"Ah!" There was a shrill scream, and one after another of jet-black magic lines kept pouring out of Yan's body, even on the bones under the skin and muscles, one after another strange magic lines emerged.

Accompanied by the appearance of the magic pattern, an extremely evil aura gradually gushed out from his body, and the terrifying crimson flame ignited blazingly, but turned into a dark and strange evil fire in the blink of an eye.

Even his crimson eyes were covered with a strange mist at this moment, which seemed to hide endless desires.

The dark flames reflected Yu Xiaogang beside him, and his evil smile looked particularly terrifying. When he saw Yan's constantly improving strength, his smile became even more perverted.

Gods can give believers strength, and so can demons.

And Yu Xiaogang, who is the spokesperson of Asmodeus, also possesses exactly the same power.

Of course, this kind of power can't completely change a person's thinking, it's just giving power.

But at this moment, Yan has gradually lost himself due to anger and hatred, and a strange smile gradually surfaced on his cheeks.

At this moment, he seemed to be blackened.

"The power...is not enough, this kind of power is far from enough." Feeling the surge of power in his body, Yan was not satisfied at all, because he knew that this power was far from Ye Xiu's.

"Don't worry, soon you will have more powerful power..." Yu Xiaogang showed a sinister smile, and then disappeared outside the Wuhundian Academy with Yan.

But he didn't realize that everything that happened just now was seen by the two red figures.

Chapter 103 Weird cliff; that kind of thing?

On the other side, there are also two red figures galloping in the air, and in front of them is a middle-aged man who looks sloppy and is running wildly.

This person is Tang Hao who just tried to kill Bibi Dong together with Di Tian.

However, after nine consecutive ring explosions, the strength in his body has been rapidly dissipating, and it may not take long for him to fall into a period of weakness.

"What the hell is that!?" Tang Hao turned his head away, clenching his teeth tightly.

The approaching crimson figure in the sky brought him an indescribable sense of crisis.

Taking advantage of the fact that the power had not completely disappeared, Tang Hao fled quickly, but soon came to a cliff. Seeing that the two phoenixes were about to chase after him, he immediately took a deep leap and jumped into it recklessly.

With the continuous deepening, Tang Hao's figure quickly disappeared into the cliff.

After a while, the two phoenixes came to the edge of the cliff and transformed into two stunning beauties.

One of them is the charming Caiqiu, and the other is the serious and decisive general girl Dongcui.

"The breath disappeared?" Dong Cui frowned tightly, her tone full of puzzlement.

Although the bottom of the cliff in front of him is bottomless, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be unable to feel the breath.

If it were an ordinary place, even after three or five days, there would still be some breath left, but this place is obviously not right.

No matter how you search, you can't feel even a trace of Tang Hao's breath.

"It's weird." Caiqiu also sensed that something was wrong, and when she stared at the bottom of the cliff, she felt an inexplicable sense of fear in her heart.

"Caiqiu, go back and report the situation to the master, I'll go down and investigate." Dong Cui said decisively.

"Dong Cui, I'm afraid it's unusual down there. I always feel something terrible is inside. Otherwise... let's go back and talk to the master first, and let the master decide the matter." Caiqiu said charmingly. The eyes are filled with worry, and occasionally when looking down the bottomless cliff, the body will tremble uncontrollably.

This was the first time she felt fear.

"It's okay, there are not too powerful beings in this world. With my current strength, even if I meet the strongest, I won't hurt my life. Don't worry." Dong Cui comforted, it is impossible for her to turn back halfway, even if Knowing that there is danger, she has to do her best to complete the task entrusted to her by the "master".

"Okay." Caiqiu saw that she couldn't persuade the stubborn Dongcui, so she stopped trying to persuade her, but then stared at her closely, "But, I have one condition."

"Conditions?" Dongcui was puzzled.

"Let me go down with you to investigate. Don't rush to refuse, even if I go back now, I have nothing to report to the director, and... if you encounter any accidents, the master will definitely blame me. I... ...I'm not worried about you, I'm just afraid of the master's reproach."

Caiqiu's face was a little rosy, which made her already full of charm even more intense.

Hearing this, Dongcui couldn't help showing a happy smile. The Nine Phoenixes are one, so she can naturally feel Caiqiu's worry from the bottom of her heart.I wanted Caiqiu to leave before because I was worried about her safety.

Now it seems...the two of them have thought of one.

"Then let's go down and have a look together."

As soon as the words fell, Caiqiu and Dongcui no longer hesitated. The moment they jumped up, they turned into two huge blazing phoenixes, and then jumped down to the bottom of the cliff.


On the other side, Ye Xiu and Bibi Dong had already returned to the Pope's Palace.

"Master, we have found the whereabouts of Asmodeus' spokesperson. He is currently with a student of Wuhundian Academy, and he seems to be trying to accept believers." Just entering the Pope's Palace, a man in a red and refined short skirt , the woman with a cold face came to report.

This person is one of the Phoenixes who left before, Xia Liang.

"Accept believers? Oh, interesting." Ye Xiu's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and then he said calmly: "Continue to follow."

"Yes, Master." After Xia Liang finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly.

