm going to a dinner party tonight, so...hey, why don't you two bring Xuemei and Miss Linfei to attend with me, this is a dinner party prepared by the Nalan family, and there are many dignitaries from the imperial capital will participate."

" not very good."

Frank stroked his beard and declined, but his tone didn't seem so firm.

Seeing this, Mu Li smiled lightly: "It's okay, Nalan Jie won't give me my face."


Hearing Mu Li directly calling the name of the old head of the Nalan family, Frank and Otto gasped and looked at each other, seeing shock in each other's eyes.

This little friend Mu Li seems to be doing very well in the imperial capital.

"Then we will be disrespectful."

Frank bowed his hands to Muli and thanked him.

"The two presidents, I'll see you tonight."

For Otto and Frank, especially Otto, Muli has good intentions.

Mu Li has always remembered the feeling of donating the exercises at the beginning. Although he no longer practiced the volume of advanced exercises of the mysterious class, without the help of the volume of exercises, the risk of Muli's snake king and his party would have increased by half. .

There is still a big difference between the Huang-rank exercises and the Xuan-rank exercises, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a sky and a ground.

Therefore, within the scope of his ability, Mu Li didn't mind helping the two of them.

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