He will not explain too much about this.

If Boss Liu thinks so, let Boss Liu think so.

Zhou Cheng's doing so naturally has its own meaning.

Just because of this, the main purpose is to make the guests who come to eat on the second floor feel respected.

Most of them are either rich or expensive.

Unless it is some money that has been saved for a long time, and finally wants to come to the second floor of Quanjude to show off.

This kind of thing is just a meal.

This kind of guest is called a one-time guest by Zhou Cheng.

Basically eating once is the end.

In the future, at most, you will eat and eat on the first floor, and you will basically not come up to the second floor.

And those who have been here more than twice are Zhou Cheng's important guests.

Most of them are either rich or expensive.

Only by serving them well, let them feel the special environment and special circumstances here.

Since then, I naturally like this place even more, and I can feel the height of it even more.

Chapter 178 Helpless Boss Liu

Every time they saw the number of famous royal chefs, there were very many, or very few.

However, the price of each dish of the Royal Rain Column is extremely high, which is not something ordinary people can afford.

Even, the royal chef is worth the food expenses of an ordinary family for a year.

It is precisely because of this that few people are willing to eat on the second floor.

But once they come, they are a status symbol.

It can be said that it is mainly to catch up with the second floor.

Go to the second floor, then his identity is ready to be revealed, either rich or noble.

He was a little taller than the people on the first floor, which Zhou Cheng deliberately did.

Such a layout looks a bit excessive.

It may not be respectful for other meanings.

But that is the reality.

If Zhou Cheng really broke his life taboo for the sake of some people's face.

In a blink of an eye.

Boss Liu already fully understood what Zhou Cheng meant by doing this.

"Zhou Cheng, in the entire Forty-Nine City, you are the only one who dares to do this, and other bosses dare not try at all."

"I even feel that the final result will only be to make ends meet, and sell at a loss."

"The consequences of doing so will only accelerate the risk of their bankruptcy, and it is even very likely that they will completely close down in just a few months because of such a reason."

Boss Liu was able to think of this for a while because he knew it very well.

In the bustling streets of Sijiu City, every restaurant, if their boss can have an employee to help clean up the table, it is already a good gesture.

If the employee actually eats dry food at the door, he will stand there every day, waiting for the person who specially guards the insurance to come to the door and fail.

The rest of the time, as long as there is no one, it is equivalent to resting all the time, doing nothing, doing what you like.

And his salary is extremely high, which is a big burden in itself.

Not only that, but doing so is sure to make other employees dissatisfied.

They got the same wages, worked hard on the first floor to clean and tidy up the tables, serve the dishes, and they were very busy all day.

As a result, the people upstairs just stood there, motionless, and there was not much salary negotiation with them.

I can still take some tips occasionally and earn more money than them.

Naturally, no one is happy with such a comparison.

The second floor of Zhou Cheng's store is naturally not easy to go up.

At the beginning, Zhou Cheng followed the distribution system, the rotation system, and took turns to come and go for the second rest, or to go to the second arrangement.

But when they have more people in the future, they will evaluate the situation based on each employee's daily work situation.

If he's got a good price and a great job, feel good about it.

On the second day, you can choose to go to a private room waiter on the second floor.

Of course, the waiters and staff who can choose private rooms on the second floor have to choose to judge based on their own performance.

Which private room to choose as your service object, the most luxurious and luxurious room on the second floor is the Phoenix Pavilion.

However, there are very few guests in the Phoenix Pavilion.

It took several days to meet people sitting here for dinner, so many people were unwilling to serve the Phoenix Pavilion.

They all hope that the price is cheap and low, and at the same time the scenery is not bad, and the overall environment is also very good.

Formal Xuanwu Pavilion meeting these conditions.

The Xuanwu Pavilion is located on the south side, sitting in these corners, it looks as if sitting in it like a tortoise, not daring to come out.

But because of this, many people spent most of their time eating at the Xuanwu Pavilion after they came to the second round.

After working hard ten times a day, there is always a table of guests who can give some tips.

These guests are either rich or expensive, and the tips they give are extremely high.

It ranges from one or two yuan to ten yuan and 20 yuan.

It is even equivalent to a month's salary of an employee.

This alone can make them work hard for the second tier of places.

And Zhou Cheng has a very clear system for all employees.

If an employee gets the opportunity to work in a private room on the second floor for three consecutive days.

Then on the fourth day he will be forced to rest for a day.

Because he worked very hard these three days.

As a result, he was selected three times to play two games, so Zhou Cheng would give him a day to rest, let him rest well, and leave the opportunity to others.

After all, if your employees are also working hard, but some people are talented and powerful in this aspect of service, they are not comparable to ordinary people.

Two people worked hard there, trying their best to speed up the workload while ensuring that the quality was okay.

It may take an hour to complete all tasks.

There are also people who are born to be able to realize how to do it in the first place, and can better reduce time, speed up efficiency, and ensure quality at the same time.

But ten minutes can complete the workload of others in an hour.

because of this.

Zhou Cheng will arrange the rules for the entire store.

There are so many rules, it is easy to get confused, and the cutting is still chaotic.

So Zhou Cheng's rules are very clear.

No!It should be said that it is very detailed, and there is a form.

List all these rules in the table, there are big rules, followed by small rules, and at the same time be the most detailed.

It was not until No. 18 that the entire rules could be described, which seemed extremely lengthy and complicated.

But as long as you watch and study carefully for a while, you can understand it thoroughly, and it is clear and clear.

Once out of any common problems.

Then if you want to follow the rules, the details of the rules can provide evidence.

Let them easily understand whether they are right or wrong.

On this day, after using it for such a long time, many employees said that this set of rules is really practical and very good.

They are very friendly to each of them, and it is up to themselves whether they can make more money.

If you are a slacker, you can't blame anyone if you can't make money.

So at this time, after Zhou Cheng told Boss Liu all these rules and ideas, Boss Liu was shocked and surprised.

For a while, he thought about whether to use this set of rules in his own factory.

But Boss Liu changed his mind.

This rule seems to only apply to Zhou Cheng, or it can also be adapted to myself, but I need to change the reward system of the rules.

If so, it might be usable.

But in his factory.

It seems that there is nothing special to reward, it is all ordinary.

Thinking of this, Boss Liu looked helplessly at Zhou Cheng and said with a wry smile:

"If I want to throw this system in my factory, but I can't use the reward system as a director, deputy director and other pipeline positions."

"In this case, the employees in the entire factory work hard, and in the end, 99 of the [-] people meet the requirements."

Chapter 179

"Most of the people in my factory don't have to do anything anymore. All of them have become officials, and no one works for me. Isn't it a little funny."

For a while, Zhou Cheng laughed loudly when he heard this.

Boss Liu is sure that this system can only be selected from a small part of it, and it cannot be fully used at all. It can even be said that this system is not suitable for use in his factory.

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