Being affirmed by the store manager represents his craftsmanship.

Definitely not a big deal.

At this moment, Su Mo saw this scene.

Can't help but feel very warm.

Then he said to Qingren next to him:

"' ‖Looks like the problem has been solved."

"They are still full of hope!"

But Qingren sighed.

Because there is still a very serious problem.

That is Valkyrie has not yet (get well) caught.

If the phantom is not resolved.

Then the other party will definitely come to do things again.

when they were worried.

I only saw a person coming in from outside.

It looked like a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

But in the next second.

Just seeing this man suddenly turned into a phantom.

Su Mo said to Qingren:

"give it to you."

Haruto puts on the ring and starts transforming! .

Chapter 350 Two people hit the shop directly from the inside to the outside of the shop! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

He went straight up and fought Valkyrie for two or three rounds.

The two went directly from the inside of the shop to the outside of the shop.

How could Valkyrie be Haruto's opponent?

He was hammered directly to the ground several times in a row.

Can't move at all.

But Valkyrie knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely fail.

So he quickly distanced himself.

Launched two green shock waves with his head.

The purpose is to use his long-range attack to hurt Haruto.


Qingren's defense ability is also very strong.

123 directly withstood this attack.

But what Qingren didn't expect was that.

Valkyrie shot two more rays.

Qingren couldn't dodge this time and fell to the ground directly.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Valkyrie went directly to Toruya who was on the other side.

after all.

Valkyrie's main goal this time.

He just wanted to destroy the last hope in Tetsuya's heart.

And Tetsuya's hope is the snack he just created.

Just destroy the dim sum.

Then Toru would fall into complete despair.

So at this moment he took off directly.

Chased towards Tetsuya.

But Qingren is by the side.

How could it be possible to watch the other party do this.

Just seeing him immediately switched to a hurricane state.

Then the speed of the whole person became the fastest.

I only saw Qingren riding the wind and starting to chase after him.


Still a step behind.

When I saw Valkyrie chasing me.

Che also felt a little scared.

Because the other party is a monster.

The appearance is also particularly terrifying.

When the opponent rushed over.

He couldn't control his emotions at all.

The whole person fell to the ground with a plop.

Even the food in his hand was a little hard to hold.

Next to the Valkyrie.

See this scene. (ajdi)

Immediately seized the opportunity.

He directly picked up the weapon in his hand and stabbed forward.

But in the next second.

Haruto or Weapon rushed over.

directly in front of Tetsuya.

The attack was blocked.

After seeing this scene.

Valkyrie pulled away again.

The two started fighting again.

To know.

Toru also can succeed in the interview again this time.

The main reason is to rely on the only two snacks left in my hand.

If this snack is destroyed.

Then Valkyrie will fall into despair completely.

Naturally, he also saw this.

He shot another arrow.

The purpose is to completely destroy the dim sum.

See this sudden attack.

Seeing only Qingren, he used his body to block the front.

But even though Haruto blocked it with his body.

But the dim sum in his hand is still not sure.

This injury directly hit Dim Sum.

The dim sum flew out towards the sky.

Two dim sum spread out.

A snack fell on the floor.

It broke right away.

And another refreshment headed towards the fountain.

If it falls down normally.

Then another dim sum will be ruined too.

If both dim sum are ruined.

Then he will also lose his job opportunity.

Chapter 350 Six And there is a protective film on the outside of the dim sum! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

This will cause the whole situation to collapse in an instant.

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