Do things stay on the line?Xiao Yan couldn't help recalling Nalan Yanran's aggressive attitude in Xiao's house three years ago. If she kept a line in her work, then what would she be like back then!

Nalan Yanran was slightly startled by the hatred in Xiao Yan's eyes.

Although Xiao Yan concealed it very well, how could it be so easy to get rid of the three-year backlog.

At this moment, the image of Mu Li suddenly appeared in Nalan Yanran's mind, as if he had asked himself such a question on the first day he met him.

If she had to choose again, would she have retired as before?

Her answer is still yes, but the method will not be so radical, but choose to keep a line.

In a slight silence, Nalan Yanran said: "Xiao Yan, I did something wrong three years ago and caused you and your family great trouble. I apologize to you for this, but if you resent me If you are snobbish and unrighteous, if you choose to break off the engagement because you are trash, then I have nothing to say."

As soon as these words came out, the hatred in Xiao Yan's eyes disappeared instantly, but there was still a deep surge. He stood there for nearly half a minute, without saying a last word, but raised the giant ruler behind his back and pointed at Na Lan Yanran.

"The three-year agreement, I came as promised, I do not accept your apology, let us use our ability to resolve the past grievances!"

"Right on my mind."


Xiao Yan's whole body was instantly wrapped in crimson vindictiveness, and his tactic was to make quick decisions!

Chapter 151 Three Years' Agreement · Flame Points

The floor was shattered by Xiao Yanben's strength, and the benefits of carrying a mysterious heavy ruler on his back were manifested at this moment. Xiao Yan's physical body was undoubtedly the strongest group among his peers.

Sensing the vindictiveness emanating from Xiao Yan's body, Nalan Yanran's eyes flashed with surprise.

He is really different from before.


The scarlet flame dragged a long red tail along with Xiao Yan's sprint in the arena, but the speed was nothing more than that in Nalan Yanran's eyes.

Pulling out the saber, tiny cyan whirlwinds floated one after another, Nalan Yanran stood holding the sword, the dazzling sword light was reflected by the sword body, and her fighting spirit was unparalleled.

The fierce fighting energy of the wind attribute is not good at confronting the violent fighting energy of the fire attribute. Nalan Yanran is not an arrogant person, so she chooses to use body skills to dodge Xiao Yan's attack. go.

Tapping the ground with her toes, Nalan Yanran's body passed Xiao Yan like a phantom.

"So fast!"

Xiao Yan paused, turned around and swung the mysterious ruler in his hand, turning into a boomerang attack in the air.

Nalan Yanran, who was leaping in mid-air, had no way to dodge this unexpected turn-back blow. She saw her jade finger pinching seals, and a huge whirlwind came out of her body, blocking Xuan Zhongru from her body.


The sharp blade and Xuan Zhongru's attacks slashed at each other, making an ear-piercing sound, Xiao Yan lost the suppression of Xuan Zhongru, his speed suddenly increased, and his figure came behind Nalan Yanran in an instant.


At this time, Nalan Yanran was partly blocked by the windshield shield, but she actually had a plan in her heart. According to the speed of Xiao Yan's explosion before, she could completely knock the Xuanzhong ruler into the air and turn around to block it. But now, Xiao Yan's attack The speed far exceeded her expectations.

"Three flames!"

In an instant, three flames of different colors emerged from Xiao Yan's body, they were crimson red, dark purple, and light golden.

Sirius inflammation, amethyst inflammation, golden snake inflammation!

The three high-level beast fires merged into one, and under Xiao Yan's fist, they fused into a terrifying force.


Accompanied by a roaring firestorm, Nalan Yanran's tornado shield shattered, filling the arena with gunpowder smoke.


The audience in the stands were all dumbfounded at this moment, none of them thought that the one who had the upper hand at the beginning was actually Xiao Yan, this ordinary boy who came out of a small family!

You know, Nalan Yanran is the young master of Misty Cloud Sect!

Even among his peers, he is extremely powerful in fighting power. Compared with this, could it be that Xiao Yan's fighting power is more terrifying?

"Haha, Nalan Jie, you grandson-in-law who almost entered the door, don't you seem to be the trash in the rumors?"

Mu Chen looked at Nalan Jie's sinking face, and teased him.

Nalanjie didn't pay any attention to this, at the beginning he firmly disagreed with Nalan Yanran's resignation, if it wasn't for the fact that he was poisoned and ignored the family affairs, how could Yanran go to Wutan City to resign with great fanfare?

Well now, Xiao Yan is not a waste, but a very outstanding young man.

Nalan Jie felt guilt and regret in his heart. The guilt was for his old friend Xiao Lin, and the regret was for Xiao Yan. However, it was too late. Compared to Xiao Yan, Nalan Jie certainly hoped that his granddaughter would win victory.

After all, judging from the performance just now, Xiao Yan has some hatred for the Nalan family.

In the stands, Hai Bodong's face was calm, but there was no excitement about Xiao Yan's success in his eyes.

