"Well, if something happens after that, Sect Master Yunshan must never refuse."

"It should be so. I owe the guardian a favor. If it doesn't violate my morality, I will do my best to help."

Yun Shan responded.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The eagle stopped talking, and instead let out a very characteristic manic laughter, and the black shadow flew out of the door.


Utan City.

Xiao Yan returned home after many years, looking at the familiar city walls and streets, feeling inexplicable for a while.

He can be regarded as returning home.

After winning the three-year contract, he was full of joy and wanted to share it with his father.

But thinking of what Mu Li said before, Xiao Yan's heart became clouded again.

If someone from the Misty Cloud Sect takes action against the Xiao family, how should they deal with it.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much."

The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge. Since Mu Li is the husband of the suzerain of the Misty Yunzong, he will not make the entire Misty Yunzong and the Xiao family an enemy. Most likely, they are just some secret individuals.

And Mu Li also said before, if there is grievance to revenge, if there is hatred to revenge, as long as the entire Misty Cloud Sect is not implicated, Xiao Yan will kill one by one, one by one, and one by one who troubles the Xiao family!

Although I can't beat those fighting spirits and kings, isn't there a teacher around?

The members of the Misty Cloud Sect didn't know that they had the trump card of a teacher, they just thought they had the fighting power of a great fighter, and if they wanted to cause trouble, they must have planned it long ago.

When the limelight passes for a while, it will probably be safe.

It just so happens that I haven't been home for a long time, so I'll stay at home for a while, and then go to Jia'an College to find Xun'er.

Chapter 159 Dispatched

"Don't look at it, it's a girl!"

Yun Yun shyly pushed Mu Li who put her cheek on her stomach, and said helplessly.

"I'll watch it later."

Mu Li used his soul power to observe the fetus in Yun Yun's womb.

In Dou Qi Continent, those who are above Dou Zhe can look inside, so when the baby is fully developed, many people can know in advance whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

"Muli, you... don't you like your daughter?"

Seeing Mu Li lying on his stomach, Yun Yun looked carefully, and suddenly thought that the other party was not reconciled and wanted to confirm whether it was really his daughter?

But she had already looked inside many times before and after, and she had already confirmed it.

"How come, I'm too happy to have time."

Mu Li didn't have that kind of strong preference for a daughter or a son, and whatever he had, anyway, he had many wives, so there was no difference between one or two.

Seeing that Mu Li's expression did not seem to be fake, Yun Yun was relieved.

It's only been a few days since their honeymoon with Mu Li, if they get into trouble because of the child, then Yun Yun will really be sad.

"As long as it was born by you, I like it."

Mu Li embraced Yun Yun's snow-white shoulders, softly comforting her.

Yun Yunfang's heart trembled, and she became more and more used to Mu Li's words and deeds by her side. She just felt that the life of being alone was too lonely.

If he continues to act like that again tonight, everything will be up to him...

Just thinking of Mu Liqian's premise, Yun Yun blushed.

At the beginning, if he was right, he was a disciple.

But Yun Yun didn't notice it at all. Now she has a bright face, shy and happy eyes, which is very different from the indifference and hatred when she was in the Warcraft Mountains.


Not to mention the leisurely life here in Wumeng Mountain, the Xiao family in Wutan City is also a scene of family celebration.

Since Xiao Yan's return, the whole Xiao family was in a state of excitement, congratulating this genius of the Xiao family.

It is a great honor to defeat the young master of the Misty Cloud Sect.

The genius who shocked Utan City back then has finally returned!

Xiao Yan was worried about family affairs at first, but when he saw the scene of family rejoicing, he let go of his worries.

At this moment, as the protagonist of the banquet, he is enjoying the admiration of his clansmen.

Father and several elders smiled gratifiedly, and the old grudges also melted away a lot.

When Xiao Yan was a genius, several elders also had high hopes for him, but after Xiao Yan's talent disappeared, naturally he became indifferent gradually.

In addition, Xiao Zhan never gave up on Xiao Yan and gave him a lot of resources to practice, but it didn't work. The perception of Xiao Yan among the elders was also declining day by day.

It is obviously not in the interests of the family to waste resources on a waste.

That is to say, only true relatives will help Xiao Yan despite everyone's criticism.


Xiao Yan's eyes met Xiao Zhan's. The father and son didn't talk, but it was worth a thousand words.

