Although a person like Xiao Yan has the aptitude of a genius, if he doesn't learn to control his emotions as soon as possible, he may encounter a big setback in the near future.

Although the shame of retiring the marriage can accelerate Xiao Yan's growth, only real pain can transform him into a human being.


It was not much different from Galleway's expectations.

After Xiao Yan learned the news that his father had been kidnapped, he exploded again.

The anger and killing intent revealed in the eyes, like ice and fire, frightening, but at the same time extremely frightening.

Unfortunately, this is just incompetent rage.

He didn't even know who the enemy was, and even the clansmen who went out of the city to hunt down turned into bones.

Such methods have long been beyond the capabilities of the Jialie family.

"Misty Cloud Sect!"

After Xiao Yan uttered this word hoarsely, he wanted to settle accounts with Misty Cloud Sect regardless.

Yao Chen didn't get used to Xiao Yan this time, and scolded: "Xiao Yan, calm down!"

"Besides Yunlanzong, who else can it be!"

Yao Chen's gaze reveals a dignified expression, the aura he sensed outside the city just now seems to be... that force!

But looking at Xiao Yan who has completely lost his composure, Yao Chen knows that he can't accomplish anything in this state.

"What did I tell you before, did you just forget it when you turned around!"

"Are you planning to kill the Misty Cloud Sect and turn him upside down?"

Yaochen's voice became colder and colder.

"If I don't lend you strength, what are you going to do? Use your Dou Shi's cultivation to fight against Dou Zong?"

"Even if I lend you strength, how can you protect your family under the power of one family?"

"Have you ever thought about this? You haven't!"

"You, who are engulfed by anger, can only be used as a sharp blade that can't distinguish between enemy and friend, and be played by others in the palm of your hand!"

Yao Chen's words hit Xiao Yan's heart one by one, making Xiao Yan, who was originally furious, look sad and at a loss for what to do.

"I...I don't know..."

Xiao Yan at this time has not experienced the difficult journey of losing Yaochen in the original book, and subconsciously believes that as long as the teacher is around, all enemies are not a problem.

At the same time, there is no self-blame for the cherished person to fall asleep because of him, Xiao Yan has never experienced the kind of pain that haunts his heart day and night, so no matter in terms of strength or mood, Xiao Yan at this time is far inferior to the original book. Xiao Yan in the movie.

Seeing that Xiao Yan gradually calmed down, Yao Chen slowed down his tone.

"Even if you join the Misty Cloud Sect, do you know who did it? Mu Li told you before that there is a debt to be paid, so you should not take your anger out on the Misty Cloud Sect, but what about you? , do you think that kind of villain who acts secretly will let you know his details? I'm afraid you can't find him after killing the entire Misty Cloud Sect!"

"Once you kill the Misty Cloud Sect, the relationship between you and Mu Li will be bad."

Another two sentences made Xiao Yan's momentum slump again.

My performance just now...disappointed the teacher.

If I could deal with the problem calmly from the beginning, instead of blindly chasing and killing Galebi, but staying by my father's side and healing his wounds, my father would not be robbed.

If I let the teacher help me directly instead of thinking about revenge myself, my father will be fine.


Seeing Xiao Yan's appearance, Yao Chen couldn't bear it for a moment, as if he had exaggerated.

"Well, you don't have to blame yourself too much. If your father is being targeted, with the strength and patience of the enemy, your father will not be able to escape no matter what."

"The top priority is to find out your father's whereabouts first. If you are worried that it was caused by Misty Cloud Sect, you should contact Mu Li now and ask him to investigate for you."

Hearing Yao Chen's prompt, Xiao Yan's expression shook.

Yes, let Brother Muli check it out!

He had specially reminded himself before, so he would definitely not cover up the murderer, and would definitely handle the case impartially.

He is also the husband of the suzerain of the Misty Yunzong, so he must have more control over the Misty Yunzong, and he will definitely be able to find the enemy who took his father away!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan immediately took out the Contact Jade Talisman and chose to activate it.

"Young patriarch, the great elder let you go, saying that there is news from the patriarch."

At this time, a clansman knocked on the door of Xiao Yan's room.


Xiao Yan wiped his face resolutely, with excitement in his eyes.

