And how could the Rockets obediently pay taxes?

It's all about how much you earn, and it's all in your own pocket.

Taxes: There are taxes on just about every item you can think of.

For example, the toothpaste, pills, tobacco and alcohol that I usually buy are taxed.

There are taxes on everything from daily necessities to buying a house or a car.

In addition, in the Huaxia area, if your monthly salary reaches 5000 yuan, you will start to collect your salary tax.

It's also true that the alliance is cracking down on evil organizations like the Rockets to buy and sell Pokémon.

Of course, the Rockets also did a lot of snatching other people's Pokémon, catching wild Pokmon at will, and then selling them.Was hit by the alliance.

If the Rockets pay taxes for doing these things, maybe the league will turn one eye and close the other.

After all, Musashi Kojiro's rivals, Armado and Kosaburo, were caught and put in prison many times.

Isn't it still made by Sakagi with money?

So ah, you know.

The world is not so-called black and white.

Mixed black and white is the mainstream of this world.

The same is true, the alliance's rules prohibiting the random buying and selling of Pokémon have long existed in name only, and no one abides by it.

That's why Ye Ying can go to the shops where big companies buy and sell Pokémon and sell her own Pokémon.

I originally wanted to go to the Rockets, but as I said before, the Rockets catch Pokmon by themselves or snatch other Pokmon and sell them.

They only sell not buy, so go elsewhere.

Ye Ying finally chose.

Stores owned by Devon.

It was to buy Pokémon balls at the beginning.

The Dewen three-story shopping mall.

After all, Devon Company is the leading large company in China.

It must be a good price.

Arrived outside the three-story shopping mall.

There are still posters and advertisements of Dawu outside.

Especially this year's Pokémon World Championships.

The eight masters have come out:

Dandi, Zhulan, Dawu, Yulongdu, Kaluni, Ailan, Alice, Xiaozhi.

Dawu is on the list.

He was originally one of the former Huaxia champions, and his reputation became even more prosperous after being boosted by this wave.

The absolute powerhouse in the hearts of countless trainers!

What's more terrible is that he is still tall, rich and handsome! ! !

Recently, it has become really famous.

Ye Ying didn't care so much.

What kind of shit eight masters.

In his eyes, they are all brothers.

There is no undefeated Dandi, but he has not met him.

Ye Ying sneered.

When he enters the university stage, it is time for him to become famous in China and even the whole world! ! !

Ye Ying went to the third floor.

The first and second floors sell all kinds of Pokémon supplies.

As for the third floor, it is a place dedicated to buying and selling Pokémon.

You can sell to Devon here, and you can also buy Pokémon from Devon here.

The entire third floor is only used for this purpose, which shows that Devin Company attaches great importance to it.

After all, this is a lucrative industry.

It is even more profitable than selling Pokémon balls.

On the third floor, there are already many customers now.

Crowds of people.

Ye Ying chose a counter with fewer people.

When it was finally his turn, he realized that he knew the person in charge of the counter.

Chapter 69 Selling Three Pokémon

You can say you know it, or you can say you don't know it.

Because the person in charge of the counter in front of him, the girl in a cheongsam, was the one who sold him three ordinary balls.

Ye Ying still remembered her, but she probably didn't remember Ye Ying anymore.

After all, I have to receive countless customers a day, and it has been so long, I can remember ghosts.

"Hello, do you need to buy Pokémon? What do you like more? We have a lot of Pokémon here!"

When the cheongsam girl saw Ye Ying, she showed a very service attitude.

And because he was young when he saw Ye Ying, he looked like he was in high school.

Therefore, the cheongsam girl felt that this person should be here to buy Pokémon.

Ye Ying said calmly: "I'm not here to buy Pokmon, I'm here to sell."

"Really? Are you here to sell? Can you let me know what your Pokmon is first? After all, we don't accept some Pokmon."

The cheongsam girl didn't expect that Ye Ying came to sell Pokémon.

As for the last two sentences.

There are a lot of young insect hunters who like to catch insect Pokémon, such as green caterpillars and unicorns.

Bring it to sell.

But this kind of bad street, Devon Company never accepts it.

The cheongsam girl thinks that Ye Ying also sells this kind of clothes, right?

After all, looking at the brand of clothes and trousers that Ye Ying was wearing, it showed that he was not a rich man.

It is estimated that there are no rare Pokémon in hand.

"I want to sell three Pokémon."

"The first is a fire dinosaur, the second is a water arrow turtle, and the third is a three-hamster."

Ye Ying said lightly.

The cheongsam girl who had a calm face at first was startled when she heard this.

Then he looked at Fan Yeying carefully, and asked again: "Are you sure it's these three?"

Ye Ying nodded.

The cheongsam girl was a little stunned.

Because of these three, two of them are Yusanjia.

One fire dinosaur, and the other is the final evolved water arrow turtle.

It takes a lot of time and effort to grow from a Jenny to a Blastoise.

Is it going to be sold like this?

The cheongsam girl was promoted because of her good performance in selling Pokémon balls.

Arrived at a counter here responsible for buying and selling Pokémon.

Although the time is short, buyers and sellers have seen a lot.

She has met one or two such sellers of Yusanjia.

But she had never seen any of those selling fire dinosaurs and water arrow turtles.

After all, who would sell normal people?

It's hard to cultivate, don't you keep it for yourself?

"Please follow me. The three you are selling need our manager to decide the price."

Because the cheongsam girl is too low-level, she can't be responsible for the specific price of this kind of Yusanjia, so she needs to bring it to the manager.

The manager's room is in a corner of this floor, very inconspicuous.

When I opened the door, I realized that although the room is located in the corner, the interior decoration is really luxurious.

In the room, a middle-aged woman is lying on a lazy chair, enjoying life.

When I saw the cheongsam girl coming in with a person.

The female manager got up slowly and said:

"what for?"

The cheongsam girl respectfully said, "Manager, this customer wants to sell three Pokmon."

"They are fire dinosaurs, water arrow turtles, and a three-hamster."

When hearing this, the female manager's expression was slightly uneasy.

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