If Su Mo becomes the groom, he is not the only candidate to be the bride! ! !

"I want to be a bride!!!"

Truth put her hands on her hips and stared at Su Mo.

A "you don't let me be a bride, you're done" expression.

"About the bride's question, I think... I can do it too, right?"

"After all, I'm Brother Su Mo's fiancee."

Saya will not give up this opportunity, the truth can be taken, so can she!


Truth gritted her teeth, and Saya looked at her without fear.

The air between the two women was instantly filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"Ahem, can I participate in this kind of activity?"

"It's a little embarrassing to say that, but... I'm also a fiancee."

At this time, sitting with her older sister, a young woman named Miho Kirishima couldn't help but speak out.

The time she had known Su Mo was too short.

If you want to win over other people, you can only seize every opportunity to strengthen your relationship with Su Mo, right?

"I want me too!"

"Brother Su Mo! You can't forget me!!!"

Tiandao Shuhua raised her hand, and an excited smile appeared on her fair and pretty face as if she was joining in the fun.

The head of Tiandao's face turned dark.

"Tree flowers!"

"It's just a fake bride, what's there to grab?"


Let Shuhua go to be Su Mo's bride? ? ?


Absolutely impossible! ! !

Even if he was killed by the head of heaven, he was beaten to death by Su Mo! ! !

It is absolutely impossible to let this happen! ! !

Not far away, Kiba Yuji and others looked at this side with interest.

They watched with relish the scene of being jealous for Su Mo's sake.

As the most loyal servant of His Majesty the Demon King, Woz's eyes lit up, and he proposed to Cilang and Ganqiao:

"How about we take a gamble? Let's see who can become the bride of His Majesty the Demon King?"

"Gambling? Okay, okay, I want to participate!"

Sitting next to Woz and a group of grown men, the only child - Misugi Taichi shouted excitedly.

Woz didn't say that children can't participate in this kind of game.

He just showed a mysterious smile and said with a smirk:

"Okay, then who are you going to suppress?"

"Let's talk about it first. Everyone can only place a bet on one of them. Whoever guesses correctly, all the bets placed by the others will belong to the person who guesses correctly. The minimum bet is [-] origin coins. When the person in the middle bets two hundred genesis coins, the others will give him double the money, the rule is very simple, right?"

Misugi Taichi showed a nonchalant expression on his face, and took out a banknote from his pocket with a small hand, and put it on the table with a bang, "Isn't it just 100 yuan? I have it! As for who... If I want to bet, of course it is Sister Zhenyu! Although I think the probability of her winning is not high, what if?!"

After the voice fell, he stood up and yelled at Fenggu Zhenyu who was staying with Su Mo and others:

"Sister Zhenyu! Come on!"

"Whether the pocket money my father gave me can be doubled depends on you!!!"


? ?


Hearing this, Mau Kazeya blushed instantly, and looked at Misugi Taichi with shame and annoyance.

This guy......

I obviously don't even want to participate in this kind of event, okay? ! !

As a child, Misugi Taichi can tell that the probability of Kazeya Mau becoming a bride is not high.

How could Fenggu Zhenyu himself not know?


Ever since she knew about the fake wedding plan, she never thought that she would become a so-called bride.

after all......

Not to mention comparing with Truth, Saya, Yuhua and others.

Even Kirishima Miho, she can't compare.

How could she become a bride...


"Okay, Misugi Taiyi pressed Fenggu Zhenyu for 100 yuan."

While talking, Woz took out paper and pen from nowhere and wrote it down.

One is to make it easier for Woz to remember by himself.

The second is to prevent someone from cheating at that time!

After finishing writing, Woz looked at the others beside him.

"So, who are you suppressing?"

Yuji Kiba, Kanqiao, Jiro, and Sho Tsugami looked at each other.

"Don't be dazed. After a while, the bride candidate will really come out, and you won't be able to participate."

"At that time, the white money will be missed by you."

"Such a rare opportunity, are you sure you don't cherish it???"

Seeing that everyone had been silent, Woz urged them.

"In this case, then I will suppress Saya Kimura."

Qianqiao took the lead in making a choice, and the reason why she chose Kimura Saya was very simple.

Saya is the only one who has a cat tongue like him.

"Then I'll press the truth with the highest probability."

Seeing Ganqiao also made a decision, Kiba Yuji also wanted to give it a try, scratching his head and said honestly.

Truth is the earliest acquaintance with Su Mo, and also the one who wants to be the bride the most.

It has to be said that the probability is indeed very high.

At this moment, Misugi Taiichi said to Tsugami Shoichi who was hesitating:


"What are you still thinking about? Isn't this brainless sister Zhenyu? Her probability is so low. As her relatives and friends, if we don't support her, who else can support her?!"

Hearing this, Mao Kazetani not far away clenched her fists and looked at Taichi Misugi with kind eyes.

"I really... thank you!"

It's as if she's miserable, although it's true!

But you don't have to say it, do you?

It's okay to say it...

Still roaring so loudly! ! !

hateful! ! !


"That's right..."

Tsugami Shoichi nodded when he heard Misugi Taichi's words.

Then he said directly to Woz:

"Then I'll press the real fish too."

What Taiyi said makes sense!

Zhenyu has no advantage among all the girls, as her friend and relative.

It would be too pitiful not to support her.

Taiyi suppressed, Ganqiao suppressed, Yongzhi suppressed, and Xiangyi suppressed too.

There is one last person left!

Second wolf!

Woz just wanted to ask aloud, but...

"I'm curious, who will you suppress yourself?"

The second wolf looked at Woz with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.


Woz didn't expect that the second wolf would ask himself in turn. After a moment of stunned, he chuckled and said:

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