Daemon Rinko has fully recovered from her injuries.

So Daimon Rinko also devoted herself to work.

After a whole morning.

Rinko Daimon can be said to be very powerful.

She went through her own efforts.

Successfully asked the evidence out of a criminal's mouth.

After she successfully completed the task.

The news spread to other people's ears immediately.

"Gate officer."

"You are simply amazing."

"I didn't expect you to come to work on the first day today."

"It can complete such a task."

"Your working state is not at all like after a serious illness."

"The working status that can be displayed."

Rinko the door.

Dressed in business attire today.

Looked very professional.

Hear compliments from peers.

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

But the words are still relatively modest.

But at this time.

Rinko Damon suddenly changed her style of painting again.

I only heard her complain helplessly:

"Isn't this still impossible?"

"There's a lot of work out there for me."

"Let me get busy."

"There's no way I'm not going to do these jobs."

When Rinko Daimon said these words.

There was indeed complaint in his tone.

And there are more tasks in the police station itself.

In addition, I took a long leave of absence during this period.

So all these jobs came.

In the past few days.

If nothing else, 207 will be very busy.

"anyone there?"

But at this time.

An old woman came in and asked a question.

Damon Rinko happened to be a little free at this time.

So he walked over.

Then the two began to communicate.



Next to a donut truck.

Su Mo, Haruto, and Nara Shunpei were walking slowly here.

They walked side by side.

One side saw the donut truck.

Qingren couldn't hold back for a while at this time.

He walked over and asked with a smile:

"Bring me a donut with white sugar.".

Chapter 460 IX Do you need to try it! (kneeling to subscribe)

After hearing this.

The boss seemed very enthusiastic.

Because Haruto and the others had come here for the first time.

So they are more familiar with each other.

"is it?"

"But we recently launched a new product."

"Do you want to try it?"

Qingren froze for a moment after hearing this sentence.

Because Haruto also believed the other party's words in the past.

I think the taste of the new product must be very good.

But after drinking it just felt like a waste of money.

So at this moment, I only heard him say:

"I don't really want to."

"But if you can do it."

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the two of them."

At this moment, Haruto looked at Su Mo and Nara Junpei beside him.

At this time, Su Mo pointed at Nara Shunpei:

"No no no no."

"I only have him." "


Nara Shunhei felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Can not help but sigh.

But didn't say much.

Nara Junpei's temper is actually very docile.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Isn't that the beast master?"

"What are you doing there?"

After Su Mo saw the other party.

He said directly and loudly.

Not the same as usual.

After the beast master saw three people.

He directly blocked his face.

But at this time.

Su Mo keenly saw the strange situation of the other party:

"That's not right."

"Why is there all kinds of tableware on it?"

"Is it here to eat?"

"It doesn't seem right."

"With the temper of the beast master, he probably wouldn't come here for dinner."

"And there are two bottles of drinking water on it."

After hearing these speculations.

The beast master couldn't bear it anymore.

Stand up straight away and say:

"All right."

"You don't have to discuss this stuff anymore."

"Let me tell you."

"I'm currently waiting for a date with Rinko Daimon."

"A date with Rinko Daimon?"

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