[And you! 】

[I am also willing to take the well-behaved and gentle Nagata Yuka to do something she wants to do. 】

【that's it! 】

[You and Kimura Saya and the others parted ways, took Nagata Yuka with you, and started traveling again. 】

[After these few trips, you already have experience in traveling through the world. 】

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

[The new worlds you chose to go to are all next to each other. 】

[So they are in order, and they are all Kamen Rider worlds in the new decade of Heisei. 】

[And the world you went to this time is the world of Kamen Rider after Kamen Rider Kai Mai! 】

[According to your thinking, the world this time should be the world of Kamen Rider Chiqi. 】

0 .. 0

[Congratulations, you are right, these worlds do have a certain sequence relationship,]

[The world you and Yuka Nagata went to this time is the world of Kamen Rider Riding. 】

【As for why you are so sure...】

[The reason is simple, you and Nagata Yuka entered this world through the dimensional wall. 】

[It happens to be a church, and there is a young man in the church named Tomari Shinnosuke! 】

[You know him, he is the hero of Kamen Rider Chiqi. 】

【Unfortunately, he doesn't know you. 】

[I was dumbfounded when I saw you and Nagata Yuka suddenly appear. 】


Chapter 260 Eighth Mechanical Variation-009-Medic!The weirdo of this world! (Kneeling to subscribe~)


[Park Shinnosuke is a policeman, he is concerned about things like people appearing out of thin air. 】

【Although I have heard of similar supernatural events, this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes. 】

【He panicked instantly, and even pulled out his gun and pointed it at you. 】

[Questioning your identities loudly. 】

[You and Nagata Yuka glanced at each other, and "Zero Twenty" laughed at the same time. 】

【You and Nagata Yuka just wanted to explain, the door of the church was suddenly destroyed. 】

[From the door of the church, a beautiful woman in a black dress walked in. 】

[It looks like a very cute girl. 】

[But whether it's you, Yuka Nagata, or Shinnosuke Tomato. 】

[They didn't relax their vigilance. 】

【Because...if it's just an ordinary girl, how could it be possible to break the door of the church? 】

[In fact, it is true. 】

[This cute girl is not an ordinary human being. 】

[Although she looks human on the outside, but inside her body is a machine! ! ! 】

[Is she an artificial human?No!To be precise, it's Mechanical Mutation-009! ! 】

【Named Medic! ! ! 】

【She is part of the weirdos in this world. 】

[Controls a powerful mechanical mutant power. 】

[She saw you, especially you, her eyes lit up, showing a very interested look. 】

[Although I don't know what she originally wanted to do when she came to the church. 】

[But now... what she wants to do must have something to do with you. 】

【You sigh secretly, your charm is too great, it's really a bad thing. 】

[Medic approached you actively, and ignored Nagata Yuka and Tomari Shinnosuke. 】

[It seems that at this moment, in her eyes, only you exist. 】

[Or... only you are worthy of her attention. 】

[Medic greets you, and you respond with a smile. 】

[Seeing this scene, Tomori Shinnosuke frowned, aimed the muzzle of the pistol in his hand at you, and asked loudly who you are and why you destroyed the church gate again. 】

【You didn't respond this time, but looked at Medic0......】

[After all, you and Nagata Yuka just came here, how could you know why Medic destroyed the church door? Medic turned his head and looked at Tomari Shinnosuke with cold eyes. 】

【She didn't explain, because in her opinion. 】

[I don't need to explain to a human. 】

【Unless this human...is you! 】

[Facing you who possesses the effects of two talents, Friend of the Villain and Yan Shen. 】

【She couldn't control herself, she became more and more curious about you. 】

[I want to be close to you, I want to know more about you. 】

[She doesn't know why she is like this, since she was born in 3.8. 】

[This is the first time. 】

【She didn't know, but Nagata Yuka could tell. 】

【This strange girl fell in love with you. 】

[Nagata Yuka didn't show any jealousy or anything. 】

[She is different from women like Sonoda Mari and Kimura Saya. 】


Chapter 260 Nine Nagata Yuka: No matter what I do with you, I am very happy! (Kneeling to subscribe~)


[Among the girls, only Nagata Yuka and Izzy will obey you [-]%. 】

[And there will be no dissatisfaction. 】

[Of course, this does not mean that Sonoda Mari and Kimura Saya and other women are unfaithful to you. 】

[They will also listen to what you say, but it is also common to sing against you. 】

[I will be jealous, I will refute, and I will scold you! 】

[But Yuka Nagata and Izzy won't. 】

【They think wholeheartedly that you are their whole world. 】

[Your words, your orders, cannot be questioned, cannot be violated. 】

09 [Even if they are to die, they will not ask why. 】

[For the fact that Medic likes you, Nagata Yuka is not jealous or angry. 】

[Instead, she showed a happy and beautiful smile. 】

【You are her man, the better you are, the more you are liked by others. 】

[Nagada Yuka is happier. 】

[It's normal for you to be liked by more people if you are excellent. 】

[Medic didn't explain anything to Park Shinnosuke. 】

[After thinking about it, you propose to Medic to let her be your tour guide for you and Nagata Yuka. 】

【Take you and Nagata Yuka to travel in this world. 】

[Medic agrees, and then...]

[You used the Dimensional Wall ability again under the incredulous eyes of Tomashi Shinnosuke and Medic. 】

[You, Nagata Yuka, and Medic left through the dimensional wall. 】

[In the church, there is only Tomari Shinnosuke left. 】

【He froze on the spot in bewilderment, doubting whether what happened just now was a dream. 】

[It wasn't until someone entered the church again and suspected that he, the policeman, was the murderer who destroyed the church gate, that he came to his senses, yes!Everything that just happened is true! ! ! 】

【"Come back and explain it to me, bastard!!!" Facing the suspicious eyes of others, Shinnosuke couldn't help shouting, and the others immediately showed their crazy eyes again. 】


[You, Medic, and Nagata Yuka appeared on a street. 】

[Medic is extremely shocked that you have such a teleportation array-like ability. 】

[I actually doubted your human identity. 】

[She thought that you were also a mechanical mutant like her. 】

[But you shook your head and said that you are human, but...]

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