The magic power of the phoenix has grown to a rather terrifying statistic.

That is to say Phoenix.

It's hard to beat now.

Seeing this scene, Qingren felt a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't give up.

With the appearance of the dragon.

He also became full of hope at this moment.

I saw that he immediately put on the side wings and put them on.

Then the whole body soared high.

09 rushed towards the opponent.

The strength displayed by Qingren at this moment.

It is quite powerful.

And it's all visible.

Haruto was in an extremely powerful state at this moment.

Su Mo saw this scene from the side.

It was revealed in the eyes.

A very satisfied look.

What he wants is such an effect.

But at this time.

Su Mo felt as if he saw a familiar figure.

He took a closer look at the deposit.

But found that not far away.

There was a figure standing there.

This big figure is no one else.

It was the white magician.

The white magician just stood by and didn't move.

It seems that there is no willingness to make a move.

So at this time, Su Mo didn't do anything.

He stared straight ahead.

silently waiting.

Because Su Mo knew the phoenix in front of him.

It is impossible to be Qingren's opponent.

But if the white magician helps the phoenix.

Then Sunny is in danger.

So Su Mo is also grasping the time.

If the opponent can come to target the phoenix.

Then everything is easy to handle.

If not only being dishonest but also meddling by the side.

Then don't blame Su Mo.

Su Mo has always been a person with a clear distinction between good and evil.

He knew that what Qingren did was right.

But the things this magician did seemed a bit weird everywhere.

Although in the past.

The other party helped Qingren.

But at this moment, Su Mo felt that something was wrong with the other party.

"Then let you taste my strength."

After saying this.

All I saw was Haruto wearing wings and killing him.

Haruto used the melee attack again at this moment.

It's a pity that the phoenix next to it is also a phantom with the ability to fly.

At this time, the wings that turned into fiery red rushed towards this side.

In fact, when Su Mo saw this, he knew that Qingren's overall situation had been settled.

Don't look at Qingren's overall state of being relatively passive in the past.

But in fact, since he fused several of the great forces among them, 207.

His strength has improved a lot.

And under this trend.

He was full of strength from head to toe.

At this moment, he directly killed the opponent.

Apart from having more wings, Qingren at this moment.

And a few more things.

Some of these things are Haruto's arms.

Some are the bodies of Haruto.

Some are some key parts of Qingren.

But at this moment.

Various reinforced torsos.

At this moment, a powerful force erupted.

The two resisted each other at this moment.

The phoenix felt that he was carrying a huge force.

Chapter 460 Your abilities are much stronger than I imagined! (kneeling to subscribe)

Suddenly, the whole person became a little passive.

The beaten retreated.

Although the phoenix's magic power has been enhanced a lot.

But in the face of Qingren with so many blessings.

But still feel a little uncomfortable.

Even breathing was a little difficult at this moment.


"Your ability is much stronger than I imagined."

"But do you think this will hurt me?"

"I still have to remind you."

"I am immortal."

"You now think you can hurt me."

"Actually you can't hurt me."

"It's only a small part of me that you can hurt me."

"I can be resurrected later."

After saying this.

He let out a maniacal laugh.

But at this moment, Qingren sneered.

speak up.

"you think too much."

"I'll let you wander between life and death right now!" "

Hear what Haruto said.

The phoenix still didn't believe it at the beginning.

Because his talent is really very powerful.

That is to be able to go back and forth between life and death.

Even if he died hundreds of times.

In the end it can be revived.

This is the key to why he firmly believes that he can defeat Qingren.

At this moment, Qingren snorted coldly again:

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