Only Ms. Shiho said:

“‘ ‖Let’s wait first.”

"Don't come near me!"

Nara Shunpei forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart.

He rushed over and shook hands with the other party.

Then he smiled and said (the one who got the money):

"Ms. Shiho."

"You are doing well now."

"I really feel very relieved."

Shunhei Nara has brought himself into the role of the magician.

This also means that he must protect Ms. Shiho.

So when you see the other party is safe.

He is simply happier than anyone else.

When Rinko Damen next to him saw this scene.

He couldn't help but fell into a moment of thought.

Chapter 410 I just don't know why this happened! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Muttered to himself.

"It turns out that all this is true."

"It seems that the previous phoenix didn't lie to me."

"I thought he was lying to me at first."

"Just don't know why this is happening."

"it's wired."

"Aren't they all phantoms?"

"They should be one."

Damen Rinko felt extremely incredible at this moment.

And at this time.

Su Mo who was next to him came over.

Facing the gate, Rinko asked about the specific situation.

Damon Rinko didn't intend to hide anything.

He directly told the ins and outs of the whole thing.

At the same time, Damen Rinko felt that this matter was also a bit strange.

Said directly.

"These 183 so-called phantoms."

"Using this kind of bug to control other people."

"Then isolate Ms. Shiho."

"This kind of move is really too obscene."

"I really didn't expect their bottom line to be so low."

"It's so nasty."

Su Mo sneered when he heard this.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Actually, this is a very normal thing."

"For those phantoms."

"They don't have any bottom line at all."

"However, our top priority (ajdi) is to quickly catch all these bugs."

"If this kind of bug is harmful."

"The kind of words that you say can control other people."

"Then it's too scary."

"Ms. Shiho met a lot of people before."

Su Mo suddenly remembered at this moment.

Whether it's dancing with friends or meeting old friends.

Or go find your husband.

The other side is isolated.

Ms. Shiho's appearance.

This also means that those people are abnormal.

At this time, Su Mo was still ready to help the other party solve this problem.

Otherwise, Ms. Shiho will feel even more uncomfortable because of this matter.

It is even possible to fall into despair again.

So they came to the previous yoga room again.

The place is still sometimes crowded.

Their eyes are tightly closed.

Staring at the glass in front of you, following the teacher in front of you, is constantly practicing.

Of course, some people are practicing dancing.

Everyone is very serious.

The girls who can come to practice are almost in their 40s and [-]s.

He takes great care of his body.

Each of them also looked very powerful.

At this moment the door slowly opened.

Only Master Beast and Su Mo walked in slowly.

At this moment, the beast master smiled and said:

"excuse me."

"I have something to do here."

After saying this.

The beast master stretched out his hand directly.

Because his idea is very simple.

I just want to see if the other party has any so-called parasites.

And at the same time.

Shunhei Nara who was next to him also rushed over.

But at this moment when they wanted to do it.

I only saw the group of women who were practicing yoga became angry.

After all, for these women.

Only women of the same sex can enter.

rather than a man.

So at this moment, I want to drive Nara Shunpei and Beast Lord out.

Chapter 410 Both of them look very embarrassed! (Kneeling to subscribe~)


"This is a misunderstanding."

The beast master said very sadly at this moment.

But the effect is not great.

Only two people were seen being thrown on the next stairs.

Then they rolled down continuously.

Both of them looked very embarrassed.

From the high-spirited and high-spirited at the beginning, I fell into disgrace."

The two felt very uncomfortable.

But at this moment Rinko Daimon came over~.

He said suspiciously.

"What happened to you?"

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