So in these days.

He began to lie in wait.

Be ready all the time.

I didn't expect to finally find the opportunity now.

So 127 prepares to teach Qing Ren a good lesson.

Let Qingren repay the debt he owed back then!

And at this time.

Su Mo also rushed over.

I saw this scene in front of me.

Slightly surprised.

But he was not in a hurry to make a move.

he knows.

Haruto can solve all this.

Then the two started fighting directly.

Qingren didn't care that much.

Anyway, since the other party is a phantom.

Then you must die.

Otherwise, keeping it is a disaster.

The opponent will definitely attack the magic door at that time.

The situation must be very dangerous.

Just think about it.

It felt utterly terrifying.

Chapter 360 The Lizardman holds a big knife in his hand! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

So at this time.

He was already angry.

The two fought directly in the entire factory building.

at this time.

The lizard man held a large knife in his hand.

This big knife looks very terrifying from the surface.

This is the main weapon of the Lizardmen.

Holding the weapon, he sneered at Su Mo.

"I tell you."

"It would be easy for me to kill you."

"I don't know if you believe it or not."

"Anyway, that's the truth."

"Since you choose to fight with me."

"Then you must die."

After saying this.

The lizard man fought with Haruto with a big knife.

Haruto faced the opponent's incomparably ferocious attack.

Beaten and defeated.

at this time.

Qingren didn't expect the other party to be so fierce.

There was no reaction for a while.

And in the process of fighting.

A person appeared next to him.

This person is Medusa.

Medusa is actually the one who commands the lizardmen.

Now Medusa is slowly watching from the side.

Medusa's target this time is actually not just Haruto.

There is another person.

After a while.

Just saw Qianhe chasing after him.

At this moment, Qianhe showed great worry on his face.

Qianhe rushed all the way.

The purpose is very simple.

That is to find Goshi.

But when it comes.

Seeing the lizard man slash Haruto's body with a single knife.

And at this time.

Just when Qianhe felt extremely confused.

The lizardman rushed directly towards Qianhe.

Then put the knife on Qianhe's neck.

at this moment.

The lizard man said directly to Haruto:

"I tell you 々". "

"You are not allowed to move."

"And if you dare to come over."

"I'll just kill this woman."

"I see what you will do then?"

However, after hearing this sentence.

Sunny stopped immediately.

Because anyway.

The phantom door is definitely not able to be harmed.

What's more, this is just a battle between him and the phantom.

It shouldn't affect Chizuru at all.

If Chizuru was hurt because of this battle.

Then he will feel very tired.

So at this time still maintain absolute reason.

Yet at this time.

Suddenly, the lizard man felt a sharp pain coming from his back.

A few bullets hit the lizard man directly.

The lizardman couldn't think of it.

Someone dared to attack him unexpectedly.

So I looked back.

This is not seen do not know.

I was startled when I saw it.

The person standing behind is no one else.

It was Medusa.

Medusa is holding a gun at this time.

There was an incomparable threat in his eyes.

"' ‖I warn you."

"Don't do anything to the illusion door."

"Why don't you listen?"

"Do you still think you are great?"

Medusa looked particularly domineering at this time.

But in fact, it was just for the sake of the magic door.

Because Medusa's purpose at the beginning is different from that of lizardmen.

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