This is betrayal! ! !

Su Mo looked at Izzy with grief and indignation, this secretary is not very good!

Although cute, she faces outsiders! ! !

Izzy tilted her head and said softly with a beautiful smile on her face:

"Mr. Su Mo, please explain!"


? ?


Hey, hey, are you human or Shumagia?

How do you feel that you have awakened to the technological singularity?

Su Mo shook his head. Facing the siege of the women, he had no choice but to give up struggling.

Sit back to your own position - seat C surrounded by women.

Then Miho Kirishima, who looked at "I didn't expect my fiancé to have so many friends besides me" in front of me and was very surprised, explained:

"Actually, I don't know much about the specific situation..."

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo explained based on the previous simulation content and some personal guesses.

To put it simply, Su Mo's parents were not only engaged to Kimura Saya's parents.

And others, too, and Miho Kirishima's parents were one of them.


"You say, will Mr. Su Mo be safe and sound this time?"

Because fiancee and fiancé are Su Mo's private affairs.

So except for Misugi Taichi who didn't regard himself as an outsider and wanted to learn how to be a scumbag, the other men, even Woz, who was Su Mo's servant, and his follower, the wolf, all wisely chose to stay away from the Shura field.

Hearing what Kaga Meixin said, the head of Tiandao glanced at Tiandao Shuhua who was also staying in the Shura field, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "I really hope that this guy Su Mo will completely break up with Truth and the others, especially Tree flowers!"

"It would be great if I could recognize the true face of Su Mo's scumbag this time!!!"

In this case, he doesn't need to fight Su Mo anymore...

Although it is said that failure is the mother of success, every time you fail, you have to pay a price.

The injury left by the battle with Su Mo yesterday is still not healed yet! ! !

"Indeed, this kind of scumbag should be condemned in the human world, right?"

"Not only is he fine, but he has always had a good relationship with Truth and the others. How unbalanced does this make other scumbags feel?" As a traveler, Qianqiao has seen many men and women who have conflicts due to relationship problems all over the world. The most of them are scumbags and scumbags, who are on two boats.

The results of other scumbags and scumbags being discovered in the end were all so miserable.

Why is there nothing wrong with Su Mo up to now? ? ?

It's not fair! ! !

Thinking of this, Ganqiao picked up the small bowl full of chicken soup in his hand, and took a sip.

Immediately, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, the taste was very good, and the temperature was just right.

Looking at Shoichi Tsugami, who was squatting in the yard not far away, planting various vegetables for Su Mo's house, he said:

"Your cooking skills can't be poked with needles."

Speaking of this, Gan Qiao thought of something, and looked at the Director of Heavenly Dao again.

"Your cooking skills are also very good!"

Director of Tiandao nodded in satisfaction, this is not too bad!

This morning's meal was cooked by him and Shoichi Tsugami.

As soon as the two chefs made a move, they immediately let everyone understand what is delicious!

And the two of them were unanimously recommended by everyone to be the co-cooks of Su Mo's family, Tiandao family, and Misugi's family, responsible for everyone's three meals a day. Of course, it is impossible for them to work for free.

All three will pay...

But in fact, only Su Mo paid the most.

After all, the head of Tendao himself belongs to the Tendao family, and Shoichi Tsugami was originally from the Misugi family...

"Yeah, yeah, I blame you two for cooking so delicious!"

"It hurts that I never want to be early."

Kaga Meixin touched her swollen belly and said helplessly.

He originally stayed here to persuade Su Mo to join ZECT.

The result is now...

Another reason to stay here!

"By the way, is Su Mo really happy to have so many girlfriends?"

Kaga Meixin looked at Su Mo who was chatting and laughing with Zhenli and others, and said with both envy and doubt.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it, I have been single for so many years..."

"I never held a girl's hand."

Kagami scratched her head and said in embarrassment.

He is also over 20 years old. In modern times, he is so old that he has never touched a girl's hand.

This is obviously a very embarrassing situation.


"Me neither, women will only affect my travel speed."

Ganqiao didn't feel that being single was an embarrassing and shameful thing, so she said it confidently.

He doesn't need a creature like a girlfriend!

"Eh? Really?!"

Kagami reported on the news, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Qianqiao with some surprise.

I didn't expect that besides myself, there were other single nobles!

"There's nothing to hide, is there?"

Gan Qiao said nonchalantly, then glanced at the other people present.

"Do you have any?"

Shoichi Tsugami shook his head quickly, "I don't know, maybe it was there before amnesia?"

Hearing this, Qianqiao and Kaga Meixin looked at each other, nodded and said in unison:

"That is no!"


"Uncle Wolf, you must have some, right?"

Kagami looked expectantly at the man named Zilang and asked.

Among the three, except for Misugi Yoshihiko, the second wolf is the oldest.

Moreover, Zilang is also very charismatic. The probability of him having a girlfriend is very high.

Even if not now, it must have been talked about before (ajdh).


Everyone was wrong.

"No, women will only affect my fighting speed."

The second wolf said in a flat tone, he really deserves to be the same wolf-shaped monster.

It's almost the same as dry and clever.

"What about you, Woz?"

Kagami looked excitedly at one of the last two.

He didn't expect that everyone, like him, doesn't have a girlfriend!

He always thought that he was the only one who was single, but everyone else was!

This unexpected joy made Kagami very happy.


Woz closed the Advent Calendar in his hand, and said with a mysterious smile:

"I don't need a girlfriend either."

"I have His Majesty the Demon King, that's enough."


? ?


When everyone heard this, their eyes became strange.

Do you want to be so affectionate? Hey! ! !

Kaga Meixin couldn't complain, mainly because he was afraid that this guy named Woz, who didn't seem easy to mess with at first glance, would hit him, turned his head, and looked at the last person in the crowd... Tiandou Sousji! ! !

It is worth mentioning that because of the arrival of Kirishima Miho and the sudden appearance of Shura field.

Misugi Yoshihiko, who felt a little unacceptable, had already finished his breakfast and left the scene to go to work.

He felt that everyone's eyes were on him.

Director Tiandao subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a smug smile.

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