
After a brief silence, "Phantom" said in a startling way: "Is that so—unexpectedly, you are such a gentle person."


Hearing this, Kurumi frowned unhappily as if he had been exposed, then aimed the pistol in his hand at the opponent and pulled the trigger.

However, before the bullet fired from the muzzle hit "Phantom", her body had already disappeared into the darkness.


Seeing this, Kurumi sighed, as if feeling very helpless at the "Phantom" coming and going without a trace.

But soon, Kuang San seemed to have completely forgotten about this matter, like an ordinary girl, purchasing various ingredients in the supermarket with graceful steps.

Not only that, but when she passed a clothing store, she hesitated for a while.

But she finally decided to step into it, and then came out with a pretty blushing face, carrying an exquisite clothing bag.

"Ah, Mr. Yawei is really mean-spirited to let someone wear this style of maid outfit..."

Kuang San gritted his white teeth, and complained in a low voice shyly.

Even if she was as bold as she was, she couldn't help being frightened when she found the maid outfit dictated by Mr. Yawei.

Then what kind of maid outfit is it? It's just a sexy dress specially made to seduce men, right?


But when that kind of thing became the property of that man, didn't he make up his mind?


"Mr. Yawei, who got his wish, must be very happy, right?

Huh?When will I stand on the standpoint of others to think about problems? "

Doesn't this mean that my subconscious has tacitly assumed that my position has changed to center on Mr. Yawei!

Fetters are really a terrible thing, if this continues, the other party will be captured physically and mentally!

Even though she thought so, Tokisaki Kurumi didn't have a troubled look on her face, instead she tightened the garment bag in her bosom, showing a bright smile.

"Ah, I'm going to wear this suit today and cook Mr. Yawei's favorite Celestial cuisine."

At this moment, the girl's sweet and beautiful smile exuded a radiant brilliance that made the whole world seem to be overshadowed by her...

Chapter 150 IX Punishment

"Then, the punishment is announced here."

A steady and deep male voice came to Origami who stood upright in place.

In a meeting room of the self-defense force's Tiangong garrison base, several men sat side by side in a row, looking at Origami standing in the center of the room.

Their expressions were stern, almost as if they were condemning Origami.

And Ryoko Kusakabe, who used to be hot-tempered, could only stand helplessly behind this group of people at this moment, with a stiff and bitter expression.

However, this is also of course.

Because these high-level officials are interrogating the scandals caused by the previous origami.

The man sitting directly opposite—Lieutenant General Kiritani continued in a stern tone:

"We have decided to take disciplinary action against Sergeant Tobiichi Origami. Sergeant Tobiichi will never be able to touch the display device in the future."


Hearing the expected punishment, Origami sighed softly without changing expression.

Before the interrogation began, the outcome had already been decided.

Ryoko Kusakabe, the immediate superior who formally played a defense role, was also present, but her speech was almost entirely dismissed.

This interrogation was just a necessary process to punish Origami.

Having said that, it is only natural that such a thing will be punished.

Because that's exactly what Origami would do when she was conscious.

Even if Yahweh's later words can make people mistakenly think that they are being threatened, disobeying orders is disobeying orders.

Even if he is not put in prison, he will inevitably be stripped of his powers.

But—at the moment when Origami's punishment was about to be fully announced...the door of the room was suddenly opened, and everyone sitting in the room cast their gazes in that direction.

"Who is it? It's being interrogated now, no one is allowed to enter—"

Tong Gu said this while frowning, but the moment he saw the face of the uninvited guest, he immediately shut his mouth and changed his attitude like a Sichuan opera.

"Mr. Westcott?"

Sensing something strange from Kiritani's surprised voice and expression, Origami glanced back.

A man was standing at the door, accompanied by a girl who looked like a secretary.

It was a tall man in a dark suit.

The man has dull gray-blonde hair, and sharp eyes that seem to be carved on the face with a knife.

His age seems to be only about 35 years old at most, but it gives people a sense of sophistication that has gone through vicissitudes, and gives people an incredible feeling.

Origami frowned slightly after seeing the other person's appearance and hearing the name Kiritani called.

DEM Executive Director - Sir Isaac Westcott.

In the only company in the world that can manufacture display devices, he serves as a senior executive who actually makes decisions.

"Ah, sorry to bother you."

After looking around the room, Westcott said so in fluent Japanese and lightly shrugged his shoulders.

"Why did you come here?" Tong Gu said in a panic.

So, Westcott turned his head to look at Kiritani: "Well, I heard something interesting."

"Interesting things?"

Kiritani frowned suspiciously, and then Westcott continued.

"I heard that you have a team member who activates <white Licorice> to fight the elves?"


Hearing Westcott's words, Kiritani suddenly took a deep breath.

No wonder, because DW-029〈white Licorice〉—that is, the subjugation weapon that Origami used without permission.

It is the experimental model of DEM company and the crystallization of DEM's secret technology.

Due to the difficult operation technique, only Jina sent by DEM is allowed to activate this equipment.

As if sensing Kiritani's thoughts, Westcott shook his head exaggeratedly.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to blame you, nor do I intend to use the scandal as a threat to make some unreasonable demands."


Hearing this, Tong Gu breathed a sigh of relief, then continued to ask tentatively: "Then, what do you mean...?"

"It's just a curiosity. Although it hasn't been long, I really want to know who is the wizard who can control the wild horse that is difficult to tame? Oops——"

While speaking, Westcott's eyes fell on Origami.

"It's just that I never expected that that person would be such a lovely lady!""


Feeling an indescribable disgust from the other party's gaze, Origami swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Seemingly aware of Origami's reaction, Westcott shrugged while wryly smiling.

Then, as if to interrupt the interaction between the two of them, Lieutenant General Tong Gu fake coughed a few times on purpose.

"Regarding this incident, we will formally apologize later, and we are planning to punish the sergeant."

"What do you mean by 'punishment'?"

"We agreed that 'removal after amnesiac' is the most appropriate way to deal with it."

After Kiritani finished speaking in a firm tone, Westcott let out a big sigh.

"What are you talking about? A wizard with the ability to operate that equipment is quite rare!"

"It's not that question, sir, it's a matter of discipline in the troops."


Hearing Kiritani's words, Westcott put his hand on his forehead exaggeratedly, and sighed lightly.

Next, Westcott put his hands on the table in front of Kiritani, moved his face closer and said:

"Don't you understand? I've said everything so clearly."


Westcott's speech made all the military officers sitting in the room hold their breath in unison.

He does exude quite a drive -- but there's more to it than that.

Isaac Westcott is the executive director of DEM. In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the man who dominates all the display devices in the world.

30 years ago, mankind obtained miraculous technology.

A "magic" that can transform fantasy into reality.

Although this technology has not been disclosed to the general public, display devices have long been equipped in important institutions in various countries.

If DME intends to no longer provide display devices to a specific country, it is likely to greatly weaken the country's national strength.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Tong Gu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

You know, the Ground Self-Defense Force originally owed a huge debt to the DEM company.

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