Because according to his perception, Nalan Yanran was not seriously injured at all, but Xiao Yan, on the other hand, had already consumed nearly one-fifth of his battle energy at this moment!

Sure enough, a burst of sword energy blew past, and the gunpowder smoke dispersed in the arena. Nalan Yanran, wearing the battle qi armor, walked towards the panting Xiao Yan step by step.

The damage evasion of Liu Xu's movement technique and the Dou Qi armor of the Great Fighter level allowed Xiao Yan to disperse the damage of his heavy punch too much, so Nalan Yanran did not suffer too serious injuries at all.

"You surprised me. It seems that you have paid a lot in the past three years, but today, you have no chance of winning."

Under Xiao Yan's shocked gaze, Nalan Yanran stood in front of the sword, and the battle energy behind her slowly condensed into five illusory sword shadows.

"Accept the reality, Xiao Yan."

Fengling Fractal Sword!

A total of five fierce sword shadows pierced through the void, and slashed towards Xiao Yan at high speed.

Xiao Yan didn't master any superb body skills, nor did he learn the bursting steps in the original book, but due to his experience in the mountains, his footwork is self-contained and has a unique style.

She dodged the five sword shadow attacks with a strange posture, but soon Nalan Yanran organized the next attack.

"This is not the way to go."

Xiao Yan, who got up and jumped around, his eyes sharpened, and he raised his hand, and Xuan Zhongru quickly flew back from the ground in the distance.


The powerful air flow might interfere with some ordinary fighters, but it didn't affect Nalan Yanran who was wind-attributed at all.

Even the Xuanzhong Ruler that flew back was blocked by Nalan Yanran's sword, losing the chance to fly back to Xiao Yan's hand.

At this point, Xiao Yan had no choice but to dodge again in embarrassment.

In the stands, Mu Li was recording with an ice crystal video recorder, wanting to preserve this battle well.

It's really funny, Xiao Yan is so embarrassed, but think about it, even if it is a seven-star fighter, how can he fight against a big fighter?

Only fighting skills can make up for it.

Just as Mu Li thought, Xiao Yan's mind is now to snatch back the Xuanzhong Ruler, and then use the ground-level fighting skill Flame to Devour the Wave Ruler.

He used the Xuanzhong Ruler as a feint before, although Nalan Yanran was hit hard, but it was obvious that he underestimated Nalan Yanran's strength.

It is true that Sanyan Jin can injure a two-star to three-star fighting master, but is Nalan Yanran an ordinary one-star fighting master?

He can step up to fight, how can Nalan Yanran not?

"Golden Snake Flame!"

Xiao Yan's body shook violently, and a faint golden light shot out of his body immediately. The unique light attribute of the sixth-order Golden Snake Flame made Nalan Yanran subconsciously close her eyes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Yan rushed to the side of Xuan Chongchi, holding the weapon tightly in his hand.

Nalan Yanran reacted quickly to the battle, and immediately retreated to a safe place after being dazzled by the golden light.

After the battle just now, Xiao Yan's fighting spirit was consumed a lot.

The next move, I hope to see the outcome.

Xiao Yan raised the Xuanzhong ruler, and the fire-attribute fighting energy between the heaven and the earth condensed and gradually climbed on the lines of the Xuanzhong ruler.

The aura of the ground-level fighting skills instantly frightened Nalan Yanran, and something was wrong intuitively, making Nalan Yanran also jump into the air.

His Dou Qi was obviously consumed too much, which was caused by insufficient skill level, so, does he now want to decide the outcome with one move?

Then I will fulfill you, and it can be regarded as a reward for your courage.

Nalan Yanran did not choose to dodge this time, but raised her hand and raised her sword, pointing at Xiao Yan.

"Extreme Wind~"


A huge cyan rune emerged from Nalan Yanran's back. It was so powerful that few people could do it in the realm of a great fighter.

Even in Canaan Academy, the only ones who can compare with Nalan Yanran are Baishan, Wu Hao and Hujia, not to mention that they are all older than Nalan Yanran. If Nalan Yanran is given a few more years, it is not impossible to surpass them. impossible.

As the heir of a sect, Nalan Yanran's talent is really beyond words, she can be called the proud of heaven.


Xiao Yan's eyes were on fire, and his voice seemed to be scorched by the fire, thick and hoarse.

"Flame points~"

Chapter 152 The Three-Year Covenant·Sirius on Fire

"Eating the wave ruler!"


Two extremely powerful energy fluctuations collided together.

Yun Ling directly ordered the disciples of the sect to form an enchantment to resist the energy storm in the arena.

All the people on the viewing platform showed strange expressions. How could this be a battle between great fighters?

There was too much movement.

Xiao Yan, who is at the level of a fighter, can't compete with such powerful attacking skills as "Wind of the Wind and Sunset Yao" based on his own strength of fighting spirit.

However, Nalan Yanran can't resist the stratum-level flame points eating the wave ruler.

In this way, an evenly matched situation was created.

However, only the two fighting each other know the real outcome of the match.

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