Looking at his father's gratifying smile, Xiao Yan suddenly felt that all his hard work in the past three years was worth it.

He set foot on the Misty Cloud Sect and took the risk to defeat Nalan Yanran, wasn't it just to win back the tone of his father back then?

The banquet ended amidst the excitement, Xiao Yan blushed, this was the first time he was so drunk.

Yao Chen also didn't use elixir to relieve Xiao Yan's hangover. The other party's spirit was tense for three years, and now he finally got what he wanted, it's time for him to take a good rest.


Utan City, Jialie's house.

Different from the jubilant scene of the Xiao family, the atmosphere of Jialie's family was silent, with a hint of defeat in the family.

Since two years ago, with the help of Xiao Yan and the mysterious alchemist behind him, the Xiao family has embarked on an extremely domineering road of development, not only conquering most of the market in Wutan City, but also monopolizing the alchemy for a time. Medicine business.

Over the past two years, Jialie's family and Auba's family are walking on thin ice. If they didn't rely on some underground business, they might not be able to survive.

But if he left Wutan City just like that, Galeb would not be reconciled.

To think that he, the majestic nine-star great fighter, is so aggrieved!

At the beginning, it was really close to destroying the Xiao family, but it was all because of that Xiao Yan. He didn't know what kind of opportunity he got, he repelled himself at the beginning, and now he defeated the young master of the Misty Cloud Sect.

Now that he is officially returning, it is like a scorching sun baking the two families, making them panic.

If this continues, Wutan City may change hands.

Originally, Galiebi and Obapa jointly discussed and planned to hire Liu Xi's master, a third-grade pharmacist, to take down the Xiao family together.

But now that Xiao Yan has returned, he directly shattered many plans.

Anyway, Galiebi didn't dare to do it.

At night, a gloomy wind blew over Wutan City, and the eagle looked down at the special enchantment below, feeling apprehensive.

Obviously, he could directly destroy the entire city, but he dared not do it.

While thinking about it, Wu Ying directly manipulated a male traveler outside the city, and went into the city to inquire about news.



After receiving the letter delivered by a special method, heated discussions started within the clan.

The party originally representing the "radical faction" agreed to go directly to the Xiao family to obtain the ancient jade, but the "conservative faction" agreed to abide by the rules set in the past and not to participate in the affairs of the Xiao family.

This kind of dispute has existed from the very beginning, but because the patriarch is a member of the conservative faction, he does not agree to rob the ancient jade directly, so he sent his daughter to the Xiao family to snatch it, which can be regarded as a compromise method.

There has been no good news for Gu Xun'er in these years, and the clan has already criticized her quite a bit.

But at this time, news came from the Northwest Continent that the Soul Clan was intervening and wanted to seize the ancient jade of the Xiao family.

All the Dou Zun and Dou Sheng couldn't sit still.

For a small family far away in the northwest, the Xiao family, whose head is only a Dadou master, started a heated dispute.

Due to the intervention of the Soul Clan, Gu Yuan couldn't be fooled anymore, so he finally compromised and agreed to send two Douzongs from the clan to go to the Northwest Continent to handle errands.

Stop the conspiracy of the soul clan from succeeding.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Dou Sheng powerhouse to move out easily, and Dou Zun is too ostentatious in the Northwest Continent, maybe it will attract the soul clan spies to notice the clues and expand the battle situation.

So two fighting sects are the most suitable.

And if there is an emergency, they can still open the space channel and call the strong ones in the clan to support them.

The Radicals didn't make any more demands on this, they just hoped that the Gu Clan could "keep" the ancient jade for the Xiao Clan. After all, the current Xiao Clan was already as ridiculous as a plaything, and they were not worthy of owning the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

If it weren't for the persuasiveness of the agreement in the clan, they would have sent someone to get the jade privately.

Fortunately, the time has come now, the Xiao family's ancient jade will soon be included in the ancient clan, just like the quota of the heavenly tomb, it will be kept by the ancient clan.

Gu Ren and Gu Mo accepted the clan's appointment, took space jade and some useful props, left the ancient world, and headed for the remote northwest continent.


160 Birth

"Come out, come out soon!"

In Wumeng Mountain Cave Heaven Mansion, the maid delivering the baby is busy.

Mu Li was pacing and wandering outside the door, listening to the screaming in the room, he was inexplicably worried.

This feeling has not been seen for a long time.

Only at the very beginning, in order to draw treasure chests and strength, I took risks with trepidation.

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