Next up!

Stepping forward quickly, an elbow hit the abdomen! ! !


The huge force gave Kiriya Kyosuke an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling in his abdomen.

Almost spit out the breakfast I had today.

Before he could react, Su Mo grabbed Tongya Kyosuke's collar with one hand, and clenched his fist with the other.

Continuously waving mercilessly, hitting Kiriya Kyousuke continuously! ! !




Kiriya Kyosuke screamed again and again, being beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back!

At this moment, Su Mo suddenly let go of his hand, and Tongya Kyosuke was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Before he could recover, Su Mo raised his foot and kicked him in the face again——! ! !


The terrifying force made Tongya Kyosuke's mouth and nose bleed, and he fell into a coma directly.

quiet! !Deathly silence! ! !

No one expected that things would develop like this in a short period of time! ! !

Su Mo, who was still at a disadvantage, suddenly launched a series of attacks.

Just beat Kyosuke Tongya into a coma? ? ?

Oh my God......

This is too outrageous! ! !


Everyone gasped in unison, some couldn't believe the scene in front of them was real! ! !

Many girls looked at Su Mo with even more admiration! ! !

Originally, everyone liked Su Mo, but they only thought Su Mo was handsome and had a good personality.

but now!

Su Mo has another advantage!

Great fights! ! !

Fighting is fierce, although it sounds very ordinary, like the evaluation that only local hooligans would have.

But actually...

Who doesn't want to have a boyfriend who fights hard and can protect him? ? ?

What's more, he is handsome and has a good personality! ! !

It's perfect! ! !

Hmm...except for the small drawback of having too many rivals...

Besides the girls, the boys' affection for Su Mo has also increased a lot.

To be precise, it is more respectful! ! !

If Su Mo is just a handsome boy, the boys would of course be envious and jealous.

But if Su Mo is not only handsome, but also powerful enough.

Then it is normal for him to be liked by so many beautiful girls! ! !

Boys will also feel much more comfortable in their hearts. This kind of person...

He deserves to be liked! ! !

The girls are more envious.

The boys also admired Su Mo.

Even Truth and others understood one thing.

Even if Su Mo didn't change his body, ordinary people would not be able to beat him with physical strength alone! ! !


The end result is...

Tongya Kyosuke, who had just transferred to another school for less than half an hour, was expelled from Su Mo's school.

There is no way, Kiriya Kyosuke's question is too bad.

This time Su Mo was fine, it was his fault.

But what if Kyosuke Tongya attacked not Su Mo, but other students? ? ?

Even... even the teachers' lives are in danger!


Whether it's for the students or for the teachers.

A crazy student with a bad personality-Kyosuke Kiriya!

Expelled by the unanimous approval of all teachers and students in the school! ! !

As for Su Mo, one of the parties involved, the school did not punish him, but publicly praised him! ! !

He has become the representative of the saying "students should not only have strong learning ability, but also have certain self-protection ability".

I believe that Su Mo's name and this incident will often be mentioned in this school in the future.


Su Mo was not injured, nor was he blamed by the school teachers.

On the contrary, the popularity in the school has soared, both boys and girls.

We all know that there is such an influential figure in the school! ! !

When Kiriya Kyosuke, who was lying on the hospital bed, knew the follow-up of this incident!

He vomited blood angrily, and passed out again! ! !

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beating the important figure of Kamen Rider Hibiki - Kyosuke Kiriya!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Kamen Rider Kyoki Knight Card!!!"


Su Mo and the others all went to school.

Only Izzy stayed at home alone, but she didn't feel sad.

Putting his hands on his stomach, he stood at the door of Su Mo's room with a calm expression.

In the empty house, obediently waiting for Su Mo's return.

At this moment, Izzy seemed to have heard something, stepped forward and walked towards the balcony.

When she came to the balcony, she saw another house not far from Su Mo's house.

At this moment, there are two strange beings, and they seem to be talking about something.

Izzy, who is Shumagia, can barely hear some conversations.

But unfortunately...

She actually...

Can't understand! ! !

She tilted her head in confusion and cuteness, her eyes sparkled with blue light.

0 ································································

Started searching her database for conversational language about those two strangers.

Attempt to translate it.


Can't find it! ! !

Among all the human languages ​​known so far, there is not a single language.

It can be matched with what the two strangers said.

Izzy pouted adorably as she realized...

The identities of these two people!

not simple! ! !


"how is the situation?"

Sitting on a chair, the elegant Rose Girl asked.

Standing beside her, the leopard Gurangi, who was wearing revealing clothes, had wheat-colored skin and long legs, responded indifferently: "It hasn't changed much, although through that gun, more and more monsters can be summoned. A dark warrior, but he himself does not have the slightest dark aura."

Rose Girl nodded, she knew that Gu Langji would not find any useful information so quickly.

At this time, Leopard Gulangi asked:

"The game started?"

Rose Girl nodded again.

"It's started. From now on, the neighborhood will be the assembly point."

"Those guys, I can't bear it anymore."

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