"Brother Muli, there is my father's soul energy in it. Try to see if you can find my father."

The expression on Mu Li's face also showed a look of astonishment at the right time.

"It really is..."

When picking up the ancient jade, Mu Li glanced roughly at first, then frowned, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

The actor Mu Li immediately asked, "Where did you get this thing?!"

The tone was so solemn that it even broke away from the prudent image that Mu Li had always created.

Xiao Yan froze on the spot, "What... this is the token of the patriarch of my Xiao family."

Mu Li paced back and forth in the room with a dignified expression, expressing an expression that things were getting tricky.

"Brother Mu Li, what happened to this ancient jade?"

Mu Li stopped in his tracks and gave Xiao Yan a meaningful look.

"Xiao family, so that's the case, I figured it out."

"What do you understand?"

"Forget it, let's help you find your father first."

Mu Li didn't answer directly, but used Xiao Zhan's soul energy in Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade as a guide, and outlined a soul chasing talisman.

"go with!"

The talisman passed through the roof and exploded suddenly in the sky. A hidden energy pursued its origin and disappeared into the sunlight at an extremely fast speed.

This is a special way of pursuit, and Mu Li quickly got feedback.

"Found it, Patriarch Xiao is now in the Heavenly Snake Kingdom."

"Sky Snake Kingdom!"

After Xiao Yan got the news, he was shocked.

In one morning, he crossed so many countries and arrived at the Heavenly Snake Country that he had never been to.

The opponent's speed is too amazing.

"Brother Li, let's go!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yan thought that the other party seemed to have no obligation to help him, so he froze slightly when he got up.

"Brother Li, I..."

Mu Li got up and patted Xiao Yan's shoulder, "Let's go, it's important to save your father, don't try to tease me here."

"Thank you."

Xiao Yan's voice was slightly choked up, his gratitude to Mu Li had reached a new level, he didn't even realize that Mu Li had faintly become another support besides Yao Chen.

If there is no Brother Li this time, I am afraid that my father will really...

Mu Li didn't stay at Xiao's house for long, he left Wutan City with his wife, daughter and Xiao Yan, and flew towards the Heavenly Snake Kingdom.

However, at this time in the Heavenly Snake Kingdom, a war at the level of Dou Zong broke out!

Heavenly Snake Country, Anaconda Valley.

The clouds in the sky have long since dispersed, and the blue sky has become dark and gloomy at this moment, with faint thunder intertwining above, and the violent gust of wind is constantly roaring.


Another space crack broke open, and the eagle looked embarrassed, and cursed at a thunderous hand in the sky.

He really didn't expect that he, the senior sixth child, would be squatted by others in the end, and he was almost taken away by a set.

Gu Mo scanned the battlefield below indifferently, and a big thunder hand began to press down.

Although the speed of the palm's descent was not fast, even very slow for Dou Zong's level, Eagle Eagle felt locked by the thunderbolt at this moment, unable to move at all.

This is an opponent stronger than himself!

"Fine! You forced me!"

In this extremely dangerous situation, the eagle had no way to hide its clumsiness. With a wave of his sleeve, black soul bags flew out one by one, and the special ropes tied to the mouth of the bags shattered one by one.

The brilliance between the heaven and the earth dimmed a bit for no reason, only to hear inexplicable wailing and crying, one sound, one after another, like a tide rushing in.


There was a crack in the thunder lock on the eagle's body, and in the next moment, all the released souls in the world were absorbed by the eagle.

Gu Mo frowned slightly, and was about to use thunder to smash the remaining souls in the world, but it was too late.

"There are ways."

He seemed to have underestimated these lackeys of the soul clan, but yes, after running around for so many years, he should have some life-saving skills.

What's more, the other party was sent to arrest the Patriarch of the Xiao family, so he still has some strength.

Just a pity...

"Nine Sen Hundred Soul Devourer!"

A steady stream of souls poured into the eagle's body, and the opponent's body was like a black mist, expanding continuously, and finally even as big as a mountain.

The eagle's eyes were red, and his Jie Jie's voice resounded through the world, shrill and terrifying.

One can imagine how he feels at this moment after years of business operations have been ruined.

But as long as the task of respecting the elders is completed, then these losses are nothing.

"Today, you must die!"

The hawk swept through the monstrous black mist and flew towards Gu Mo.

However, under this overwhelming power, Gu Mo looked indifferent, even a bit sarcastic.

As a child of the ancient clan, if he can't even deal with the lackeys of the soul clan, then he will be underestimated.

I saw him put away the thunder all over his body, and made a strange seal formula with his hands.

"Kaishan Seal!"

Suddenly, the world seemed to stand still, and the vast artistic conception was completely integrated into the palm.

Compared with the opening seal used by Xiao Xun'er before, Gu Mo's opening seal is undoubtedly stronger and has a more profound artistic conception.

With the blessing of Dou Zong's realm, the Seal of Opening Mountain has already lived up to its name, even if it is a towering mountain, under this palm, it can only end up being scattered into ashes.

The two tyrannical attacks collided, and a huge space crack suddenly appeared in the sky space. The radius of several miles has been submerged by the huge roar.

The duck eagle who had vowed to kill the opponent before, now quietly ran towards the crack in the sky, completely without the determination to die.

Just kidding, as a senior sixth child, if it wasn't for a life-and-death crisis, it would be impossible for Eagle to bet his life.

In the process of fighting the opponent, he has already judged that this enemy is a member of the Gu clan, and he is not something that a pawn like him can provoke.

Even if it wins, there is no benefit, so at the beginning, the eagle's decision was to open a space crack, and then take advantage of the chaos to escape.

Below, Gu Mo also noticed the clue, his face changed slightly, but when he saw another figure arriving, he felt relieved.

This cunning fox was almost fooled by him!

After Eagle came close to the crack in space, he smiled fiercely and was about to get into it, but at this moment, a golden palm print was hard on his face, and he was knocked into the ground with a bang.

Gu Ren showed his figure in the strong wind, standing in the air.

The eagle's head was buzzing, and when he looked up, he saw two Dou Zong looking down at him.


Besieged by two high-level fighting sects, both elites of the ancient clan.

This time, there was absolutely nowhere to escape.

Duck Eagle's dark face was now as gloomy as ink.

"What do you want, do you want him?"

Wuying took out a middle-aged man with many scars from the black mist, and faced the two ancient clan Douzong.

"Let me go, or I'll kill him now!"

Chapter 166 Bad news

Gu Mo and Gu Ren looked at each other and sighed.

"Okay, we can let you go, but you have to hand him over to us."

Hearing this, Wuying felt a little relieved.

It's good that the other party has concerns.

It seems that today, Xiao Zhan is the capital of his life.

But if he is really handed over to the other party, the old man will never let him go when he finds out.

Amid the ups and downs of his thoughts, there was already a determination in the eagle's eyes.

In order to survive, he had to give up something.

"Yes, but you have to let me break through the crack in space first."

The Dou Zong strongman has been able to initially grasp the power of space. After absorbing many souls, the eagle has reached the high-level Dou Zong in strength, and has been able to open a temporary small space channel for him to escape.

Gu Mo and Gu Ren landed slowly.

"Don't play tricks."

Duck Eagle watched the two vigilantly, holding Xiao Zhan's throat in one hand, tearing open the space with the other hand, and began to build a passage.

The moment the passage was formed, the eagle slammed into the gap.

However, the two ancient people who had been prepared for a long time also appeared beside the eagle in an instant.

"I already knew that your intentions were not right."

Instant lightning!

Gu Mo showed his body fighting skills and hit the back of Dharma Protector hard like a thunderbolt.

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