"Good auntie, don't worry about this matter, and I don't think the conference will last long."

"After all, there are often conferences in our courtyard, and every time it ends in three or four ten minutes, it's still relatively long."

"After we're done, we can chat together, and we can have a good chat with brother Dongxu for a while."

Jia Zhang nodded and laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay."

At this time, Jia Dongxu seemed to have eaten a fly, his face was very ugly, he couldn't help but swallowed a spit, and tightly grasped his trouser legs, not daring to look at the fat girl.

And Fat Girl always used her arm to touch Jia Dongxu's right arm from time to time.

Every time Jia Dongxu was touched by a fat girl, he felt goosebumps all over his body and shivered.

Unconsciously moved to the side, wanting to stay away from Fatty.

But every time he moved, the fat girl would follow him.

A strange picture has already appeared in the field.

Jia's mother and son, and Fat Girl are always moving the Maza quietly unconsciously.

The two were just in the middle of the back, and now they have come to the corner.

Next to Jia Dongxu was the wall of the courtyard, and there was nowhere to hide for a while.

Seeing this scene, Fat Girl was extremely happy, and directly pressed her body heavily on Jia Dongxu's body.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu could even feel that he was about to be crushed into a meatloaf.

Jia Zhang laughed loudly.

"Fat girl, if we have you in our family, then life will be much better in the future."

"I've already negotiated with your father, probably this month, to decide on the marriage between you and my son, and get married as soon as possible."

When the fat girl heard this, she blushed, lowered her head slightly, and hummed softly.

The corners of Jia Dongxu's mouth were wide open, looking at his mother in disbelief, wanting to cry but not crying.

At this time, the second uncle was smiling all over his bangs, with his hands behind his back.

He was not allowed to come to the courtyard and saw that everyone around him had already prepared their positions, and he nodded his head, very satisfied with the situation.

This time I saw that there was only one table in the middle of the crowd, a chair was placed on the front seat, and only one chair was placed on the right, so there were only two chairs in total.

This also proves that everyone has already understood the great master Yi Zhonghai in their hearts. He has been removed from the position of the three great masters, and he has no majesty.

The one in the front seat is naturally his second child, the second uncle in bangs.

At this time, the second uncle Liu Haizhong laughed, and number two sat down on the front seat without saying anything.

Then I saw people around shouting.

"Where are you three masters now?"

Everyone looked around quickly, but they didn't see anyone from the third master Yan Laoxi's family.

Then, the second uncle Liu Haizhong shouted.

"Didn't the boss of the third master Yan Laoxi's family call you to come to the courtyard meeting just now? Why didn't they come by themselves, someone should call."

Then a young man got up, went to the home of the third master Yan Laoxi and shouted.

"Third Master, I'm attending the meeting, come quickly, come here, I'm waiting for you."

But after shouting for a long time, no one answered.

The young man's face was full of doubts, and he knocked on San San's door without saying a word.

But no one in the courtyard spoke, and their faces were full of doubts.

Randomly looking through the window, there was no one in the room at all.

For a while, the young man was full of doubts, returned to the middle courtyard, and shouted at the second uncle.

"Second uncle Liu Haizhong, third uncle Yan Laoxi is not at home now, I don't know where he went, and there is no one in the room right now."

The second uncle Liu Haizhong committed the crime.

"Tonight's such an important meeting, they dare not come, and they haven't put me in their eyes."

"If he does this, believe it or not, I will remove his position as the third master."

When everyone around heard this, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and ignored it.

As for the competition among the three uncles, they didn't want to participate in it at all.

And even if all the two positions were withdrawn, there would be no change for the neighbors of the courtyard house.

It's just that one person decides the decision.

At this time, the second uncle Liu Haizhong looked at the reactions of the people around him, smiled slightly, and nodded Lian Lian.

"Okay, since the third child and his family are not here, we don't have to wait for him anymore, and we will start our most important criticism meeting now."

"The theme this time is to criticize Zhou Cheng. He deliberately put the neighbors in our courtyard into danger and ignored it. This is a very selfish behavior."

For a while, the neighbors around were all puzzled, not knowing where these topics came from.

I saw the second uncle Liu Haizhong standing up abruptly.

