It can be described as flowing clouds and flowing water.

Under this set of combos.

Cerberus can be said to be powerless to parry.

In the end, he could only be beaten to the ground, panting heavily.

The condition is very bad.

at this moment.

The Cerberus still picked up the long sword in his hand and killed Qingren again.

After all, his task this time has not been completed.

And it was Qingren in front of him who prevented him from completing the task~

Naturally, they couldn't endure the other two fighting again.

But Qingren didn't mean to get used to him.

Use the hurricane status directly.

The whole person slowly blows towards the sky.

Immediately after landing.

Then put on your magnified ring.

Then I saw only a green magic circle appearing in front of me.

Haruhito stretched his hand in.

Immediately afterwards, a huge arm stretched out from the other end of 033~

Then the fist directly held the Cerberus tightly in his hand.

Cerberus has no power to fight back at all.

The whole body was pinched~

Then it hit the ground suddenly.

The Cerberus staggered out of the building next to it.

at this moment.


I have never felt such a powerful humiliation before.

So he spewed flames at Qingren in front of him.

At this moment, Haruto's vision was blocked by this flame.

Then began to flee to the rear.

After all, Cerberus is angry when it is angry.

But compared to saving lives.

Chapter 290 The little brother in green clothes has golden eyes! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Getting angry is nothing.

So he ran away in a hurry!

And this moment.

The little brother in green clothes who was rescued just now saw his eyes glowing golden.

He yelled directly.


Su Mo saw this scene from the side.

Feeling helpless, he also walked over.

I only saw the little brother in green rushing forward.

He grabbed Qingren's hand excitedly.

At this moment, Qingren appeared.

Undisguised dislike.

And at this time.

The young man in green clothes said enthusiastically:

"My name is Nara Shunpei."

"I liked magic more in the old days."

"But it's never been touched."

"Now I finally see a real magician."

"I hope you can accept me as an apprentice."

"Then make me your disciple."

"Even a close disciple."

"Will you please?"

Su Mo watched this scene with great interest.

In fact, just now Zhang Dan could easily take the Cerberus out of the way.

The reason why he stood by did not move.

That is the fear of this scene.

And at this moment, Qingren was of course unwilling.

After all, his ability came suddenly and cruelly.

So at this moment.

He shook his head directly and said.

"You still do what you should do." "

"Stop thinking about it."

"As for today's matter."

"You can forget it all."

"These things won't do you any good."

"And you have to remember not to look for me any more."

"He said he would be my disciple."

After Qingren finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

But Nara Shunhei did not give up his plan at all.

Still following behind.

Constant stalking.

No matter where the sunny person appears.

The other party will appear directly.

But at this time, only Qingren was seen trying to escape.

Finally came near a cart selling donuts.

Su Mo saw this scene from the side.

Can't help showing a helpless expression.

I only heard Qingren complaining to Su Mo:

"If you can."

"I hope it's not this guy I saved."


"No ifs."

Su Mo answered.

It was at this time.

Depressed Haruto wants to buy some donuts.


What he didn't expect was that Shunpei Nara came directly to him.

And he immediately hugged Qingren.

After seeing the other party being so enthusiastic.

Qingren was speechless.

He just wanted to make the other party completely dispel this idea.


His expression became extremely serious and he said it.

"' ‖I tell you."

"As long as there is a magician, I am enough."

The implication is that you will not teach other people any magic.

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