But today, the noise of footsteps woke up many people before dawn.

Last night, the Patriarch of Oba's family died. Although the death of one person did not cause any loss to the entire Wutan City, it caused quite a stir.

The series of follow-up actions triggered were even more unexpected.

In the evening, he had just released his military power with a glass of wine, but a military riot broke out the next day.

This kind of shameless behavior undoubtedly made the Xiao family lose face, so they began to investigate the cause of Obapa's death early in the morning.

Combining interests, the Xiao family quickly concluded that the first suspect was the Jialie family.

But without conclusive evidence, the Xiao family didn't dare to do it directly.

Xiao Zhan sent people to Jialie's house, asking Jialiebi to assist in handling the case and find out the process of Obapa's death.

This seems to be the appearance of a city overlord, presiding over injustice, isn't that what those in power will do?

Galley's house,

The envoy sent by the Xiao family is urging.

But the news of the patriarch's retreat yesterday was rarely known, and many people thought that the patriarch had also disappeared.

Galleway watched everything silently in the crowd.

At the same time, the door of the Jialie family's secret room slowly opened, and Jialebi walked out from inside with a restrained breath and a calm expression.

Obviously, now he is already a strong fighter.

The self-confidence brought about by his improved strength made him feel more relaxed.

Now he finally has the qualifications to challenge the Xiao family.

Although a direct showdown was not his wish, but the Xiao family must have made up their minds to take him to the boil.

Galiebi even wondered whether Obapa's death yesterday was self-directed and performed by the Xiao family.

Kill a weak one first, and then use the name of investigation to attack yourself.

In this way, it is justifiable.

But it's meaningless to think about it now, anyway, I have already fought my spirits, and all unfavorable situations will be reversed.

If you can not offend the Xiao family, then naturally you won't offend, but if the other party is aggressive, then you have no choice but to...


"The owner is here!"

The members of the Jialie family stepped aside one after another, leaving a passage for Jialebi to come.

"Galiebi, the Patriarch told you to go to Xiao's house quickly, without any further delay."

Hearing the Xiao family's disrespectful tone, the members of the Jialie family were furious.

But who told yesterday that the owner of the family took refuge in the Xiao family on behalf of the family, this is also a predictable ending.

Priority and inferiority have begun to become clear.

Jialiebi glanced at the Xiao family member lightly, but did not exert pressure.

"Let's go."

The members of the Xiao family frowned slightly towards Jialiebi, but it was hard to say anything, and they turned around and took Jialiebi away.

In the crowd, Jia Liewei lowered his eyes and quietly retreated out.

Xiao family.

Xiao Yan got up early in the morning, and after learning what happened last night, he was a little surprised.

Obappa is dead?

Yesterday he was the first to express his surrender, and he set an example.

"Yan'er, you're here."

When Xiao Zhan saw Xiao Yan coming to the conference hall, he greeted him cordially.

"Father, what happened last night?"

"Obapa was assassinated, and it was still within the inspection range of the Xiao family. I sent someone to investigate today."

"Is there a result?"

Xiao Zhan frowned and thought for a while, "I don't know yet, but I will investigate the case after the Jialie family members arrive."

"Father means..."

Xiao Yan had a clear understanding in his heart.

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, the thoughts in their hearts were self-evident.

"Okay, this is a matter of my father's own discretion. Aren't you going to leave today? Don't be delayed by such trivial matters."

Xiao Yan smiled, but he just wanted to say that he would stay and assist in handling the case.

As a result, his father directly anticipated what he wanted to say and vetoed it.

But if you think about it carefully, no one in Wutan City can fight against the Xiao family.

This time, it was more or less a matter of status.

Jialiebi's cultivation base last night was still the nine-star Great Fighter Master. After all these years, he still hasn't made a breakthrough, and his potential is probably stuck here.

Now that his father has obtained the power of the three-pattern green elixir, he has broken through to the level of a nine-star fighter, and with some powerful fighting skills he bestowed on him, it is absolutely no problem to defeat Galebi in strength.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan complied with his father's wishes and decided to set off for Jia Nan Academy today as planned.

