"Ding! Tip: When the host collects all four fragments, they can be combined into a complete Kamen Rider W Knight card!!!"


After the flames and dust dissipated, only Su Mo and the Chief Director of Heavenly Dao were left on the scene of the battle.

Fly zerg, the dead can't die anymore! ! !

Seeing this scene, Kaga Meixin and the others breathed a sigh of relief, that's all right.

They originally held this wedding to catch the Zerg, and the Zerg was wiped out, so they wouldn't care too much about how Su Mo and Shendaijian fought, even if they both suffered losses.

At this time, Woz gave a fake cough, and said to Ganqiao, Tsugami Shoichi and others beside him:

"How is it? Are you interested in gambling again?"

"This time we will bet on whether His Majesty the Demon King can win this battle!"

Hearing these words, Ganqiao curled her lips and complained indifferently:

"You don't want to be called Hey Woz from now on, just bet Woz."

"No, to be precise, it's betting on Woz!"

Hanging out + Woz who likes to gamble! ! !

Tsugami Shoichi, Jilang and others nodded in unison when they heard the words, they were right!

"Oh, that's not the point, well, do you want to bet?"

Woz waved his hand and said indifferently with a smile on his face.

"I bet I can win."

The second wolf said calmly.

As Su Mo's follower, he has great confidence in Su Mo's strength.

Gan Qiao and Tsugami Sho looked at each other, and said in unison:

"Me too!"

Hearing this, Woz twitched the corner of his mouth, and if you all beat the devil, His Majesty will win.

Then what is the gamble.

In an instant, a dull expression appeared on his face.

At this moment, he actually came up with the outrageous idea of ​​"It would be great if His Majesty the Demon King was a little weaker". If His Majesty the Demon King was not so strong, everyone wouldn't be able to beat him to win, right?


"Next, who is the second?"

The fly zerg died, Su Mo turned around, and his eyes swept over Shendaijian, Tiandao Zongsi, and Yachexiang in turn.

"Hmph, the second one? Isn't it you?"

Yacar wanted to snort coldly, part of the hard and heavy armor came off from his body.

【Castoff! ! ! ] (Explosive armor!!!)

[Change Wasp! ! ! ] (Queen Bee Mode!!!)

The sound effect sounded, and the armor on Yacar's body was completely detached.

Masked form cut into knight form.

After switching the form, Yacar wants to directly press the full speed switch button on the back of TheBee insect instrument.

Next up!

[Rider Sting! ! ! ] (Knight stab!!!)

Tachyons quickly concentrated in the needles of TheBee insect instrument!

Yache wanted to shake his figure, came to Su Mo, stretched his arms forward, and stabbed Su Mo viciously with the needles of TheBee insect instrument. This blow is Kamen Rider Queen Bee's special attack. The lethality is extremely high.

It can directly destroy an intact larva! ! !

"go to hell!!!"

Accompanied by Yache Xiang's shout, TheBee's insect instrument pierced Su Mo's chest.


Something that no one expected has happened! ! !

The extremely sharp needles of TheBee's insect instrument actually shattered at the moment it touched the purple armor of Su Mo's sublimated Titan! ! !


A crisp voice sounded, and everyone at the scene was taken aback.

Yache Xiang, the owner of TheBee's insect instrument, opened his eyes even more with disbelief on his face.


Are you telling me that the needle on TheBee is broken? ? ?

What are you kidding? ! !

"how can that be?!!"

Yacar yelled like crazy.

"Why is it impossible?"

"Who said Kamen Rider's transformation equipment can't be destroyed?"

Su Mo chuckled, and swung his sword, the sharp Sublimation Titan Sword mercilessly slashed at Yache Xiang's body!

Sparks burst out, and screams followed.

I don't know if the sublimation titan sword is too sharp, or because the needle of TheBee's insect instrument is broken and the energy is lost. After this sword goes down, terrible cracks appear in the armor of TheBee on Yachexiang's body! ! !

And it is still rapidly spreading towards the armor of Yashaxiang's other body parts.

It was densely packed like a spider web, and finally there was a crackling sound. The TheBee armor on Yache Xiang's body was completely shattered, turning into little stars and dissipating between the sky and the earth. Looking at the TheBee insect instrument flapping its wings and quickly moving away from him, he shouted palely:

"no, do not want!!!".

Chapter 98 Sword Scorpion, W Knight Card!Tiandao: Obviously he bullied me! (Kneeling to subscribe~)


Yacar's yelling didn't stop TheBee from leaving.

Seeing TheBee disappear without a trace, Yacar feels pain and despair.

His heart was filled with a sense of powerlessness, he really couldn't believe it.

Obviously the same Kamen Rider.

And I am still "-professional"!

But it turned out that he teamed up with other people and was crushed by Su Mo! ! !

Isn't this scientific? ! !

At this moment, Su Mo raised his sword and stepped hard on Yachexiang's back.


"Damn! You bastard!!!"

Kamen Rider's state can't resist Su Mo's attack, let alone Yache Xiang's human state.

Being stepped on by Su Mo, Yachexiang felt an unspeakable severe pain in an instant.

The bones on the back seemed to have been crushed! ! !

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating Kamen Rider Queen Bee (TheBee) transformation-Yasha Xiang!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: two Kamen Rider W Knight card fragments!!!"

Su Mo didn't think about the Yacar under his feet, but looked ahead at the Heavenly Dao Director General and Shendaijian.

"So, who is the third one?"

The director of Tiandao was not afraid, instead of retreating, he took two steps forward.

Pointing to the sky with one hand, he said slowly and forcefully:

"Grandma once said that to fight is to go all out!"

even if...

He also understands that this battle will most likely end in failure.

But so what?

High probability, after all, it is not destined!

Win or lose, not sure.

If you give up at this time, you will definitely lose.

But if you continue to fight with all your strength, maybe you will win! ! !

With this in mind, Director Tiandao's eyes became firm.

Stretch out your hand and push the horn of Kabuto's insect instrument, and the armor on your body begins to separate.

【Castoff! ! ! ] (Explosive armor!!!)

[Change Beetle! ! ! 】(The beetle transforms!!!)

In the end, the thick armor was completely separated from the body of Tendo Souji, just like Yacar thought.

The masked form disappears, replaced by Kato-Knight form! ! !

"that is!"

"Do you think that we will be afraid?"

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