"Everyone is very clear that each of our families has dual careers, and there are too few, too few."

"Many families rely on their sons or their fathers to work outside or in factories, earning a month's wages for us to live on."

Chapter 58

"Zhou Cheng! He is not even married. He was obviously alone before, and he can easily buy a Phoenix brand bicycle for more than 200 yuan. Many of our families have never had such financial resources."

"As for Elder Yi Zhonghai, the total cost of living in such a way is only a hundred or so yuan."

"But the injuries assigned to each of our families are so heavy that we can't afford them at all."

"At this time, Zhou Cheng should deal with this matter first, help our neighbors first, and help the uncle."

"Helping him pay for hospitalization, medical expenses, and all medical expenses."

"However, everyone is very clear about the result. Do you think this conference should be held?"

The words of the second uncle Liu Haizhong made everyone around him feel disgusted, and they were speechless for a while.

Everyone knew very well that his mother and his own son should bear the expenses of the uncle most.

But those two were extremely rambunctious.

Uncle Yi Zhonghai's crippled old lady has only two words from the beginning to the end, no money.

If anyone dared to ask them for money, she would definitely roll on the ground and blackmail them. It was not impossible.

This is also the reason why the second uncle Liu Haizhong did not dare to be too serious with him.

The son of the great master Yi Zhonghai is even more like a gangster, wanting to step up and beat him up if he says something wrong.

The second uncle Liu Haizhong was even more terrified of the elder brother Yi Zhonghai's own son.

He also quietly avoided the existence of those two people just now while speaking.

At this time, the disabled old lady of the first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the son of the first uncle Yi Zhonghai who were present at the scene smiled slightly, with a mocking expression on their faces, and looked at the second uncle Liu Haizhong mockingly.

Watch his performance quietly.

At this time, the surrounding neighbors spoke aggressively one by one.

At this time, the second uncle Liu Haizhong continued to talk about time.

At this moment, the second uncle Liu Haizhong looked around, saw no one responding, and laughed out loud.

"Since there is no objection, then I think everyone has acquiesced, so this meeting must be held."

"Where is Zhou Cheng!"

For a while, everyone looked towards him again and again, but they didn't find Zhou Cheng's figure, and they were all surprised.

The second uncle bangs roared angrily.

"Why didn't Zhou Cheng come? This is a meeting of our entire hospital. Is it a bit too much for him not to attend?"

"Did he not take my second uncle, Liu Haizhong, seriously? He didn't take me seriously, he didn't take everyone seriously, or he didn't take our courtyard house seriously."

"This kind of behavior is really excessive and shameful."

"Who is going to call him over, and tell that bastard Zhou Cheng to get over here immediately."

At this time, a young man who lived at the gate of the backyard stood up and looked behind through the threshold without saying a word.

At this moment, the lights in Zhou Cheng's house were brightly lit, and the door was closed tightly. It was never known what happened in the house.

The young man looked puzzled and stood up.

"Master, Zhou Cheng's house is brightly lit. It's obvious that he is inside, but he didn't come out. I don't know what they are doing."

Second uncle Liu Haizhong shouted.

"Go, kick open the door of his house for me, and let them roll over to me for a meeting. It is absolutely impossible not to participate in this meeting."

"Is it possible that he can avoid the fact of this matter if he wants to escape? Can he avoid the things he has done? Impossible."

Then the second uncle Liu Haizhong waved his hand, and the young man turned around and walked towards the backyard.

At the same time, the second uncle Liu Haizhong even smiled slightly, looking around.

"Neighbors, as I said just now, we must be brave enough to take responsibility for our mistakes, and we must not rush to escape."

"If everyone is like Zhou Cheng, then what happens in our courtyard in the future, who else will uphold justice for you, and who else can express your position for you."

For a moment, the neighbors in the courtyard nodded repeatedly, thinking that there was really nothing wrong with what the second uncle Liu Haizhong said.

At this time, Zhou Cheng heard a rush of footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door.

"Zhou Cheng, open the door."

"Zhou Cheng! Zhou Cheng! Second uncle Liu Haizhong asked you to go to a meeting, come quickly, are you at home?"

Zhou Cheng smiled slightly when he heard this.

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