Then he spoke.

"Master Medusa."

"I have discovered the magic door this morning."

"Could you please help me?"

After hearing this.

The tiger man said:

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that."

"It's all on me."


Now near the previous donut cart.

I only saw Nara Shunpei still taking care of Beast Master's grandma.

After all, Master Beast did not do well this time.

So at this time, Nara Junpei came to appease the other party's emotions.

Choose to give each other a sign.

"Three two one."


After taking a photo.

Then Nara Shunhei said:

"It's really scary to be able to come out and relax."

"It's really rare to come here from my hometown."

"Then why don't we come out and see Tokyo."

"How do you feel about that?"

After grandma heard this sentence.

Can't help but say:

"I'm so sorry."

"That child, Master Beast, has really caused you too much trouble."

Grandma is also very reasonable at this time.

I only heard him say:

"By the way 0......"

"if you do not mind."

"I can give you an amulet."

"Here is a frog that means coming home safe and sound."

"And it works."

After hearing this.

Nara Shunhei smiled and said:

"Then thank you grandma."

Then at this moment only the tiger man appeared in front of them.

The tiger man stared at grandma with a pair of eyes.

Then he spoke later.

"You are the magic door."

At this time, I only saw the raised head of the grandma.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Don't know exactly what happened.

However, at this time, only the magic door changed directly.

Just seeing the tiger man directly turned into a 3.8 phantom state.

The appearance of the whole person looks very terrifying.

Then I saw Shunpei Nara.

Immediately, he took grandma and fled to another place.

But at this time, he also called Su Mo directly.

After Su Mo heard the news.

Feel a little surprised.

"Grandma is actually a magic door?".

Chapter 470 The third chapter looks particularly terrifying! (kneeling to subscribe)

At this time, Nara Shunpei on the other side was trying to escape with his grandma.

But when walking halfway.

Suddenly a tiger man appeared in front of him.

The Khajiit took the form of a Phantom.

It can be described as particularly terrifying.

He said grimly:

"Now the game of hide and seek is finally over."

When seeing this scene.

Nara Shunhei was only seen raising a wooden stick.

Then he slammed on the opponent's body.

But when this stick works out.

The other party was still not affected in the slightest.

This is the difference between ordinary people and magicians.

If a magician uses this trick. 09

Probably at least a serious injury.

But ordinary people use this stick to hit the phantom, but it can't cause any impact.

Power is the biggest difference.

After Nara Shunhei was dealt with.

After that, I saw the phantom walking towards grandma step by step.

"Then let me awaken the phantom in your heart."

When he walked over step by step.

At this time, there was a trace of fear in grandma's eyes.

in the next second.

All I saw was a series of bullets hitting the tiger man directly.

Su Mo and the others are already here!

At this moment, Su Mo and others rushed over.

They are eager to save grandma.

When I saw that my grandma was about to encounter danger.

Master Beast was ready to transform directly without hesitation.

But at this time, I only saw grandma showing surprised eyes.

There was still a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The beast master immediately became a little nervous at this moment.

Then he quickly withdrew his transformation.

Because he didn't want his grandma to know about it.

Because he was afraid of being reprimanded.

He had been hiding this matter before.

He quickly hid for him.

But Qingren next to him didn't have these hesitation.

After transforming directly, he rushed up.

Su Mo was on the sidelines to protect grandma first.

At this time, I only saw Haruto constantly fighting with the opponent.

He used the magician's sword and spear to constantly collide with the opponent's knife.

It's a fight between strength and power.

The battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot state.

After slashing several times in a row.

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