And Medusa naturally didn't hesitate at this time.

Directly use all the snakes on his neck.

He wants to control Haruto with the snake around his neck.

But Haruto has already entered the state of strengthening 09.

So at this time, it is naturally very powerful.

The two collided at this time.

"It's amazing."

"It's really amazing."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

The two looked sideways at the same time.

All I saw was Fear Fall standing in place.

An expression of watching a play was hung on the whole face.

"It's really evenly matched."

"It's actually you."

"You want to strike first."

"it's a pity!"

"Remember to bring the door properly next time."

"Tomorrow I will be waiting for you at the garbage dump in the suburbs."


After saying this.

I just saw him turn around and run away.

When seeing this scene.

Suddenly Medusa felt very strange.

Because nothing was done.

I feel that I have been whitened.

The other party had never told me about this before.

So he felt very inexplicable.


He wanted to go after the other party and ask about the specific situation.

Inside the antique store.

In order to protect the safety of grandma.

So grandma stayed in the antique shop.

at this time.

Suddenly a voice was heard.

I only saw Master Beast coming in from the outside.

"How did you come?"


"Let's go back together."

When I heard this sentence.

Grandma's face became serious for a while.

Then he spoke directly.

"You are so ruthless."

"Master Beast."

"I still wanted to hear that sentence until yesterday."

"But today is the last thing I want to hear."

"I finally know."

"Grandma's heart."

"It's always been about me."


"If you die now."

"I would be desperate."

The beast master didn't come out when he said this.

A few lines of tears.

You must know that Lord Beast is always in a carefree state in normal times.

He also appears to be heartless in normal times.

At this moment, I suddenly realized something 217.

That's why he suddenly changed his mind.

When the grandma next to me saw this scene.

Then I also felt a little bit of a mental breakdown.

Then rushed over.

The two hug each other.

"If it is for me to sacrifice other people's children."

"Then grandma, I will be desperate."


"Come to your senses."

"You don't want to leave Nara Shunpei alone, do you?"


"I'll give you this."

"This is a talisman."

"If you hold this thing, you will be blessed with peace."

"As expected of grandma."

Chapter 480 I Didn't Expect It To Be Utilized! (kneeling to subscribe)

"You really see through me."

when saying this.

Both were in tears.

Yet at this time.

I only saw Su Mo and Qingren coming back.

When the two of them talked about the specific situation.

The faces of all the people became a little ugly.

"I didn't expect it to be used."

"This is really difficult."

"So what should we do now, Su Mo?"

"It is absolutely impossible to hand over grandma."

Su Mo said with certainty at this moment.

"We have to think of a good response."

But at this time.

But Qingren suddenly said:

"All right."

"Now this matter is only for us to go."

At this moment, Master Beast patted his grandma.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Grandma must also be conscious."

"I understand."

Su Mo stood up:

"That's not right." "

"Are you really going to hand over your grandma?"

The beast master smiled at this time.

But it was clear that he had other people's plans.

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