"Take me there!"


A beautiful scenic spot in the northwest region of the Jia Ma Empire.

Mu Li was playing with his wife and children when he suddenly received a message from Xiao Yan.

"what's the situation?"

Mu Li frowned. He sent a message to himself at this time, and he always felt that something happened.

According to Xiao Yan's temperament, if there is no problem that cannot be solved, he will not send a message to himself.

And with Yaochen by his side, what else can't be solved?

But after all, he is his "good brother", how can he not go to express his condolences when something goes wrong?

Honeymoon travel is finally on hold.

Mu Li called Yun Yun and returned to the spirit ship with her.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, it was Xiao Yan who sent me a message."

"Xiao Yan, isn't he the one who made a three-year contract with Yan Ran?"

"Yes, it's rare that you still remember him."

Yun Yun gave Mu Li a white look, and said while holding the child, "I'm also very concerned about Yan Ran, okay?"

"Oh, caring about the apprentice, and then no news for a few months?"

Mu Li laughed and teased.

"It's not because of you!"

Yun Yun glared at Mu Li, then looked at her daughter tenderly, thought for a while, and said, "Yan Ran will understand."

Mu Li smiled, said no more, and steered the spirit boat towards Wu Tan City.


Xiao Yan walked quickly into the secret room of the Xiao Family in Wutan City, and saw the First Elder sitting upright, with a sad expression on his face.

Obviously, Xiao Zhan's disappearance made him very worried.

"Xiao Yan, you are here."

"Great Elder, is there any news about my father?"

Xiao Yan asked straight to the point.

The Great Elder sighed, and took out a treasure box from his cuff.

"This is the inheritance token of our Xiao family. Every generation of patriarchs will hold it and inject a little soul energy. As long as the soul energy does not go out, it means that the patriarch is still alive."

As he spoke, the Great Elder opened the treasure box, and a mutilated ancient jade lay quietly inside, with a red light flickering faintly in the center of the jade piece.

"Father, father is still alive."

Xiao Yan took the jade piece, his lips trembling.

Seeing that Xiao Yan was out of control, the Great Elder frowned, and was about to say something, but his tone softened again.

"Xiao Yan, you are now the young patriarch of the Xiao family, the pillar of the Xiao family, you have to cheer up!"

"Patriarch, he will be fine, you have to believe that we can find him!"

The Great Elder took out a piece of paper, on which were the characteristics of the murderer that everyone in Oba's family saw this morning.

Although the person who abducted Xiao Zhan was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face clearly, he could guess from his figure, weapon, and cultivation.

The opponent is a mutated soil attribute fighter who uses a poison attribute magic core scimitar, who is good at assassination and lurking.

With the cultivation base of the opponent's Great Fighter, he would definitely not be able to go far after being injured. The Xiao family has already sent people to investigate in all directions.

The worry now is that the other party also has someone to respond to, and the person who responds has an unimaginably high cultivation level, and is definitely a strong person above the fighting spirit level.

The Xiao family, which has lost its patriarch, is really not sure about fighting against a Dou Ling at this moment.

But the investigation still has to be investigated, even if there is a huge risk, the patriarch must be found.

In this regard, the Xiao family did not make a disappointing choice.

From the perspective of cohesion, the development of the Xiao family is very good. The clan members are willing to die for the patriarch, and the elders are also willing to respect the patriarch as the center of gravity of the family.

Xiao Zhan is commendable in managing the family.

Anyway, it is much better than Galiebi, who casually uses his tribe as a shield.

The Great Elder explained a few more words, then left the room, leaving Xiao Yan alone, holding Can Yu in his hand, staring blankly.

Although he didn't get any specific news from his father, he finally found out that the other party was still alive.

That's good news too.

Since the enemy didn't kill him directly, it means that his father is still useful to the enemy, so there is no need to worry about his life in a short time.

Under the quiet environment, Xiao Yan's sanity gradually returned.

Logically speaking, the enemy must have a plan to arrest his father, and he would never arrest the patriarch of a small family in a remote area for no reason.

For those who are strong, it doesn't make sense.

Therefore, as long as you figure out what the enemy wants, you can find the murderer.

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