"Students, the next step is to distribute the origin eggs."

"Before again, let me once again explain the precautions for hatching the origin egg."

on the podium.

Standing was a woman in her early thirties.

The skin is very fair, and the appearance is medium.

The body is very hot, especially the pair of capital is ready to come out.

A pair of long legs wrapped in jeans, hate the sky.

This woman is Ye Ying's class teacher.

At this moment, there was a man standing beside the female head teacher.

He is also Ye Ying's head teacher.

In Tianshuitong, each class has two class teachers.

One male and one female.

This is what sets Best High School apart from other schools.

A class teacher may manage a class with more than enough energy.

Two words can avoid this problem very well.

And Ye Ying's head teachers are still brothers and sisters.

There is a difference of three years.

"The incubation process of the origin egg requires everyone's patience and love. What kind of Pokémon can be hatched by then depends on everyone."

Teacher Bai, the female class teacher, glanced down, with softness in her eyes.

"Then teacher, how long will we have to incubate this origin egg before we can hatch a Pokémon?"

A girl asked delicately.

Teacher Bai smiled slightly: "Seven days, after you hatch for seven days, the school will officially start. On that day, under the catalysis of the class incubator, you can have your own Pokémon."

"So everyone must incubate well during the seven days of rest. If you don't incubate well, on the day when school starts, others may have their own Pokémon, while your Pokémon is still in the egg."

"Okay, everyone, go to the stage to receive your own origin eggs."

Teacher Bai's younger brother, who just left the classroom, is now entering the classroom.

Pushing a big cart covered with white cloth.

When it was pushed to the podium, the layer of white cloth was lifted, and there were pokemon eggs on the car.

This is the so-called origin egg.

All green and white variegated Pokémon eggs, also called elf eggs.

There are about a hundred of them.

There are about fifty students in this class.

There are half as many eggs as there are, so that the students who choose eggs later can also have a lot of choices.

It won't let them suffer because of the last choice.

Ye Ying was not the first.

According to his student number, he was the third one to go up to collect the eggs.

The first one to go up was a boy.

This boy looked carefree, but he seemed to be a bit difficult to choose.

Been picking and picking.

Still muttering silently in his mouth: "Which one should I choose?"

Until Teacher Bai said: "The origin eggs are all the same, no matter which one you choose. What kind of Pokémon can be hatched depends on your efforts during these seven days."

With these words in mind, the boy still chose for a while, and finally chose a larger-looking egg and happily carried it away.

While walking, he muttered: "I am a fan of China champion Xiaochi, I hope my eggs can hatch a little Charmander."

Seeing the boy get his own Pokémon egg, all the students below were envious, but they were relieved when they thought that they could have it soon.

The second person on stage was a girl.

It's the one that asked the question before.

Very lively.

It seemed that he had already aimed at an egg he liked on the seat, and took it away without too much hesitation.

This girl is also quite noticeable in the class.

I heard that her idol is the coordination training master Mikri.

In the future, I want to become a master of coordination training like Mikri!

She wants a Menus! ! ! !

Glitter is the best!

And then it was Ye Ying's turn.

Ye Ying's appearance on stage attracted the attention of many people in the class.

The reason is that Ye Ying is really outstanding.

Every exam is the first in the grade.

A group of people whose eyes are higher than the top are forever suppressed below.

It is the pride of their second class, and it is a miracle.

And because of Ye Ying's appearance, the more you look at it, the better it looks, and it's a good-looking type.

There are also many girls who have a crush on him.

It also includes their head teacher, Teacher Bai.

Of course, her affection for Ye Ying was that between a teacher and a student.

Next is curiosity.

Curious that Ye Ying is obviously a young man of seventeen or eighteen, why does he have the charm of a mature man?

And chatting with him usually, I feel like my peers, not like a child...

Ye Ying came to the stage.

After scanning around, he stretched out his hand and picked up the egg closest to him.

"Choose this one?"

Teacher Bai asked in a gentle voice.

"No more picking and picking?"

"No, it's not what you said, Mr. Bai, do these origin eggs depend on your own love and dedication? It all depends on what hatches?"

Ye Ying's face was indifferent.

The corner of Teacher Bai's mouth twitched, showing a hint of embarrassment.

Finally: "Okay."

Ye Ying nodded, then returned to her seat, took out her schoolbag from the table hole, and put the egg in it.

Then he swaggered to the door of the classroom.

"Teacher Bai, I have something urgent to do. Now that the egg is in my hands, I'll leave first."

After speaking, before Teacher Bai agreed, Ye Ying's figure had disappeared.

Seeing this, Teacher Bai shook his head slightly.

"Sister, you can't spoil him just because of his good grades. In the third year of high school, good grades only mean that he has learned Pokémon knowledge on paper, and it doesn't mean that he can become a Pokémon trainer in the future."

The third year of high school is a watershed.

Before the third year of high school, no matter how good your grades are, it just means that you have a solid grasp of Pokémon knowledge.

But after the third year of high school, it depends on the battle between your Pokémon, practice, and family fortune.

Pokémon trainers are not for the poor.

Going to college is basically a college for the rich to go to Pokémon.

The poor go to ordinary vocational colleges, and the better ones can apply for some majors in Pokémon.

Orphans like Ye Ying are probably about to perish.

Unless his origin egg can hatch a rare Pokémon and be actively recruited by the university.

But this is only possible if a sufficiently rare one is hatched!

Otherwise, be honest and be a wage earner!

Is it really so miraculous that a reliable origin egg can hatch a rare Pokémon? !

His brows were deeply wrinkled.

Teacher Bai's younger brother was very dissatisfied with Ye Ying.

But Teacher Bai shook his head: "It's okay."

Immediately, he said to the students in the class: "Okay, everyone, hurry up and get the origin egg."

"After receiving it, everyone can go home and hatch the eggs. After seven days of school, the class will use the incubator to completely hatch their own Pokémon."

"Come on, everybody!"

Chapter 3 The Lie of the Origin Egg, Ye Ying's System

It is twelve o'clock.

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