When he learned that Yu Xiaogang was not really dead, Ye Xiu sent Chunxuan and Xialiang to investigate secretly, and brought a spar capable of recording images, intending to record some scenes.

He wants Yu Xiaogang to be completely ruined!

Before that, let him have a good time in the beautiful dream he made.

"Hugh, who is the spokesperson for Asmodeus you just mentioned?"

When Xia Liang was talking to Ye Xiu just now, Bibi Dong stood quietly aside, but now that Xia Liang left, she was a little curious.

After all, a strange name like Asmodeus is very rare in Douluo Continent.

"Don't ask too much about things you shouldn't ask." Ye Xiu glanced coldly, and continued: "Bibi Dong, don't think that I will forgive you unconditionally because you are pregnant with my child."

The emotionless voice instantly tensed her nerves that had just been relaxed, like a string being severely tightened, and even her pupils constricted subconsciously.

Yes, she thought too simply.

He naively thought that the man had forgiven her by letting her get into the chariot.

But how could things be so simple.

This man, who has been domineering and cold-blooded since we met, is absolutely impossible to forgive like ordinary men, just hearing a woman's apology.

He can't!

Lifting his head stiffly, Ye Xiu stared at her coldly in his eyelids, his whole body exuded an invisible aura, perhaps because he was looking down, the dark hair faintly covered the cold eyes, the cold eyes Temperament, so that the whole hall seems to be about to enter zero.

The indifferent eyes made Bibi Dong feel suffocated, and her bare hands only grabbed the corner of her clothes.

"What... what should I do so that you can forgive me?" She pursed her lips, inadvertently revealing a little nervousness, her whole body trembling unconsciously, and rippling in her eyes.

He narrowed his dark eyes, facing Bibi Dong who had completely changed, but showed no mercy, "Why, do you even need me to teach you how to apologize? It's not impossible."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xiu went straight upstairs, and just as he was about to cross the corner, his whole body leaned back slightly, revealing his cold eyes, "Woman, you have been standing below, I can't teach you ..."

"Huh?" Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, but then thought of something, and her whole body tensed up suddenly.

But after hesitating for less than two seconds, she raised her slender legs and walked upstairs step by step.

What needs to go upstairs to teach her?Maybe... that's the only thing.

(PS: Ladies and gentlemen, I am engaged on the 13th, so I will ask for a day off, jiejiejiejiejie~)

(The chapter name of the next chapter is: Exclusive Possession of the Forbidden God of Law. If this chapter is not displayed, it proves that the application for unblocking is still in progress.)

Chapter 104 Bibi Dong's Exclusive Possession of the Forbidden God

time flies.

A quarter of an hour has passed since going upstairs, and Ye Xiu has just finished taking a shower, so he should be in the dormitory now if nothing else happens.

"Is he really thinking about that?"

The warm water droplets continuously washed Bibi Dong's body, her purple eyes stared at the floor mirror in front of her, only to find that her petite face had turned red at some point.


Turning off the water valve, wrapped her snow-white bathrobe, waved her arms as if to cheer her up, then tiptoed out of the bathroom until she entered the bedroom.

The moment she opened the bedroom door, her whole body trembled, just as she imagined, Ye Xiu was indeed here, and also wrapped in a towel!

The sound of the door opening awakened Ye Xiu with his eyes closed, and when he turned his head to look at Bibi Dong, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

Although he has watched it many times, he never seems to get tired of watching it, and even every time he has a different feeling and impulse.

"Come here." The cold voice was the same as before.

Ye Xiu didn't seem to have changed, from the first day he came here he was indifferent, and it's the same now.

The only difference may be the imperceptible anger in the depths of his eyes, which proves that he has not completely forgiven her.

"Okay, okay." Bibi Dong lowered her head and walked forward with a flushed face.


Just hearing the bang, Bibi Dong felt dizzy all over, and then she was pressed onto the bed. The dull sound also made her heart tremble, and her eyes watched Ye Xiu's cheek gradually approaching.

She shrank back subconsciously, "Hugh, yes, can you be a little gentler?"

"Why, was I rude before?" The corner of his mouth curled up in a playful arc, he raised one hand, squeezed her jaw tightly, and forcibly lifted her face.

"I, I didn't mean that." Bibi Dong said stumblingly, with one hand tightly gripping the front of her body, for fear that the snow-white bath towel would accidentally slip off.

"Then what do you mean?" His face gradually lowered, almost touching hers.

"Don't, don't be like this." Feeling the temperature of Ye Xiu's cheek, Bibi Dong's face also became flushed, really pretty.

Her heart was pounding like a deer, she didn't even know why, it had happened many times, but every time it made her feel different, that kind of madness and confusion.

But after hearing her words, Ye Xiu suddenly stopped moving: "You mean, you don't want me to teach you anymore? If you think so, then you can leave at any time, and I won't stop you."

"No, it's not like this, me. I won't leave." In a panic, she even forgot to hold the towel tightly on her body.

"Then, let's start."

----split line----

I don't know how long has passed.

Ye Xiu was no longer in the dormitory at this moment, only Bibi Dong who had just walked out of the bathroom was left.

Wiping her lips with her slender plain hands, she sat on the bed, feeling a little absent-minded for a moment.

"You always confuse me..."

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