The eagle's face was cloudy and uncertain.

I don't know if what Medusa said is true or not, but in case it is true.

"In that case, why did you help him?"

"What's with you?"

The eagle was speechless for a moment.

"Actually, you should have shut up just now, I hate people threatening me the most!"

Medusa said coldly, the fighting energy in her body was vented, and a spiral sword burst out immediately.

The black mist of the eagle was pierced instantly, and the soul and body fled in embarrassment.

What an idea, this woman is also a bit strong.

The eagle was aggrieved to the extreme.

Just now, Yunshan and Medusa had been in a stalemate for so long, and they still had the upper hand. It was really embarrassing for him.

However, Yunshan was originally in the late stage of the one-star Douzong, and was about to break through the two-star Douzong, and with the blessing of the sect's great formation, it is not impossible to overwhelm Medusa.

While parrying Medusa's attack, the eagle moved stealthily to the outside of the battlefield, planning a thousand escape routes in its mind.

As long as he leaves this damned oppressive domain, he will fly to the imperial capital to kill all directions, and within a short while, he can forcibly plunder a large number of soul bodies, and then use the secret method to devour them to increase his strength.

Although the side effects of doing so are not small, compared with the current situation, it is not worth mentioning.

His current soul power has been severely overdrawn. If this continues, apart from self-destruction and a chance to fight back, there is almost no hope of victory in sight.

Moreover, Yingying was faintly worried, what if Yunshan suddenly rebelled?

At that time, even if he seriously injures him after detonating, there will still be two powerful enemies chasing him, and the eagle will never escape.

Unless... I took advantage of Yunshan and still believed in myself, sneak attack from behind, directly detonate the rear hand and seriously injure him, and then devour his soul.

In that way, he can recover his strength by a large margin, and whether he fights again or escapes, he has great hope.

Once this thought came up, it could no longer be suppressed.

That's right, for the current plan, only Dou Zong's soul can get him out of the predicament.

Even if he can escape from the suppressing domain, killing the cultivator will also consume battle energy and time, and maybe it will attract other Dou Huang powerhouses to chase and kill him.

Then the risk will increase.

Now there is a ready-made nourishment by my side, how can I let it go?

If Yunshan could have killed Mu Li early, maybe he would have survived, but now, Yunshan, it's time for you to dedicate yourself!

Duck Eagle was thinking quickly, thinking of how to naturally attract Yunshan, and then succeed in a surprise attack.

At this moment, Medusa's eyes sharpened, the rune on her thigh flashed instantly, and she kicked it out.

"seal up!"

The eagle blocked the kick, but before he could react, he felt a glaring sun shining on him like the scorching sun shining on the first snow.

"This is......"


The eagle was hit by the pain, and the thinking in his mind suddenly became several times more flexible. A simple plan was brought into his mind, and he shouted directly.

Waiting for Yunshan to come over to help him block the blow, and then taking advantage of the moment of stalemate between him and Medusa, he made a heart attack and detonated his back hand at the same time, causing Yunshan to be shattered. Hundred Soul Devours directly.

Yun Shan was successfully attracted by the eagle's voice, and he rushed towards this side quickly.

There was a look of exertion on the eagle's face, and he was about to order him to support himself for a while.

"Yunshan, help me block..."


The eagle's voice stopped abruptly, and he stared blankly at the arm piercing his chest. There was no blood on the arm, but rather white, and the eagle knew that this was Yun Shan's hand.

"Yunshan, dare you!!!"

The eagle's voice was sharp, and it detonated the imprint in its hand without hesitation.

However, Yun Shan behind him sneered, raised the talisman with his other hand, and stabbed it into the eagle's body again.

The power of several Soul Sealing Talismans exploded together, and Eagle felt that his soul power was rapidly declining, and a crisis of death suddenly struck, so close.

It was too late for the eagle to be shocked, and a painful roar came out of its mouth.

It was so miserable that it was hard to imagine that this was actually the earth-level protector of the Soul Palace.

Mu Li also rushed over at this time, and the Qingdi sword body was revealed, piercing straight into the eagle's sky spirit cover from the air.


The hawk's screams stopped abruptly, replaced by a momentary loss of consciousness.

Duck Eagle stared blankly ahead, as if he had already decided that his fate was ushered in death.

Half a second later, a creepy laugh came from the eagle's mouth.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"I want you all to be buried with me!"

The eagle's eyes were blood red, and an unprecedented energy surged up, and the Qingdi sword was trembling at this moment, almost being bounced away.

Medusa and Yunshan struggled to suppress, and Mu Li also exerted all his strength.

"I can't seem to stop it!"

Yun Shan exclaimed at this moment: "I can't let go!"

The eagle's gaze was like that of an evil spirit from hell, and he just glanced at Yunshan lightly.

