He is wearing a hat.

She looks very handsome.

This person is actually the person who met Medusa before.

He looked very lively at this time.

Said to Nara Shunpei with a smile.

"You should be the most capable assistant around that magician. Right?"

Nara Shunhei felt a little inexplicable at first.

But after hearing this sentence.

The whole person instantly perked up.

after all.

Who in the world doesn't want others to praise themselves?

Nara Shunpei originally wanted to become a magician.

But after failing to become a magician.

He just hoped that he could become a magician's assistant.

In fact.

During this time he worked as an assistant.

Be very happy.

Every day is filled with motivation.

So I heard the compliments from others.

The whole person began to be complacent.

"Exactly." (ajdi)

"I am."

Nara Shunhei answered seriously.

After hearing this.

The young man in the hat showed a satisfied smile.

Then he opened his mouth and said.

"I'll give you something."

"You give this thing to the magician."

"Are you all right?"

After saying this.

Just handed over something wrapped in paper cloth.

Nara Shunhei subconsciously took over.

But at this time.

Very curious in my heart.

After all, the identity of the other party is unknown.

In addition, it suddenly appeared again.

no matter where.

They all exuded a strange aura.

To say that the other party has no problem.

Lai Liang Junping didn't believe it. "

So at this time, I want to raise my head and ask.

But in the next second.

Nara Shunpei.

But found that the figure of the other party had disappeared.

It's as if it just disappeared out of thin air.

of course.

It may also be because the opponent's speed is too fast.

As a result, he couldn't see the other party's fleeing figure at all.

Nara Shunhei felt baffled.

He slowly opened the paper bag in his hand.

After a few glances.

His face suddenly became ugly.

Then the whole person quickly headed towards where Su Mo and pedestrians were.

Chapter 420 The sixth Qingren has clearly eaten just now! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

In front of the donut truck.

Su Mo and Qingren are sitting here.

Enjoy the delicacy of donuts.

What made Su Mo a little curious was.

Haruto obviously already ate something just now~.

But now I am still eating.

This made him - feel extremely confused.


"Did you not eat enough just now?"

Qingren shook his head at this moment.

"You may not know."

"This is what people like."

"I'd love to eat some new donuts, though."

"I haven't eaten those things for a long time."

Su Mo glanced at the new donuts on the dining car next to him.


The two bosses also became excited.

He immediately picked up a new donut and rushed over and said to Haruto.

"We have new products."

"This is our Happy Romance donut."

This donut is not pink.

Instead it looks black.

Obviously made with coffee or some other preparations.

In fact.

Qingren didn't have much interest in such food.

So after taking a look, he lowered his head again.

He looked back at his original donut.

Then he ate slowly.

When seeing this scene.

The two bosses were particularly disappointed.

They originally thought that their new products would be affirmed.

And it is still affirmed by its regular customers.

But he didn't expect to encounter such indifference directly.

This made him very uncomfortable.

Yet at this time.

Su Mo and Qingren were chatting.

While eating delicious food.

Suddenly a voice rang in the ear.

It was the voice of Nara Shunhei.


"Su Mo."

"There's a big problem."

"Come and have a look."

at this time.

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