He didn't expect the opponent's attack power to be so powerful.

Qingren felt a little surprised at this moment.

However, at this moment, only the pair of wings on the back of the phoenix could be seen.

Grow bigger and bigger.

And it's getting scary.

In the end, he was even much taller than his whole body.

When this scene appeared in front of Su Mo.

For a moment, he frowned.

And I also noticed that the situation may be different from what I imagined.

at this moment.

Haruto quickly backed away 09.

After all, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

When it's time to retreat, you still have to retreat.

After all, if there is a conflict with the other party.

It's not doing you any good.

But at this time.

Because the opponent's flame is too powerful.

"I told you already."

"I'm not what I used to be."

"My strength is much stronger than yours."

when saying this.

There was incomparable arrogance in his tone.

More with a roaring meaning.

It was as if all the previous anger had been vented.

In fact, it is very normal for him to have this kind of anger.

For him after all.

in previous times.

The oppression he suffered was simply too great.

This feeling of oppression made him feel very uncomfortable.

So when he had a chance to get back on the field.

Naturally, there will be no restraint at this time.

So at this time.

Instead, the whole person became even more arrogant.

The momentum of the whole body has become stronger than before.

The strong flame and magic power directly rushed Su Mo aside.

At this moment Su Mo felt a little uncomfortable.

The whole person was suppressed by the strong flame.

All the flames rushed up at this moment.

Swallow Su Mo directly.


at this time.

I only heard Damen Rinko shouting loudly beside me.

In the tone of voice.

Completely helpless.

Rinko Damen very much wanted to go up and help at this time.

But there was nothing he could do.

Because of the gate, you only know that your strength is weak.

It's also good not to add chaos at this time.

Not to mention going up to help.

And at this time due to serious injuries.

The whole person couldn't even move.

Very uncomfortable on the ground.

I can barely keep myself.

Not to mention going up to help. 193

This feeling makes.

Rinko Damon herself felt extremely uncomfortable.

Even breathing felt a little difficult.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Because he knew that Qingren was constantly saving himself.

The other party is also constantly helping himself.

Then I must not be able to give up directly so easily.

Damon Rinko was extremely angry at this moment.

I didn't think of someone I had always liked and wanted to help.

It turned out like this in the end.

It's not just that I don't know how to be grateful.

Instead, he continued to harm himself at this time.

Chapter 430 Nine His mouth is still saying some extremely arrogant words! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

This made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

When Haruto was knocked to the ground.

Only phoenixes were seen.

Excited eyes appeared.

He carried a great sword on his shoulder.

Step by step, he walked towards Qingren.

He was still saying some extremely arrogant words.


"You have to know that your strength is not as good as mine."

"Before, it was just because I let you."

"Now you're damned."

"So you go to die."

While speaking, I saw him raising the big sword in his hand again.

Ready to slash straight down.

Then end Qingren's life.

And he had suffered like this before.

So at this time prepare to revenge back.

"The finale has begun."

After saying this.

All I saw was that he raised his sword high.

Damen Rinko next to her was terrified when she saw this scene.

Because if Haruto died because of him in this place.

Then Rinko Damen will feel very guilty.

However, the battle between the two sides continued at this time.

Haruto in the sea of ​​flames had already lost his combat effectiveness.

Even lost the ability to move.

Facing the opponent's fierce attack.

He could only linger on the ground and keep looking forward.


Just at this time.

I only saw the big sword in Phoenix's hand raised high and ready to swing it down.

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