Chapter 450 IX It's better to rest in an antique shop! (kneeling to subscribe)

"give up!"

Beast Master was still trying to persuade the other party.

After all, it was because he wanted to get this mistake.

The second reason is that he feels that Qingren's current physical condition is not necessarily unsuitable for fighting.

On the contrary, if you go to fight, you are likely to be injured.

In this case.

It would be better to rest in an antique shop.

So at this time he felt a little rascal.

You can only speak to persuade the other party.

I hope the other party can give up this idea.

But Qingren didn't listen to persuasion at all.

"A magician doesn't give up easily."

"As long as you don't give up, there is hope."

"Because I am the last hope."

At this moment the whole world brightened up.

The sun also emerged from the clouds.

Su Mo saw this scene from the side.

A slight smile appeared.

Master Beast is also a reasonable person in normal times.

After hearing this sentence.

Naturally, he understood what Qingren was thinking.

Knowing that this matter cannot be stopped by oneself.

And at this time he put his hands in his pockets.

Looking up at the sky, it's as if nothing happened just now

He said lightly in his mouth:

"Actually I ate some ghouls yesterday." "

"I feel so full right now."

"Then if that's the case."

"I won't fight Phoenix."

"I'll give you this food."

"Remember to make a good end."

After Qingren heard this sentence.

Then nodded.

However at this time.

Sunny just wanted to say thank you.

But did not expect.

The beast master spoke directly beside him.

"OK OK."

"You don't have to tell me these things."

"Anyway, what you say is useless."

"No need to repeat!"

In fact, what Qingren did this time.

Except for being accompanied by Su Mo.

There are also observations from various forces.

For example, Damon Rinko is now lying in the hospital.

However, some movements of Qingren could be felt in the dark.

And the whole person is also very nervous.

I was afraid that Haruto would lose this battle.

Except for Damon Rinko.

In fact, the senior police in the entire city are also observing the situation here.

They have been watching the battle between the magician and the phantom all the time.

Because the battle between the two has the potential to affect the entire city.

So at this time, everyone is quite nervous.

And apart from that.

Ali is in the antique shop.

A pair of eyes stared intently at the crystal ball in front of him.

Haruto in the crystal ball is moving forward.

Driving a motorcycle.

A fearless expression.

In fact, everyone is paying attention to one thing. (well done)

That is the life-and-death battle dragon between Phoenix and Qingren.

The animosity between the two is already very great.

This also means that once the battle is started.

Then in the end, one party will definitely die.

At this time, the phoenix had already been waiting at the battle location.

He stared straight ahead.

It seems that they have already sensed the arrival of Su Mo and Qingren.

So the whole person showed great excitement.

Chapter 460 This phoenix's ability is still a bit strong! (kneeling to subscribe)

But at this moment, only Qingren and Su Mo had arrived at their destination.

When seeing this scene.

I only heard the phoenix say loudly:

"come yet?"

However at this time.

Qingren didn't reply him.

After Su Mo got out of the car.

He patted Qingren on the shoulder.

Then he spoke to him.

"This phoenix's ability is still a bit strong."

"You still have to be careful in the process of fighting."

"It's not difficult to beat him."

"But you must prevent being harmed by his new move 203."

"let's go."

"I believe you can win."

After hearing what Su Mo said.

Immediately, Qingren became extremely passionate.

The persuasion given by Su Mo was indeed very useful.

So at this time, he walked up slowly.

When seeing this scene.

Phoenix gritted his teeth and said with a smile:

"Then let's play to our heart's content today!"

Qingren snorted coldly!

"My game with you is coming to an end today."

"You (ajdi) trampled on Damon Rinko's mind."

"It is absolutely impossible for me to forgive your thoughts."

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