"How dare you tease a girl like this in front of us?!"

"Aren't you going too far?!"

"That's it!!!"

Truth's dissatisfied voice rang out continuously along with the echoing voices of the other women.

Su Mo gave a fake cough and said without fear:


"Don't you think Miho is very pitiful?"

"The elder sister who was dependent on each other was suddenly killed and is now homeless. If I don't even take her in, what will she do in the future???"

The voice fell, not waiting for the truth to speak out.

Su Mo continued to launch an "offensive".

It was a group attack just now, but now it is a single attack!

"Truth, think about it, if that old guy Hua Xing hadn't adopted you, would you have met me?"

"The same goes for you, Saya. If Hua Xing hadn't adopted you who was homeless, how could you stay with my fiancé?"

"Yuka, don't you need to say anything more? If it weren't for me, you might still stay in the Nagata family who treat you like a family."

Hear it!

Truth and others nodded for a while, then shook their heads for a while.

"what the hell!"

"This is not the same thing at all!!!"

"Stupid Su Mo!!!"

"Anyway, you just want to keep your new, beautiful fiancée, right?!"

Truth pursed her mouth, her cute baby fat face was full of displeasure.

Hands on hips, the momentum is very fierce! ! !

But as the transformation person of Kamen Rider Taiqi!

The childhood sweetheart who has been the truth for so many years! !

Can Su Mo be cowardly? ? ?

That is of course impossible.

Under the admiring eyes of Misugi Taichi and the others!

Under the extremely disgusting gazes of Tiandao Director General and others! !

In the eyes of Miho Kirishima who was moved and dissatisfied by all the girls! ! !

Su Mo straightened his chest and raised his head, and said very stiffly:


"I just want to take in Miho! Why not?!"

Hear it!

Truth stomped her feet angrily and helplessly.


Although very angry, it was just like what Su Mo said.

Even if Su Mo took Miho in, what could she, Saya and the others do? ? ?

Could it be possible to give up the relationship of so many years and leave Su Mo? ? ?

Don't say that Su Mo is reluctant, at least they cannot give up the truth.


"You idiot Su Mo! I'm so mad!"

"It's really good, you!!!"

The truth stared at Su Mo with gritted teeth, wishing he could bite him to death right now.

"As a man, that must be done."

Su Mo smiled lightly, and patted Truth on the head lightly.

"How about it?"

"Do you want to try?"

Truth snorted and said dissatisfied:

"I don't want to!"

"Also! Don't pat my head, I won't grow tall!!!"

Miho Kirishima looked at the scene in front of her, still a little unresponsive.


Can I really live with Su Mo and the others? ? ?

At this moment, Tiandao Shuhua suddenly raised her hand and shouted:

"Brother Su Mo! I want to live in your house too!!!"

As soon as this remark was made, before Su Mo could respond, the Director of Heavenly Dao who was not far away took the lead and said:


"I disagree!!!"

It was dangerous enough to be neighbors with Su Mo.

Then let Shuhua and Su Mo live in the same house...

What will happen, Tiandao Director-General simply dare not even think about it! ! !


Shuhua and Su Mo must not be allowed to live in the same house! ! !

"Why? Sister Zhen and the others can do it!"

Shuhua muttered unhappily, why can they do it but not herself? ? ?

Fenggu Zhenyu pursed his lips, in fact...

She also wanted to live in the same house as Su Mo, but...

After all, I have only known each other for two days now, so I suddenly said that I want to live in his house.

It was a little too sudden.


It is very lucky to be a neighbor with Su Mo.

Just when Fenggu Zhenyu thought so.

There was a sound of footsteps, accompanied by the voice of a strange man.


"There are quite a lot of people here."

"Looks like I came at a good time!!!"

isn't it?

What day is it today?

All of a sudden there are so many people here? ? ?

With doubts, everyone turned their heads to look at the door. Immediately afterwards, a strange man wearing a python-like pattern came into view. The eyes of the man looking at everyone were full of excitement.

It seems to have seen something interesting.

"It's you--!!!"

Seeing this man, Miho Kirishima reacted the most!

She recognized the identity of the man in front of her, appeared in her home inexplicably, and killed the culprit of her sister--a mysterious man named Wei Asakura! ! !

"That's right! It's me!"

"I really didn't expect that you woman can run so well, I almost couldn't find you."

"and also!"

"What makes me even more unexpected is that you can also obtain that kind of power."

"But that's fine, killing you, isn't that a legitimate reason?"

"Although... there is no reason, I will kill you..."

The man named Asakura Wei said so, with a cruel and terrifying smile on his face.

Very creepy! ! !

It made the hairs of Kaga Meixin and the others stand on end, and their scalps became numb.

no doubt! ! !

This is an extremely dangerous man! ! !

Miho Kirishima turned pale and bit her red lips tightly.

She knew that sooner or later she would face Wei Asakura again.

But she didn't expect it would be so fast!

And right here, honestly...

Even if she gained that power, she didn't have much confidence in her heart to defeat Wei Qiang.

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