Man with black beard in black hat and black sunglasses.

This man is the Beast Lord.

But today he has changed his attire.

The purpose is to prevent others from recognizing him.

At this time, he carefully observed the situation in front of him.

Keep repeating this sentence.

"Is it only delivered to the station?"

"Is it only delivered to the station?"

Afterwards, he was only seen getting into the car one step ahead of time.

On the other side, grandma and Nara Shunhei have already boarded the car.

Su Mo and Qingren are in charge of bodyguards today.

213 The two looked at the surrounding situation at this moment.

I just want to see if there are phantoms around to make trouble.

After all, grandma is a magic door.

Going back today.

If go back.

Then they will never be able to complete the task.

So if the other party wants to perform the task.

So today is the last chance.

The other party is likely to come over to do something.

So both Su Mo and Qingren felt a little nervous.

But just when they were about to get in the car after a few glances.

Only to find that the bus door (ajdi) has been closed.

When seeing this scene.

Su Mo slammed the bus a few times.

Can speak out loud.

"I haven't gotten into the car yet, the driver."

But when this sentence is finished.

But it didn't work.


Su Mo was stunned for a moment.

Then I only saw the bus driving slowly towards the front.

When seeing this scene.

Su Mo said:


"Still like this."

I only saw the bus heading forward.

After Nara Shunhei in the car saw this scene.

Immediately felt very puzzled.

When he reached the driver's side, he spoke.

"There is one driver who is not in the car."

"Why don't you wait a little longer."

"Excuse me."

"Can't let him in the car."

at this time.

The driver turned his head slowly.

It was only at this time that Nara Shunpei could see the other party's appearance clearly.

He found out that it was the tiger man who attacked him that day.

Suddenly, Nara Shunpei.

The complexion of the whole person changed dramatically.


"It's you!"

On the other side, Su Mo and Qingren also immediately realized that there was a problem.

Then the two began to run wildly behind the bus.

They know that there must be phantoms on the bus.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to keep driving without waiting for the two of you?

This scene is very abnormal no matter which direction you look at it from.

So they feel that they must catch up today.


Grandma had an accident at the last critical moment when she went back.

They are all to blame.

Yet at this time.

The driver inside the bus suddenly turned his head.

Then it directly started to become a phantom.

"This time I will send you into the abyss of despair."

After saying this sentence.

All I saw was that he slammed on the accelerator and started to accelerate directly.

His purpose is very simple.

It is to take a taxi and shake it left and right while driving.

In this way, the passengers in the car will feel very desperate.

This can lead you directly into despair.

Nara Shunhei, who was only seen in Chapter 480, suddenly became tense! (kneeling to subscribe)

It is precisely because he has such an idea.

He felt that he would definitely succeed.

And he doesn't think that's enough.

Then I saw him throw two seeds on the ground.

Then only three ghouls were seen to have appeared.

They just want to use this method to force out the phantom in Huanmen's heart.

However, when seeing this scene.

Just seeing Nara Shunhei suddenly tensed up.

Because Su Mo and Qingren were absent.

And he thinks that Master Beast hasn't come~ either.

Then it can protect grandma.

He was alone.

So at this moment, I only heard him yelling -.


After saying this.

Then he took out a small-frog directly.

This little frog is a talisman his grandma gave him.

Glanced at the amulet.

He thought he should be safe this time.

So he rushed over directly.

The moment he rushed over.

He suddenly realized that he was wrong.

And it was wrong.

After all how could he be a match for a ghoul?

It was directly pushed by the ghoul.

The whole person has no strength to resist.

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