Ali next to him also felt a little strange.

It stands to reason that Daimon Rinko will come to gather with everyone.

It's just that I didn't expect to come here at all.

What exactly is this 3.8 situation?

Everyone felt extremely confused.

Sunny stood up.

Seriously said:

"It's likely that today is a busy day."

"After all, Daimon Rinko still has her own business."

"So it's very normal not to come here for the time being."

"Besides, it's impossible to stay in our antique shop all day long."

"Damon Rinko should also have her own life.".

Chapter 420 Then I heard Su Mo say with a smile! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Upon hearing this.

Su Mo felt that there was some truth.

But don't know why.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Then I heard Su Mo laughing and saying:

"We can win this time."

"That's always good."

"Why don't we all go out for dinner together?"

"Just think of it as a celebration."

After the others heard Su Mo's words.

Immediately surprised.

Especially Nara Shunhei next to him also said with a smile.

"I think so too."

"Let's go out for dinner."

"Why don't we 09 call out Damen Rinko as well."

"Let's go out to eat together!"

After hearing this.

The Qingren next to him thought it made sense.

So he took out his phone.

However, when the phone was just pulled out.

I just saw a voice coming from not far away.


Suddenly, I became a little confused.

Then they looked outside.

Only one person was seen standing outside.

This man is the beast master.

After seeing this scene.

Su Mo felt quite helpless.

Why did the beast master appear in this place?

Su Mo and the others felt extremely confused.

So he walked straight ahead.

Want to find out.

when they passed.

But found that the beast master had already stationed in place.

There is a tent next to it.

There is a toolbox in front.

On top of the box was a small stove.

Something was still cooking on it.

It looks very leisurely.

"I think you guys haven't eaten yet."

"come on."

"One bowl per person."

"Don't be polite to me."

After saying this.

It was handed over directly.

Su Mo and Nara Shunpei.

And sunny people.

They all felt dumbfounded.

After Su Mo saw this delicious food.

Feeling a little confused at first.

Then he spoke again:

"I found that you seem to eat whatever you want."

"Looks like you have to add mayonnaise."

The beast master laughed at this moment.

Then he patted Qingren on the shoulder.


"If there are traces of monsters found in the future."

"Call me!"

Su Mo heard this.

Can't help but feel a little confused.

"I remember that there was a conflict between you?"

at this moment.

Everyone showed a knowing smile.

The reason is naturally very simple.

The main purpose of the beast master.

Just to be able to get more phantoms to use as their own food.

On Qingren's side, there is a high possibility of encountering various phantoms.

So naturally you need to build a good relationship.

Thus. 190

The beast master can better obtain phantoms as food.

Several people started eating at this time.

In the end, the beast master said goodbye to everyone and left directly.

"This man's attitude is a bit strange."

"I really don't know what he thinks."

"Last time, I could actually help him get rid of the Chimera!"

Qingren spoke at this time.

There was a trace of bewilderment in his expression.

After Su Mo heard this sentence.

Raised eyebrows.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Maybe people just don't want to disarm the Chimera."

"Instead, I want to enjoy the feeling of being a superman."

Chapter 420 It's bound to lose something! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

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