"You can't escape, let's die here together today!"

Mu Li looked calm, although the situation was critical, he did not show the slightest timidity.

It's just that streams of Xuanming Youshui secretly flowed, covering the skins of the three of them.

Although Dou Zong's self-destruction is too powerful, it is not completely a dead end.

Chapter 174

At this moment, the eagle's soul power is soaring, and he is clearly aware of Mu Li's small movements. He smiled indifferently, a little tired and cold, and said: "This is your super high recovery speed holding barrier before, it's a bit interesting ,but......"

The eagle's voice paused, and a group of sharp black spikes protruded, stabbing directly at Mu Li's dantian.


In front of Mu Li's dantian, an invisible barrier firmly resisted the attack of the black spikes, but the skin was still pierced by the spikes. Fortunately, there was a protective body behind the town, and the penetration speed of the spikes was extremely slow, like is severely blocked.

Medusa was startled when she saw this, and hurriedly tried to stop it, but because the eagle was too powerful at this time, Medusa was wrapped around her arm by a group of black thorns before she even showed her fighting spirit.

The black vindictiveness of the eagle gradually corrodes Medusa's protective vindictiveness. Although the effect is slow, it is not useless, and the most important point is that the eagle has already done it, which is to restrict Medusa's actions.

With the entanglement of black thorns, the chance of Medusa escaping is greatly reduced. If Medusa escaped with a broken arm when the power of space was used to trap the three of them just now, the eagle really couldn't keep her.

Medusa consumed the battle energy in her body to resist the erosion of the eagle's battle spirit. On the one hand, she was trapped by a higher level of space power, and her figure was blocked.

After all, she is still a one-star Douzong, and she is an entry-level Douzong. Even if she is talented enough to sense the power of space, she has already broken into the mid-level Douzong, and even burst out at this moment. Much worse.

Before, it was the eagle's incomplete strength that gave Medusa the illusion of being evenly matched.

The cruel facts can only prove that the battlefield is changing rapidly. The three of them were confident just now, and they were able to catch the eagle, but now the eagle has thrown away its life and exploded with all its strength. The situation is reversed instantly.

"Damn it, I was careless in the end!"

Yunshan's mood fluctuated greatly at the moment. One second he was about to get out of the cage, but the next second he was in danger of life or death.

Regarding Yunshan's defense-breaking yell, Owl Eagle just glanced at it lightly, and didn't pay much attention to it as before.

Compared to dealing with Muli and Medusa's black grudge, now Yunshan is like an accessory, he doesn't even need to suppress it, just relying on the power of space can suppress him to the point of being unable to move, he will only bark helplessly.

The hatred towards Yunshan in Wuying's heart is naturally great, but it is meaningless to say these things at this time.

I was already doomed to die, so what was the use of saying this?

What's more, I also have murderous intentions towards Yunshan. I should have been more defensive, but who would have thought that the person who had been submissive to him before would suddenly have the courage to stab him in the back.

After all, it was his own ineffective supervision that gave the other party an opportunity.

"It seems that your companions won't come up to rescue you, what a pity."

The eagle stared across the island, looking at Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong who were hiding behind.

Under the soul power of the middle-level Dou Zong, the hiding of the two is as clumsy as a child's hide-and-seek, and they can detect it without looking for it.

From this alone, we can see how important a strong soul force is.

If Mu Li hides it, even the eagles will find it difficult to detect it.

In addition, some fighting qi attributes that are good at hiding, such as the dark attribute fighting qi, can also display extraordinary hidden talents in the field of expertise.

For example, the guard of a certain ancient clan who was hiding on the other side of the Misty Cloud Sect at the moment was not noticed by the eagle due to the distance and the special attributes of grudge.

Of course, Xiao Yan, who was possessed by Yao Chen's fighting spirit, did not appear within the perception range of the eagle.

Apart from these two people, the entire Misty Cloud Sect can be seen clearly by the eagle's eyes.

Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong were swept away by the eagle's consciousness, and their whole bodies trembled instantly, almost subconsciously. The two started their respective fastest speeds and fled towards the distance.

Yun Shan also noticed the two of them at this moment, and just wanted to call for help, but saw the afterimage of the two fleeing without any delay, Yun Shan's face turned dark immediately.

Inadvertently making friends, inadvertently making friends! ! !

Wu Ying shook his head, "It's a pity, I originally wanted to drag two more Dou Huang down."

"Then let's stop here, you guys, with me, an old man..."

The eagle's expression changed, the corners of its mouth raised instantly, and its sharp and sinister voice swept across the sky.

"Go to hell!!!"

"Jie Jie~huh?"

Before Eagle could laugh a few times, his brows frowned suddenly, his eyes sank for a moment, and he looked at the positions of Mu Li and Medusa before.

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