Xiao Zhan didn't have much to say, the father and son had already talked yesterday, and everything that should be said has been said.

Today's Xiao Yan can already take charge of himself, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

After Xiao Yan left, Jialiebi was also taken to Xiao's house by his clansmen, along with some Jialie clansmen.

They were worried about the safety of the patriarch, so all the masters in the clan followed.

"Patriarch Xiao."

Jialiebi greeted Xiao Zhan, his expression was no different from yesterday.

He still had a glimmer of hope, thinking that Xiao Zhan would be kind enough not to deal with him.

That way, I don't have to break up with the Xiao family.

In the current situation, if two tigers compete, one will be injured.

He just broke through fighting spirit, and he also needs time to stabilize.

"Patriarch Jialie, have you heard what happened last night?"

Galebi looked slightly stagnant and nodded.

"Obapa is dead, I don't know who did it?"

Xiao Zhan glanced at Jialiebi meaningfully, "Oh? Patriarch Jialie doesn't know either?"

A glimmer of gloom flashed in Jialiebi's eyes, "Patriarch Xiao was joking, I slept soundly last night, so I don't have any opinion about it."

Xiao Zhan turned his head and chuckled, "I'm afraid it's because I think about it every day and dream about it at night..."

He made fun of it again, but it seemed to Galebi that a wild lion was teasing its prey before eating.

"Patriarch Jialie, come with me, just in time to visit Auba's house."

Let them see, at the party last night, Patriarch Oba died, but you didn't.

Galiebi went to Auba's house with Xiao Zhan, and his mentality was calmer than before.

Since Xiao Zhan acted like this and pretended to be hypocritical, then he doesn't have to worry anymore.

Left and right are just a fight.

Auba's house.

The clansman showed a mournful look of condolence.

Although Obapa ranks last among the three major families in force, his diplomacy is better than the other two patriarchs. With the help of his network, he controls the underground business of the entire Wutan City. face.

Judging the situation and knowing how to advance and retreat is exactly the portrayal of Obappa's life.

It's a pity that in the original book, they were deceived by Jialie's family and attacked Xiao's family together. In the end, they were confronted by Xiao Yan who returned, and died without a trace of ashes left.

Now, being assassinated by Jialiewei again, it can be said that the luck is bad, and the sky is a disaster.

Gariebi stood quietly aside, watching Xiao Zhan pretending to come forward to express condolences.

Why didn't this old thing see it before, so scheming.

Now that his son has become a talent, he is showing off his power even more. Does he really think that he is the young master of the Xiao family in the imperial capital back then?

Before Xiao Zhan took control of Wutan City, the Xiao family used to be a big family in the imperial capital, and had a close relationship with the Nalan family, the Mu family and other martial arts families. Liebi was promoted to Dou Ling because he also wanted to look up at his back.

It's a pity, I don't know what happened to the Xiao family back then, the family suffered heavy losses, and couldn't even stand firmly in the imperial capital, so they had to go to this remote Wutan City to gain a foothold.

In the original imperial capital, Xiao Zhan was also a figure like a young patriarch, but his bearing was extraordinary. Now, with the prosperity of the family, he has gradually gained popularity.

If I didn't get help from that mysterious person, I'm afraid I would bow my head and surrender.

But now that he has broken through Dou Ling, it is not so easy to make him bow his head.

With this in mind, Jialiebi was about to step forward to express his worry, so as to make Xiao Zhan paralyzed and despise himself.

Suddenly, a member of the Xiao family rushed over, gave Jialiebi a stern look, and then quickly reported to Xiao Zhan.

"Patriarch, it's not good. The people of the Jialie family are wreaking havoc in Xiaojiafang City now, and they have killed many people!"


Xiao Zhan's expression changed, and instantly changed from pretending to be sad to furious.

In the distance, when Galebi heard the news, he paused and looked stunned.

The Jialie family destroyed Xiaojiafang City?It does not make sense?

He didn't expect to tear his face so quickly!

"Patriarch Xiao, there must be a misunderstanding..."

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